Ops, nel tuo browser JavaScript è fuori Esempio: Ci sono un paio di volte nella vita in cui un pasto è così sapientemente realizzato e programmato che è a dir poco geniale. La notte scorsa, ho avuto uno di quei pasti - il Mahi Mahi. Il piatto era ben preparato. Alla griglia, succosa, e fresco senza un pizzico di fishiness. Una glassa di salsa di mandarino ha portato un tocco di dolcezza crostata. Il pesce è stato posto su un mucchio di riso piantaggine dolce. La combinazione di pesce e riso da solo era da morire Tuttavia, come solo chef esperti possono ottenere, contorni aggiuntivi forniti anche più audace, belle gusti. cipolline topping il pesce fatto per una esperienza di gusto ancora più fine, mentre i fagioli verdi nascosti sotto il pesce aggiunto freschezza e completati ogni boccone Disponibile solo in l'applicazione Yelp Ottenere quei pollici pronto a lasciare un commento utilizzando la Yelp mobile AppHelsingin rautatieasema Asema-aukio 00100 Helsinki 0600 550 095 Siit lhtien kun Itiksen Forex remonttiin meni, Olen joutunut raahautumaan tnne keskustaan asti. Loppupeleiss tm ei paljon haitannut mercato dal sijaintihan su mainio aivan. Jonottamaan joutuu harvoin ja silloinkin Jos joutuu, niin odotus su Lyhyt. Pari ASIAA hieman hiritsee Minua TSS toimipisteess ja voi olla, ett se PTEE muihinkin: en yksinkertaisesti saa oikein MITN selv virkailijoiden puheesta. Joko minulla su todella huono kuulo tai Sitten ne mikit ovat volyymisdn tarpeessa. Sijainti su mys hektisimmst PST, joten kannattaa tutkia forexpussin sislt siin luukulla. Rautatieasemalla Helsingiss Oleva Forex su ehkp Helsingin nkyvin valuutanvaihtopaikka. Se sijaitsee niin keskeisell paikalla 34assalla34 ja sen kirkkaan keltaiset Firman accesso Vrit ovat niin vrikkit, ettei NIIT voi olla huomaamatta. Forexin aukioloajat OVAT hyvt eli tarpeeksi pitkt, Jotta tnne ehtii tysskyv ihminen ja palvelu su nopeaa rivakan. Ongelmana TSS paikassa on se invano, ett rautatieasema ei ehkp ole se turvallisin paikka hoitaa rahanvaihtoa. TLL kun perinteisesti mys rystetn ihmisi YMS. Tosin ei TMN yrityksen toimesta mercato dal Forexin vaihtokurssit ovat yleens kohtalaisen edullisia. Mutta toisaalta toiminta su niin nopeaa, ett kun TSS tiskill vaihtaa rahaa esimerkiksi enne ulkomaanmatkaa, niin siin su invano muutama sekunti aikaa laskea tuliko rahaa oikea summa. Ja takana su yleens aikamoinen Jono ihmisi, jotka odottavat krsimttmn, ett psevt jlkeesi vaihtamaan valuuttaa. Tm Kiire ja Jono ei tee asiointia mukavaksi, Vaan pikemminkin saa Tuskan Hien pukkaamaan otsalle etenkin kun Olen Itse aika hidas kaikissa tllaisissa tilanteissa. Forexilta saa Aina suloisen keltaisen muovikuoren, Johon rahat laitetaan. Huvittavaa Kyll, huomasin ett Olen sstnyt kaikki nm kuoret vuosien ajalta ja silnyt niihin matkoilta esitteit ja kytettyj Bussi - ja museolippuja. Eli TSS vinkki 34matkamuistojen34 silmiseen Forexissa onnistuu helposti valuutanvaihto matkalle lhdettess monestakin syyst. Ensinnkin davanzale su HYV ja keskeinen sijainti Rautatienasemalla ja Jonot kassoille ovat harvoin mitenkn ylitsepsemttmn pitkt. Toiseksi Forexilla su Aika hyvt aukioloajat, mik tarkoittaa, ett rahaa saa tosiaankin vaihdettua, vaikka olisi sunnuntai tai arkisin reilusti kuuden jlkeenkin. Forexilla palvelu su tehokasta ja nopeeta, mutta luukkujen asiakaspalvelijat harvoin vlyttelevt ylimrisi hymyj, vaikka asiakas tietysti Itse Usein intoa puhkuukin mercato dal valuutanvaihto Usein tarkoittaakin matkalle LHT. Ainoaksi huonoksi puoleksi keksin mainita Forexin kuoret, jotka ovat kirkuvan keltaisia ja varmasti herttvt huomiota kun kvelee SE kourassa asemalla, joten se kannattaa sujauttaa laukkuun, Ennen kuin ehtii davanzale houkutella ketn luokseen. Valuutanvaihto kannattaa hoitaa jo Suomessa mercato dal Olen yllttvisskin maissa trmnnyt kaiken Maailman huijareihin, jotka vetvt Vlist rahanvaihdossa tai onnistuvat varastamaan jotain muuta siin samalla kun valuutanvaihtoa suoritetaan. Rahanvaihtoa en harvoin matkalle lhtiess tarvitsee, kun useimmissa Euroopan maissa su jo siirrytty euroon. Silloin kun tarvitsee, ei tule Juuri mieleenkn kyd vaihtamassa rahaa muualla kuin Forexissa. Se il niin paikalla keskeisell, ett Rahat voi helposti kyd vaihtamassa vaikkapa kotimatkan Varrella. Aukioloajatkin OVAT mukavan pitkt. Palvelu su Aina Forexissa kydessni ollut asiallista, ystvllist ja nopeaa. Rahat OVAT tsmnneet, eik MITN muutakaan ongelmaa ole tullut eteen, ei EDES silloin kun Olen vaihtanut useammankin Maan valuuttaa samalla kertaa. Osaavaa siis VKE. Koska palvelu su nopeaa, jonossakaan ei ole tarvinnut seist kauaa. Eik paikalla yleens jonoa olekaan, vaikka niin saattaisi tiskien edess olevista keltaisista jonotusnauhoista ptell. Rahat laitetaan Aina valmiiksi keltaiseen Forexin pussiin, joten NIIT ei tarvitse esitell kaikelle kansalle. Vinkkin: jos olet opiskelija, kansainvlisell ISIC-opiskelijakortilla Saat rahasi vaihdettua Forexissa paremmalla kurssilla. ISIC-kortteja SAA ostaa esimerkiksi Kilroyn toimistosta, joka sijaitsee aivan rautatieaseman kupeessa Kaivokadulla. Sellainen su muutenkin ihan hydyllist omistaa, ainakin Jos aikoo lhte pitemmlle reissulle. Forex su minulle yksi niist paikoista, jonka edess odotetaan kaveria. TLT Olen kerran rahaa vaihtanut invano, davanzale yleens lentokentlle mentess tm ei matkanvarrella ole. Siisp rahaa Olen vaihtanut rahaa invano japanin matkalta tullessani, kun halusin eroon yeneistni. Forexilla sulla monta Tiski, mutta yleens kaikilla niist ei ole ketn vaihtamassa rahaa, joten kannattaa vhn kurkkia Ennen kuin menee mihinkn jonottamaan. Yleens jonoa ei oikeastaan ole, mutta en NYT uskalla Luvata TEILLE MITN, Olen davanzale kerran tai pari nhnyt pelottavan pitkt Jonot, kun joku turistibussi su tnne saapunut. Joten kaiken varalle kannattaa oikeasti varata sedersi aikaa jonkin enemmn Verran. Eihn se voi olla mitenkn paha. Kurssi ei ole commi mitenkn, mutta ainakin paikka su luotettava. Toisaalta en Kyll Usko, ETT Suomessa su huijareita mitenkn, mutta Forex su turvalliseksi testattu, joten paranoideimmatkin Ihmiset voivat TLL KYD asioimassa. Rautatieaseman FOREX. Klassinen pyshdyspaikka matkoille lhtiess. Lhes Aina TLL kydessni Olen hermostunut ja minulla su Kiire - lentokenttbussi su lhdss ja oikeastaan lennolle ehtimisesskin su tit ja ilman kteist uuteen maahan meneminen su Aina hieman rsyttv. Siksip oikeastaan ainoa paikka rahaa perdere vaihdan su nimenomaan tm Steissin FOREX. Olen lhes varma ett parempiakin kursseja voisi jostain pankista Saada, visoni Mutta siedono elmnhallinnalleen, tai sen puutteelle mahtaa. FOREX toimii. Sen sijainti Aseman aulassa su tydellinen - menee sit Venjlle lautalla tai junalla tai lhtee lentokoneella kaukomaille steissill tulee yleens pyshdys tehty. Kassoja su mys riittvsti eik jonottamista yleens ole mitenkn hiritsevll tavalla liikaa. Jonottamiselle ymprist su tietenkin kaikessa ihmisvilinss rauhaton eik MITN tuoleja tai hienoja jonotusnumeroita kyttvi systeemeit ole mutta ei tnne viihtymn ole tultu. Pasia eli Rahan vaihto yksikst toiseen toimii nopeasti, varmasti ja luotettavasti. Hauskana vitsin FOREX tarjoaa viel kuittia vastaan mahdollisuutta vaihtaa ylijneet rahat takaisin euroiksi kuluitta. Nuoret matkailijat varmasti ymmrtvt TMN hilpeyden. Forex su ollut Aina Luotto-matkallelhtkumppanini, kun Olen ulostautunut euroalueelta. Ennen Forexeja sijaitsi mys Espalla sek Mannerheimintiell, mutta Espan liikkeen tilalle su tullut jotain muuta ja Mannerheimintien Forex su nykyisin toinen rahanvaihtofirma. Lisksi Forex keskustassa lytyy Stockmannin ylkerroksesta. Muissa valuutanvaihtoliikkeiss en ole uskaltanut toistaiseksi KYD. Forex su luotettava mielestni, Homma hoidetaan ripesti ja vaivattomasti tietyn Koron Kera, Totta kai. Jonoa en oikeastaan ole Forexissa kohdannut, davanzale asiakaspalvelijat ovat Kovin haipakoita. Ja rahahan kannattaa Aina vaihtaa Suomessa, davanzale ulkomailla rahanvaihto saattaa olla epilyttv ja tankero-turisteja hynytetn Tuon tuosta. MITP Forexista muuta sanomaan, Kuin ett luotettava, kansainvlinen valuutanvaihtofirma ei pet koskaan Paitsi ehk inflaation iskiess. HH, selaimesi JavaScript sul kytketty pois PLT Esimerkki: Elmssni su ollut muutamia kertoja, jolloin ateria nauttimani su ollut kuin toisesta maailmasta ja tysin ylivoimaisen onnistunut. Eilen illalla minulla oli huippukokemus Tiikeriravut. Ruoka oli nerokkaasti valmistettu. Grillattu, mehukas ja tuore. Chili-limekastike toi kirpen tulisen vivahduksen. Ravut oli asetettu hienosti maustetun riisin plle. Rapujen ja riisin makuyhdistelm oli kerrassaan mainio Mutta Kuten invano eksperttikokit voivat sen tehd, koristeelliset lisukkeet antoivat uskaliasta lismakua. Plle ripoteltu tuore korianteri svytti makuelmyst, ja mehevt luomuparsat viimeistelivt jokaisen haarukallisen. Disponibile solo in l'applicazione Yelp Laita peukut valmiiksi npyttelyasentoon kirjoittaaksesi arvostelun Yelpin mobiilisovelluksen kautta
Saturday, 30 September 2017
Forex Dolar Futuro Argentina Food
Actualizado con nuestros propios servidores, Dlar Ahora Argentina es la ms confiable opcin para consultar el estado de la divisa norteamericana en el mercado cambiario de Argentina. Obtendrs en el momento el quotazioni siguiente Stato: - Compra (dolar blu y dolar oficial) - Venta (dolar blu y dolar oficial) - Cierre anteriore (dolar blu y dolar oficial) - Variacin (riguardo al ltimo Cierre) (dolar blu y dolar oficial) - Panel con información de mas quotazioni: Dolar Dolar Ahorro Mayorista Dolar Dolar Contado Tarjeta Dolar Dolar Soja Bolsa Dolar Banco Nacion billete Dolar Banco Nacion Publico Dolar BCRA (Banco Central) ---- ---- NUEVO Calculador de pesos Dolares Dolares un (y oficial blu) Pesos ---- ---- NUEVO pannello con --TODAS-- las quotazioni. Dlar Ahora Argentina est en constante Desarrollo y se actualizara opportunamente con nuevas caractersticas. Commenti sugerencias y: clustercode - aplicacin apta para Extranjeros, Contando con traducciones tanto en ingls como en Portugus. -,,. : - () - () - () - () () -: Banco Nacion Banco Nacion BCRA () ---- NUOVO ---- () ---- NUOVO ---- --TODAS--. . : Clustercode -,. - Mercado Abierto electrnico, MAE, informe Diario, situacin economica, dolar, dolar futuro, Argentina, Default, Bonos, quotazioni, Serie Histrica de precios, Licitaciones14 08-22 mae-informe-diario 1. INFORME DIARIO N 156 2014 Mercado Abierto electrnico Resumen del da Viernes 22 de Agosto de 2014 Ante cualquier consulta comunicarse con el Mercado Abierto electrnico al: 4590-6600 Mario Angelo Digilio mdigiliomae. ar Interno 243 Santiago de Mnaco sdemonacomae. ar Interno 296 2. - Montos Negociados - Grfico de Volumen Negociado Histrico A - informacin GENERALE - Grfico de Montos Negociados en Renta Fija - Montos Negociados y Variaciones - Grfico de Participacin en Volumen por Tipo de Bono y Moneda de Negociacin B - NDICES - ndice MAE - breve 45 - - ndice MAE en Dlares - ndice de Bonos Soberanos en Pesos - Credit default Swap C - CURVAS DE RENDIMIENTOS - Ttulos pblicos Nacionales - Lebacs en Pesos - Nobacs 2,5 Badlar Bcos. Privados D - i prezzi CIERRE DE TTULOS pblicos - i prezzi Cierre de Ttulos pblicos, Variaciones y Montos Negociados - Evolucin Sconto y BODEN 15 en pesos E - LICITACIN BCRA - Resumen de la licitacin de Lebacs y Nobacs - Grfico de Estructura de Tasas de Inters - Grfico de Proyeccin de Vencimientos Lebacs y Nobacs III - pases - Grfico de Montos Negociados en pases - Archivio de pases - Resumen de Tasas y Volmenes Operados 2 Mercado Abierto electrnico Resumen del da Viernes 22 de Agosto de 2014 N 156 2014 INFORME DIARIO NDICE Pgina 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 14 I - RESUMEN dE LA JORNADA 12 II - RENTA FIJA 5 5 7 13 13 14 14 3. N 156 2014 IV - FOREX - MAE - Montos Negociados - Grfico de Montos Negociados y i prezzi Cierre - Indicador Forex V - OTT - MAE - Montos Negociados y i prezzi Cierre - ottobre Divisa - Montos Negociados y i prezzi Cierre - OCT Badlar Privada VI - Indicatori FINANCIEROS - Resmenes de otros Mercados - Tasas de Ref. Int. - US Fed Target - Tipos de cambio DlarEuro, RealDlar - Tipo de cambio reale bilaterale - Grfico Precios Oro y Petroleo - Rendimiento T. James Bond 10Y - Monitoreo de liquidez internacional (Ted spread) VII - informacin MONETARIA - Coeficiente de Monetizacin - Evolucin - Grfico Agregados Monetarios M1 M2 y - Evolucin Depsitos del Settore Privado - Evolucin Prstamos al Sector Privado - Variacin Prstamos y Depsitos - Historico Badlar Bancos Privados - Variabili Monetarias - Ult. Informazioni. Disponibile 3 16 16 17 18 18 18 19 20 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 NDICE (Cont.) INFORME DIARIO Pgina 15 15 15 Mercado Abierto electrnico 18 Resumen del da Viernes 22 de Agosto de 2014 15 18 18 18 19 4. 4 INFORME DIARIO N 156 2014 Mercado Abierto electrnico I - RESUMEN dE LA JORNADA Resumen del da Viernes 22 de Agosto de 2014 TOTALE ACUMULADO DIARIO Mensual pases 6.946,60 81.458,00 RENTA FIJA 588,93 7.066,84 FOREX 87,66 1.816,32 ottobre 307 , 60 1.559,10 TOTALE GENERALE NEGOCIADO 7.930,80 91.900,26 MONTOS NEGOCIADOS (mulino. US) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 Prom. 13 luglio Prom. Ago 13 Prom. 13 settembre Prom. 13 ottobre Prom. 13 novembre Prom. Dic. 13 Prom. En. 14 Prom. 14 febbraio Prom. Mr. 14 Prom. Abr. 14 Prom. Mio. 14 Prom. Giov. 14 Prom. 14 luglio Prom. Fa. 14 01-Ago-14 04-Ago-14 05-Ago-14 06-Ago-14 07-Ago-14 08-Ago-14 11-Ago-14 12-Ago-14 13-Ago-14 14-fa - 14 15-Ago-14 19-Ago-14 20-Ago-14 21-Ago-14 22-Ago-14 25-Ago-14 26-Ago-14 27-Ago-14 28-Ago-14 29-fa - 14 MONTO TOTALE NEGOCIADO Histrico (. mulino US) pases Renta Fija Forex ottobre 7,13 5. 5 INFORME DIARIO Mercado Abierto electrnico Resumen del da Viernes 22 de Agosto de 2014 N 156 2014 II - RENTA FIJA A - informacin GENERALE Acumulado MONTO NEGOCIADO VARIACION PRECIOS MONTO NEGOCIADO RENTA FIJA (. mulino US) IT IT US IT IT US IT IT US IT IT US 700 600 500 800 400 300 200 100 Bo non s emettono IDO s en 543,67 - 0,34 0,00 6.008,07 - -3,94 0,00 Bo non s emettono IDO s it US 45,16 0,11 -0,23 0,00 1.047,34 11,43 11,33 0,00 totale 588,82 Bonos 0,11 0 , 29 0,00 7.055,41 11,43 -1,68 0,00 Los Valores se encuentran expresados en millones de Stati Uniti. Tipo de cambio Riferimento para la Conversin: 8,4245 85,02 0,16 0,00 14,82 Participacin Mensual emitido it Neg emitido it US Neg emitido it Neg US emitido it US Neg US Diario MONTO NEGOCIADO VARIACION PRECIOS 0 Prom. 13 luglio Prom. Ago 13 Prom. 13 settembre Prom. 13 ottobre Prom. 13 novembre Prom. Dic. 13 Prom. En. 14 Prom. 14 febbraio Prom. Mr. 14 Prom. Abr. 14 Prom. Mio. 14 Prom. Giov. 14 Prom. 14 luglio Prom. Fa. 14 01-Ago-14 04-Ago-14 05-Ago-14 06-Ago-14 07-Ago-14 08-Ago-14 11-Ago-14 12-Ago-14 13-Ago-14 14-fa - 14 15-Ago-14 19-Ago-14 20-Ago-14 21-Ago-14 22-Ago-14 25-Ago-14 26-Ago-14 27-Ago-14 28-Ago-14 29-fa - 14 34,77 6. 6 Mercado Abierto electrnico N 156 2014 INFORME DIARIO Resumen del da Viernes 22 de Agosto de 2014 B - NDICES NDICE MAE - breve 45 - Diario Mensual Anual Valor de Hoy Var. Valor 31 Luglio 14 Var. Valor 30 Dic 13 Var. 22-08-14 260,4560 0.166 256,6085 1,50 225,1410 15,69 260,00 252,00 244,00 236,00 228,00 220,00 212,00 204,00 196,00 188, 00 180,00 172,00 164,00 156,00 148,00 140,00 132,00 124,00 116,00 108,00 100,00 ndice MAE - breve 45 30-Dic-05 100 30-12-05 09-04-06 18-07-06 26-10-06 03-02-07 14-05-07 22-08-07 30-11-07 09-03-08 17-06-08 25-09-08 03-01-09 13-04-09 22-07-09 30-10-09 07-02-10 18-05-10 26-08-10 04-12-10 14-03-11 22-06-11 30-09-11 08-01-12 17-04-12 26-07-12 03-11-12 11-02-13 22-05-13 30-08-13 08-12-13 18-03-14 26-06-14 1050 1000 950 900 800 750 700 850 650 600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Diario Mensual Anual ndice MAE 28-Abr-00 100 28-04-00 28-12-00 28- 08-01 28-04-02 28-12-02 28-08-03 28-04-04 28-12-04 28-08-05 28-04-06 28-12-06 28-08-07 28- 04-08 28-12-08 28-08-09 28-04-10 28-12-10 28-08-11 28-04-12 28-12-12 28-08-13 en us it NDICE MAE - US - Valor de Hoy Var. Valor 31 Luglio 14 Var. Valor 30 Dic 13 Var. 22-08-14 120,83 -2038 148,19 -18,46 -15,57 143,11 7. 7 INFORME DIARIO N 156 2014 Mercado Abierto electrnico B - NDICES (cont.) Resumen del da Viernes 22 de Agosto de 2014 NDICE dE BONOS SOBERANOS IT PESOS 22-08-14 519,7904 -0.353 534,9164 -2.828 425,0509 22.289 580 550 520 490 460 430 400 370 340 310 280 250 220 190 160 130 100 70 40 Valor de Hoy Var. Valor 31 Luglio 14 Var. Valor 30 Dic 13 Var. 30-09-05 29-12-05 29-03-06 27-06-06 25-09-06 24-12-06 24-03-07 22-06-07 20-09-07 19-12-07 18-03-08 16-06-08 14-09-08 13-12-08 13-03-09 11-06-09 09-09-09 08-12-09 08-03-10 06-06-10 04-09-10 03-12-10 03-03-11 01-06-11 30-08-11 28-11-11 26-02-12 26-05-12 24-08-12 22-11-12 20-02-13 21-05-13 19-08-13 17-11-13 15-02-14 16-05-14 14-08-14 B - CREDIT DEFAULT SWAP ndice de bonos Soberanos en Pesos 30-Dic - 05 100 3800 3600 3400 3200 3000 2800 2600 2400 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 14-08-13 30-08-13 16-09-13 01-10-13 17-10-13 01-11-13 19- 11-13 05-12-13 20-12-13 10-01-14 27-01-14 11-02-14 26-02-14 17-03-14 03-04-14 22-04-14 09- 05-14 26-05-14 10-06-14 26-06-14 14-07-14 29-07-14 13-08-14 punti fondamentali Credit default Swap Evolucin ltimos 12 meses () 5 anni sviluppa, en base punti, Argentina Fuente. Bloomberg CREDIT DEFAULT SWAP () FECHA VALOR 25-07-14 1786 28-07-14 1878 29-07-14 1884 30-07-14 1481 31-07-14 2773 01-08-14 3262 04-08-14 3262 05-08-14 3262 06-08-14 3262 07-08-14 3262 08-08-14 3262 11-08-14 3262 12-08-14 3262 13-08-14 3262 14-08-14 3262 15- 08-14 3262 19-08-14 3262 20-08-14 3262 21-08-14 3262 22-08-14 3262 Diario Mensual Anual 8. 8 N 156 2014 C - RENDIMIENTOS INFORME DIARIO Mercado Abierto electrnico Resumen del Viernes da 22 de Agosto de 2014 TTULOS pblicos NACIONALES EMITIDOS IT PESOS Código de FECHA dE Renta PPV (1) VR PRECIO (2) T. I.R. E.A. (3) especie EMISION p. a. it aos it it it MATURITÀ DURATA D. M. AD20P 23-Dic-13 23-Dic-20 BP 300 pb 4,4 100,00 SC AG18P 18-Feb-13 18-Ago-18 BP 300 pb 3,1 100,00 SC AJ19P 10-giu-13 10- Giu-19 BP 300 pb 3,5 100,00 SC AM16P 18-mar-09 18-mar-16 BP 325 pb 1,3 100,00 SC AM17P 28-mar-14 28-mar-17 BP 200 pb 2, 1 100,00 100,20 27,55 1,9 1,8 AMX9P 11-mar-13 11-mar-19 BP 250 pb 3,4 100,00 100,25 27,99 2,7 2,6 AS15P 10 - sep-09 10-set-15 BP 300 pb 0,5 50,02 65,50 24,52 0,5 0,5 TTULOS pblicos NACIONALES EMITIDOS IT PESOS AJ. POR C. E.R. Código de FECHA DE Renta PPV (1) V. R. PRECIO (2) T. I.R. E.A. (3) especie EMISION p. a. it aos it it it MATURITÀ DURATA D. M. CUAP 31-Dic-03 31-Dic-45 3,31cer 20,5 100,00 SC DICP 31-Dic-03 31-Dic-33 5,83cer 11,5 100,00 SC DIP0 31-Dic-03 31- Dic-33 5,83cer 11,5 100,00 SC NF18P 04-Feb-02 04-Feb-18 2cer 1,7 41,32 155,50 8,85 1,6 1,6 NO20P 04-Feb-02 04 - Oct-20 2cer 3,3 62,80 SC PARP 31-Dic-03 31-Dic-38 passo upcer 17,7 100,00 84,30 10,05 13,9 13,2 PR12 03-Feb-02 03 - ene-16 2cer 0,7 13,48 SC PR13 15-mar-04 15-mar-24 2cer 4,7 95,85 238,46 10,08 4,0 3,9 RS14P 30-set-04 30- Set-14 2cer 0,1 12,50 SC TTULOS pblicos NACIONALES EMITIDOS IT DOLARES Código de FECHA DE Renta PPV (1) VR PRECIO (2) T. I.R. E.A. (3) especie EMISION p. a. it aos it it it MATURITÀ DURATA D. M. AA17D 17-Abr-07 17-Abr-17 7,00 2,4 100,00 81,3010 18,08 2,37 2,2 AM19D 15-mar-12 15-Mar-19 9,00 3,9 100 , 00 SC AN18D 29-Nov-11 29-Nov-18 9,00 3,7 100,00 SC AY24D 07-mag-14 07-mag-24 8,75 5,9 100,00 SC DIA0 31-Dic - 03 31-Dic-33 8,28 10,9 100,00 SC DICA 31-Dic-03 31-Dic-33 8,28 10,9 100,00 SC DICY 31-Dic-03 31-Dic-33 8, 28 10,9 100,00 SC DIY0 31-Dic-03 31-Dic-33 8,28 10,9 100,00 SC GJ17D 02-giu-10 02-giu-17 8,75 2,5 100,00 SC PARA 31-Dic-03 31-Dic-38 passo 16,3 100,00 SC PARY 31-Dic-03 31-Dic-38 passo 16,3 100,00 SC RO15D 03-Ott-05 03-ott - 15 7,00 1,1 100,00 SC 27 24 21 30 18 15 12 9 6 3 0 TTULOS pblicos NACIONALES Curva de Rendimientos 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Tirea - en Anual Durata - en aos - Pesos AJ CER Dolares 9. 9 Resumen del da Viernes 22 de Agosto de 2014 C - rENDIMIENTOS (cont.) Mercado Abierto electrnico N 156 2014 INFORME DIARIO LEBAC IT PESOS Curva de rendimientos DIAS AL Rendimiento implícito (1) VENCIMIENTO en anuale 5 11,70 9 14, 16 23 18,50 25 19,75 30 22,00 40 23,15 44 23,40 54 23,52 58 23,95 65 24,25 72 24,50 79 24,75 86 25,05 93 25,00 100 107 114 25,10 25,10 25,30 121 25,50 156 26,00 163 26,20 177 26,10 191 26,25 282 26,50 35,00 30,00 25,00 20,00 15,00 10,00 5,00, 1 31 61 00 91 121 151 181 211 241 271 301 331 361 391 421 451 en na Dias al Vto. 10. NOTAS DEL B. C.R. A. Un TASA BADLAR Código de FECHA DE Renta Plazo residua V. R. PRECIO (1) T. I.R. E.A. (2) Margen Ef (2) especie EMISION p. a. it aos it it it it n. d. N05N4 07-mag-14 05-Nov-14 Badlar bp 2,5 0,21 100,00 101,25 26,02 2,64 N24S4 19-Feb-14 24-set-14 Badlar bp 2,5 0,09 104,15 27,23 100,00 3,65 (1) i prezzi Cierre (en VR) para el plazo de contado 24 hs. expresados it. (2) Badlar proyectada (en na) 21,1750 10 Mercado Abierto electrnico N 156 2014 INFORME DIARIO Resumen del da Viernes 22 de Agosto de 2014 C - RENDIMIENTOS 30 27 24 21 18 15 12 09 06 03 00 Notas del (Cont.) BCRA un Tasa BADLAR Curva de Rendimientos Series1 Curva Terica de Tasa 0,00 0,25 0,50 0,75 1,00 Tirea - en plazo RESIDUA - en aos - MATURITÀ 11. 11 INFORME DIARIO Mercado Abierto electrnico Resumen del da Viernes 22 de agosto de 2014 N 156 2014 D - i prezzi Cierre de Ttulos pblicos (Slo especies con cotizacin el da de hoy) Bocones M o nto Neg. Especie Pesos Var M malato. DOLARES Var PR13 Bono Cons. en M. N. 6 Serie 238,46 0,19 15,39 No Culla - - - - - ---- Bonos Globales M o nto Neg. Especie P eso s Var M malato. Fare Lares Var Gj17d Vto. 2017 it US - 8,75 1005,00 0,00 30,30 No Culla - - - - - ---- Boden especie Pesos Var Dolares Var Ro15d Boden 2015 US 1157,85 -0,01 208,55 No Culla - - - - - ---- Rs14p Boden 2014 34,00 - - - - - 1,83 No Lettino - - - - - ---- Otros especie Pesos Var Dolares Var Aa17d Bonar Vto. 2017 1062,53 -0,09 48,30 No Culla - - - - - ---- As15p Bonar Vto. 2015 65,50 0,38 3,53 No Culla - - - - - ---- Nf18p Bogar Vto. 2018 155,50 0,81 6,54 No Culla - - - - - ---- Bonos Canje especie Pesos Var Dolares Var DICA sconto it US ley Arg. 1295,00 PP 0,82 0,24 No Culla - - - - - ---- sconto DICY it US ley NY 1295,00 PP 1,17 1,52 No Culla - - - - - ---- PARA Par en us ley Arg. 545,50 NR 2,35 1,14 No Culla - - - - - ---- PARP Par en 84,30 NR 0,36 0,04 No Culla - - - - - ---- ley PARY Par en us NY 600,00 PP 1,18 1,96 No Culla - - - - - ---- TVPA VN PBI US ley Arg. 81,96 -2,85 13,11 No Culla - - - - - ---- TVPP V. N. PBI 7,90 NR 4,65 0,08 No Culla - - - - - ---- TVPY V. N. PBI US ley N. Y. 86,00 -1,15 18,92 No Culla - - - - - ---- Los que se i prezzi encuentran con la aclaraci n quotNRquot o quotPPquot nessun figlio i prezzi Cierre. Precios por cada VN 100 originale. PP. No se registraron Operaciones de Venta y el precio es el promedio ponderado de las compras. (1) Ex cupn-No se calcoli variacin NR: No representativo en funci n de las Normas vigentes y el precio es el de la ltima venta. No culla: No cotiz. M o nto Neg. M malato. U S M o nto Neg. M malato. U S M o nto Neg. M malato. M o nto Neg. M malato. U S M o nto Neg. M malato. U S M o nto Neg. M malato. U S M o nto Neg. M malato. M o nto Neg. M malato. 12. 12 N 156 2014 INFORME DIARIO Resumen del da Viernes 22 de Agosto de 2014 D - i prezzi Cierre de Ttulos pblicos (Cont.) Mercado Abierto electrnico serie de precios - en Tanto por uno - 1,25 1,40 1,55 1,70 1,85 2,00 2,15 2,30 2,45 2,60 2,75 2,90 3,05 02-8 maggio - 14 maggio-20 maggio - 24 maggio-maggio 30-May 05- 11 giugno-17 giugno-25 Giugno - 1 giugno-5 Luglio - 12 Luglio-18 Luglio - 24 Luglio-30 luglio - 5 luglio-Ago 09-Ago 15-Ago 22-Ago 28-Ago 03-9 Settembre - 13 Settembre - sep 19-set 25-1 settembre - 7 ottobre-11 ottobre - 18 ottobre-24 Ottobre - 30 ottobre-5 ottobre - 12 Novembre-18 Novembre - 22 novembre-29 novembre - 5 novembre-Dic 11-Dic-17 Dic 23-Dic-02 Ene 08-Ene 14-Ene 20-Ene 24-Ene 30-Ene 05-11 Febbraio-17 febbraio-21 Febbraio - 27 Febbraio-7 febbraio - 13 marzo-19 marzo-26 marzo-mar 01- Abr 08-Abr 14-Abr 22-Abr 28-Abr 06-maggio 12 - maggio 16-22 maggio - 28 maggio-3 maggio - 9 Giugno-13 giugno - 19 Giugno-26 Giugno - 2 giugno-8 luglio - 15 luglio - Jul 21-25 Luglio - 31 luglio-lug 06-Ago-12 Ago 19-Ago SCONTO IT PESOS Evolucin ltimos 6 meses Prezzo de cierre media mvil 9 das Banda inferiore Banda Superior Series de precios - en Tanto por uno - 6,50 6,90 7,30 7,70 8,10 8,50 8,90 9,30 9,70 10,10 10,50 10,90 11,30 11,70 12,10 02-May 08-mag 14- 20 maggio-24 maggio - 30 maggio-May 05-11 Giugno-17 giugno-25 giugno-1 giugno-5 luglio - 12 Luglio-18 luglio - 24 luglio-30 luglio - 5 Luglio-Ago 09-Ago 15 Ago 22 - Ago 28-Ago-03 9 settembre-13 settembre-19 settembre - 25 settembre-1 Settembre - 7 OTTOBRE-11 ottobre - 18 ottobre-24 Ottobre - 30 ottobre-5 ottobre - 12 novembre-18 novembre - 22 novembre-nov 29-nov-05 Dic 11-Dic-17 Dic 23-Dic-02 Ene 08-Ene 14-Ene 20-Ene 24-Ene 30-Ene 05-feb 11-febbraio 17 - Febbraio 21-feb 27-feb 07- 13 marzo-19 marzo-26 marzo-1 marzo-Abr 08-Abr 14-Abr 22-Abr 28-Abr 06-12 maggio - 16 mAGGIO-22 maggio - 28 maggio-3 maggio - 9 Giugno-13 Giugno - 19 Giugno - Jun 26-giu-02 8 luglio - 15 luglio-21 luglio-25 luglio-31 luglio-6 Luglio-Ago 12 Ago 19-Ago BODEN 15 ltimos Evolucin 6 mesi Precio de cierre media mvil 9 das Banda inferiore Banda Superior 13 . 13 Mercado Abierto electrnico n 156 2014 INFORME DIARIO Resumen del da Viernes 22 de Agosto de 2014 F - LICITACIN Licitacin del dA Martes 19 de agosto de 2014 En VN millones Lebac Lebac CER Lebac USD No bac tasa f ija No bac CER No bac BADLAR totale Vencimientos 3,104 0 30 0 0 5,883 9,017 Llamado un licitacin 10.000 0 0 0 0 0 10.000 Posturas presentadas 8,114 0 55 0 0 100,00 8,269 Adjudicado 8,114 0 55 0 0 0 8,169 Neto colocado 5,010 0 25 0 0 -5,883 -848 ( agg. -. VTOS) en VN Posturas Llamado 81 0 0 0 0 0 83 Adjudicado Posturas 100 0 100 0 0 0 99 solista tramo Predeterminado 33 30 27 24 21 18 15 12 9 6 3 11.000 10.500 10.000 9.500 9.000 8.500 8.000 7.500 7.000 6.500 6.000 5.500 5,000 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 25,64 270814 100914 240914 081014 221014 051114 Estructura de tasas de semiprodotti en Pesos 191114 031214 171214 311214 140115 280115 110215 250215 110315 250315 080415 220415 130515 270515 100615 5,400 5,100 4,800 4,500 4,200 3,900 3,600 3,300 3,000 2,700 2,400 2,100 1,800 1,500 1,200 900 600 300 240615 080715 220715 120815 Letras y Notas del BCRA - Proyeccin de Vencimientos Millones de VN LEBAC NOBAC LEBAC noi scolocaciones. 25,93 27,25 27,35 26,68 27,03 27,50 - 77 77 105 0 126 154 175 238 308 364 en millones de TNA Maturità Monto Monto Licitado Ofertado Monto Adjudicado Licitacin del 19-08-14 (Lebacs) NOB BPP 14. 14 INFORME DIARIO Resumen del da Viernes 22 de Agosto de 2014 III - pases Mercado Abierto electrnico N 156 2014 pases VOLUMEN NEGOCIADOS (mulino degli Stati Uniti.) 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Prom. 13 luglio Prom. Ago 13 Prom. 13 settembre Prom. 13 ottobre Prom. 13 novembre Prom. Dic. 13 Prom. En. 14 Prom. 14 febbraio Prom. Mr. 14 Prom. Abr. 14 Prom. Mio. 14 Prom. Giov. 14 Prom. 14 luglio Prom. Fa. 14 01-Ago-14 04-Ago-14 05-Ago-14 06-Ago-14 07-Ago-14 08-Ago-14 11-Ago-14 12-Ago-14 13-Ago-14 14-fa - 14 15-Ago-14 19-Ago-14 20-Ago-14 21-Ago-14 22-Ago-14 25-Ago-14 26-Ago-14 27-Ago-14 28-Ago-14 29-fa - 14 5,79 della de pases al da 22-08-2014 - Rueda REPO Vencimiento Monto - millones de pesos - 26-Ago-14 14.646,60 27-Ago-14 91,80 hoy totale 14.964,10 28-Ago-14 125,20 29-Ago-14 66,70 totale Ayer 13.558,50 11-set-14 33,80 Diferencia 1.405,60 Var. 10,37 en adelante - TOTALE 14.964,10 Operaciones de pases - Rueda REPO T A S A O P E R A D A (N. A.) Apertura mnimo Mximo Ultimo Prom. Stagno. VOLUMEN NEGOCIADO (1) - vn en millones - Cantidad de Oper. 1 DIA (hbil) 11,00 8,00 13,00 9,00 9,99 12995,50 202 7 DIAS 16,00 9,50 16,00 9,50 10,17 61,50 5 14 DIAS sapone. 21 DIAS SOp. 28 DIAS SOp. La signora de 30 DIAS SOp. (1) corresponde a la cantidad totale de ttulos negociados. Para cada operacin de Repo (compraventa simultnea) se suma slo La Spot. 15. 15 INFORME DIARIO N 156 2014 IV - FOREX - MAE Mercado Abierto electrnico Resumen del da Viernes 22 de Agosto de 2014 Monto negociado Forex MAE - US millones Monto Ruedas MOMEMOMX - US millones DIARIO T o tale fa STO Totale 2013 DIARIO T o tale ago sto totale 2013 87,66 1.816,32 52.587,92 18,53 249,48 5.367,01 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Prezzo de Cierre () y Volumen Negociado (mulino. US) 8.200 8.000 7.800 7.600 7.400 7.200 7.000 6.800 6.600 6.400 6.200 6.000 5.800 5.600 5.400 5.200 5.000 4.800 4.600 Prom. 13 luglio Prom. Ago 13 Prom. 13 settembre Prom. 13 ottobre Prom. 13 novembre Prom. Dic. 13 Prom. En. 14 Prom. 14 febbraio Prom. Mr. 14 Prom. Abr. 14 Prom. Mio. 14 Prom. Giov. 14 Prom. 14 luglio Prom. Fa. 14 01-Ago-14 04-Ago-14 05-Ago-14 06-Ago-14 07-Ago-14 08-Ago-14 11-Ago-14 12-Ago-14 13-Ago-14 14-fa - 14 15-Ago-14 19-Ago-14 20-Ago-14 21-Ago-14 22-Ago-14 25-Ago-14 26-Ago-14 27-Ago-14 28-Ago-14 29-fa - 14 VOLUMEN CIERRE -11,46 Cierre Forex: 8,4050 Prom. Stagno. ltimas Operaciones que Sumen 1 milln (Comunicato FOREX N 7) Evolucin de posturas y precios negociados promedio BIDOFFER PROM. STAGNO. NEGOCIADO 11:00 8,4100 NA 12:00 8,4300 8,4300 13:00 8,4300 8,4392 14:00 8,4200 8,4393 15:00 8,4200 8,4293 8,4500 8,4400 8,4300 8,4200 8,4100 8,4000 8,3900 Indicador Forex 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 promedio BIDOFFER PROM. STAGNO. NEGOCIADO 16. 16 V - OTT - MAE Resumen del da Viernes 22 de Agosto de 2014 N 156 2014 INFORME DIARIO Mercado Abierto electrnico VOLUMEN TOTALE NEGOCIADO Histrico (. Mulino US) 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 Ottobre DLAR Vencimiento Monto Neg. (Dlares) Prezzo de Cierre Tasa implcita c Cierre Forex Tasa implcita c Ref. 3500 29-Ago-14 64.600.000 8,4650 37,22 25,07 30-settembre-14 98.000.000 8,6360 25,72 23,50 31-Ott-14 21.000.000 8,8335 26,58 25 , 31 28-Nov-14 33.000.000 9,0115 26,88 25,95 31-Dic-14 17.000.000 9,2575 28,26 27,55 30-Ene-15 54.000.000 9,4550 28,32 27,73 27-Feb-15 6.500.000 9,6393 28,36 27,85 31-mar-15 13.500.000 9,8500 28,39 27,95 totale 307.600.000 0 Prom. 13 luglio Prom. Ago 13 Prom. 13 settembre Prom. 13 ottobre Prom. 13 novembre Prom. Dic 13 Prom. En 14 Prom. 14 febbraio Prom. 14 marzo Prom. Abr 14 Prom. Il mio 14 Prom. Gv 14, Prom. Jl 14 Prom. Ago 14 01-Ago-14 04-Ago-14 05-Ago-14 06-Ago-14 07-Ago-14 08-Ago-14 11-Ago-14 12-Ago-14 13-Ago-14 14-Ago -14 15-Ago-14 19-Ago-14 20-Ago-14 21-Ago-14 22-Ago-14 25-Ago-14 26-Ago-14 27-Ago-14 28-Ago-14 29-Ago -14 DLAR CER BADLAR 0,06 ABRIL 2014 1.444.190.000 1.426.000.000 MAYO 2014 JUNIO 2014 1.337.800.000 2.361.800.000 JULIO 2014 AGOSTO 2014 ACUM. 1.559.100.000 40,00 35,00 30,00 25,00 20,00 15,00 10,00 5,00, 00 Ago-14 Sep-14 Futuros DE DIVISA (US) Ott-14 Nov-14 Dic-14 Ene-15 febbraio-15 marzo-15 TASAS IMPLICITAS na VENCIMIENTOS Series1 Series2 17. 17 N 156 2014 INFORME DIARIO Mercado Abierto electrnico Resumen del da Viernes 22 de Agosto de 2014 V - OTT - MAE ottobre BADLAR PRIVADA VOLUMEN cantidad DE APERTO NEGOCIADO OPERACIONES INTERESSE en contratos () en contratos () VTO. P R E C I O S O P E R A D O S (TASA FIJA N. A.) APERTURA MINIMO MAXIMO ULTIMO CIERRE P. P.P. 00-01-00 SOp. SOp. SOp. SOp. SOp. SOp. SOp. SOp. SOp. 0 0 0 () Valor del contrato: 100.000, - Montos negociados en millones de junio 2013 80,0 JULIO 2013 150,0 AGOSTO 2013 200,0 SEPTIEMBRE 2013 247,7 OCTUBRE 2013 300,0 NOVIEMBRE 2013 0,0 DICIEMBRE 2013 0 , 0 ENERO 2014 0,0 FEBRERO 2014 0,0 MARZO 2014 0,0 ABRIL 2014 0,0 MAYO 2014 0,0 JUNIO 2014 0,0 JULIO 2014 AC. 0,0 22,00 21,00 20,00 19,00 18,00 17,00 16,00 15,00 Tasas del 22.082.014 00-Ene-00 en n. d. implcitas Tasas de cierre Tasas Spot 18. 18 Resumen del da Viernes 22 de Agosto de 2014 N 156 2014 INFORME DIARIO Mercado Abierto electrnico VI - Indicatori FINANCIEROS HOY ANTERIORE VARIACIN 31-07-14 VARIACIN MERCADOS INDICE VARIACION ORO 1.280,08 1.276,79 0 , 26 1282,55 -0,19 MERVAL 9.171,12 1,75 PETROLEO 84,81 83,07 2,09 90,27 -6,05 BVPA 58.407,32 -0,99 CRB SPOT 289,05 288,28 0 , 27 296,11 -2,38 DJI 17.001,22 -0,22 BT2Y 0,49 0,47 2,00 0,53 -4,00 bp bp DAX 9.339,17 -0,66 BT5Y 1,66 1, 63 3,00 bp 1,76 -10,00 bp FTSE 6.775,25 -0,04 BT10Y 2,40 2,41 -1,00 pb 2,56 -16,00 bp IBEX35 10.500,20 -0,53 BT30Y 3,16 3,19 -3,00 pb 3,32 -16,00 bp LIBOR 180 0,33 0,33 0,20 0,33 -0,35 bp bp F uente: Bloomberg de las 18: 00hs TASAS dE RIF. INTERNACIONALES ATTUALE ANTERIORE ENTIDAD en n. d. AC 0,15 0,25 0,50 1,00 BoE BoJ 0 - 0,10 0,10 11,00 10,75 Selic US FED TARGET TIPOS de cambio C DLAR al. TASA VARIACIN EURO REALES 18-03-08 3,00 22-08-14 1,3242 2,2775 29-04-08 2,25 -75 bp 07-10-08 2,00 -25 bp 28-10-08 1,50 -50 bp TIPO DI CAMBIO rEALE bilaterali (x US) 15-12-08 1,00 -50 bp nominale reale (Di011) 22-08-14 0,25 -75 bp 31-lug-14 8,2102 2,69 1.400 1.350 1.300 1.250 1.200 1.150 TIPO DE CAMBIO DOLARES x EURO 10-07-14 14-07-14 16-07-14 18-07-14 22-07-14 24-07-14 28-07-14 30-07-14 01-08-14 05-08-14 07-08-14 11-08-14 13-08-14 15-08-14 20-08-14 22-08-14 2.500 2.450 2.400 2.350 2.300 2.250 2.200 2.150 2.100 2.050 2.000 TIPO DE CAMBIO REALES x DOLAR 10-07-14 14-07-14 16-07-14 18-07-14 22-07-14 24-07-14 28-07-14 30-07 -14 01-08-14 05-08-14 07-08-14 11-08-14 13-08-14 15-08-14 20-08-14 22-08-14 400 370 340 310 280 250 220 190 160 130 100 70 40 EVOLUCIN Oro y WTI Base 02-Ene-06 100 02-Ene-06 02-Abr-06 01-lug-06 29-set-06 28-Dic-06 28-mar-07 26-Jun - 07 24-set-07 23-Dic-07 22-mar-08 20-giu-08 18-set-08 17-Dic-08 17-mar-09 15-giu-09 13-set-09 12-Dic - 09 12-mar-10 10-giu-10 08-set-10 07-Dic-10 07-mar-11 05-giu-11 03-set-11 02-Dic-11 01-mar-12 30-maggio - 12 28-Ago-12 26-Nov-12 24-Feb-13 25-mag-13 23-Ago-13 21-Nov-13 VALOR HOY ORO 1280,08 PETROLEO 84,81 TIPO DI CAMBIO REALE bilaterali (x US) 8.000 7.000 6.000 5.000 4.000 3.000 2.000 1.000 Dic-01 Abr-02 Ago-02 Dic-02 Abr-03 Ago-03 Dic-03 Abr-04 Ago-04 Dic-04 Abr-05 Ago-05 Dic-05 Abr-06 ago-06 Dic-06 Abr-07 ago-07 Dic-07 Abr-08 ago-08 Dic-08 Abr-09 ago-09 Dic-09 Abr-10 ago-10 Dic-10 Abr-11 ago-11 Dic - 11 Abr-12 Ago-12 DIC-12 Abr-13 Ago-13 DIC-13 apr-14 nominali reale bilaterale (Dic011) 19. TED spread () 19 Mercado Abierto electrnico Resumen Del DA Viernes 22 de agosto de 2014 VI - Indicatori FINANCIEROS (Cont.) N 156 2014 INFORME DIARIO FECHA Rendimiento 25-07-14 2,47 28-07-14 2,49 29-07-14 2,46 30-07-14 2,56 31-07-14 2 , 56 01-08-14 2,49 04-08-14 2,48 05-08-14 2,49 06-08-14 2,47 07-08-14 2,41 08-08-14 2,42 11-08-14 2,43 12-08-14 2,45 13-08-14 2,42 14-08-14 2,40 15-08-14 2,34 19-08-14 2,40 20- 08-14 2,43 21-08-14 2,41 22-08-14 2,40 T. James Bond 10Y () 2.200 2.250 2.300 2.350 2.400 2.450 2.500 2.550 2.600 25-07-14 28-07-14 29-07 -14 30-07-14 31-07-14 01-08-14 04-08-14 05-08-14 06-08-14 07-08-14 08-08-14 11-08-14 12-08 -14 13-08-14 14-08-14 15-08-14 19-08-14 20-08-14 21-08-14 22-08-14 Rendimiento T. BOND 10Y () Fuente: Bloomberg de las 18 : 00hs. 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 375 400 425 450 475 030107 210207 130407 050607 240707 120907 311007 191207 110208 020408 220508 140708 020908 221008 121208 030209 250309 190509 130709 010909 211009 111209 020210 230310 140510 070710 270810 181010 091210 310111 230311 170511 070711 260811 171011 061211 300112 220312 170512 100712 290812 191012 111212 040213 030413 230513 160713 040913 241013 161213 070214 030414 280514 180714 en puntos bsicos TED SPREAD (ci Libor 3m - Tesoro Bills 3m Yield) 2007-2014 TED Stendere 20. 20 Resumen del da Viernes 22 de Agosto de 2014 N 156 2014 INFORME DIARIO Mercado Abierto electrnico VII - informacin MONETARIA Coeficiente de Monetizacin - Evolucin M1 M2 M3 M3 PBI (. mulino de) M1PBI M2PBI M3PBI M3PBI Precios Corrientes en millones de pesos, promedio mensual de Saldos diarios settembre-10 171,581 221,229 368,598 426,346 1.465.857 11,71 15,09 25,15 29,09 Dic-10 195,470 252,059 404,589 467,910 1.579.098 12,38 15,96 25,62 29,63 mar-11 205,301 264,098 436,994 498,958 1.567.580 13,10 16,85 27,88 31,83 giugno-11 220,586 283,686 468,975 533,104 1.976.227 11,16 14,35 23,73 26,98 settembre-11 230,680 298,372 501,647 567,605 1.865.391 12, 37 16,00 26,89 30,43 Dic-11 251,183 324,856 527,177 583,612 1.958.890 12,82 16,58 26,91 29,79 mar-12 263,130 340,504 563,912 621,416 1.874.935 14,03 18,16 30, 08 33,14 giugno-12 287,971 372,970 607,342 654,694 2.273.162 12,67 16,41 26,72 28,80 settembre-12 307,836 399,725 665,148 707,103 2.182.909 14,10 18,31 30,47 32,39 Dic - 12 350,296 455,026 724,365 770,215 2.325.977 15,06 19,56 31,14 33,11 mar-13 351,873 462,160 758,064 801,570 2.279.489 15,44 20,27 33,26 35,16 giugno-13 374,134 491,262 800,297 844,538 2,907 .278 12,87 16,90 27,53 29,05 settembre-13 403,229 528,021 858,272 905,550 2.711.457 14,87 19,47 31,65 33,40 M1 (circulante en poder del pblico CTA. cte. . En pesos) M3 (circulante en poder del pblico dep) totales en M2 (M1 caja de ahorro en pesos) M3 (M3 depsitos totales en dlares) M1: Billetes y Monedas en poder del pblico ms depsitos en cuenta corriente. ms M1 depsitos en cajas de ahorro: M2. Perodo 650.000 610.000 570.000 530.000 490.000 450.000 410.000 370.000 330.000 290.000 250.000 210.000 170.000 130.000 90.000 50.000 Ene-05 Abr-05 lug-05 Ott-05 Ene-06 Abr-06 lug-06 ott-06 Ene-07 Abr-07 lug-07 ott-07-Ene 08 Abr-08 lug-08 ott-08-Ene 09 Abr-09 lug-09 ott-09-Ene 10 Abr-10 lug-10 ott-10 Ene-11 Abr-11 lug-11 da ottobre 11 Ene-12 Abr-12 lug-12 ott-12 Ene-13 Abr-13 luglio - 13 ottobre-13 Ene-14 Abr-14 lug-14 millones de pesos M1 y M2 (en pesos) Evolucin M2 M1 3 per. mvil supporti (M2) 3 per. mvil mezzi (M1) 21. 21 N 156 2014 INFORME DIARIO Mercado Abierto electrnico Resumen del da Viernes 22 de Agosto de 2014 VII - informacin MONETARIA (cont.) 0 40.000 80.000 120.000 160.000 200.000 240.000 280.000 320.000 360.000 400.000 440.000 480.000 520.000 Ene-06 mar-6 maggio - 6 Luglio-6 settembre - 6 Novembre-06 feb-07 Abr-07 giu-07 Ago-07 ott-07 Dic-07 Ene-08 mar-8 maggio - 8 luglio-08 Sep-08 novembre a 8 feb-09 Abr-09 giu-09 Ago-09 ott-09 Dic-09 Ene-10 marzo - 10 maggio-10 luglio - 10 SETTEMBRE-10 Novembre - 10 febbraio-11 Abr-11 giu-11 Ago-11 ottobre -11 Dic-11-Ene 12 Marzo - 12 maggio-12 luglio - 12 settembre-12 novembre - 12 febbraio-13 Abr-13 Jun-13 Ago-13 ott-13 Dic-13-Ene 14 marzo - 14 maggio-14 lug-14 en millones de pesos (prom. mensual) DEPSITOS DEL SETTORE PRIVADO - en pesos Cta. cte. Caja de Ahorro Plazo fijo (inc Aj..) Otros Canjeados por Boden Cedros (cer) - 40.000 80.000 120.000 160.000 200.000 240.000 280.000 320.000 360.000 400.000 440.000 480.000 Ene-06 Abr-6 Luglio - 6 Ottobre-06 Ene-07 Abr-07 lug-07 ott-07-Ene 08 Abr-08 lug-08 ott-08-Ene 09 Abr-09 lug-09 ott-09-Ene 10 Abr-10 lug-10 ott-10 Ene-11 Abr-11 Jul - 11 ott-11 Ene-12 Abr-12 lug-12 ott-12 Ene-13 Abr-13 lug-13 ott-13 Ene-14 Abr-14 lug-14 En millones de pesos (prom. mensual) PRSTAMOS AL SETTORE PRIVADO - en Pesos Comerciales Consumo Hipotecarios Prendarios Otros 22. 22 INFORME DIARIO Mercado Abierto electrnico Resumen del da Viernes 22 de Agosto de 2014 N 156 2014 VII - informacin MONETARIA (Cont.) Variacin Prstamos y en Depsitos: Variacin vs Depsitos en del Settore Privado Prstamos en al Settore Privado Giu-14 2,83 1,00 Dic-13 15,93 6,74 lug-13 29,67 22,70 Fuente: Informe Monetario Mensual del BCRA. Luglio-14 27.500 26.500 25.500 24.500 23.500 22.500 21.500 20.500 19.500 18.500 17.500 16.500 15.500 14.500 13.500 12.500 11.500 10.500 9.500 8.500 7.500 6.500 02-01-07 24-03-07 13-06-07 02-09-07 22-11-07 11-02-08 02-05-08 22-07-08 11-10-08 31-12-08 22-03-09 11-06-09 31-08-09 20-11-09 09-02-10 01-05-10 21-07-10 10-10-10 30-12-10 21-03-11 10-06-11 30-08-11 19-11-11 08-02-12 29-04-12 19-07-12 08-10-12 28-12-12 19-03-13 08-06-13 28-08-13 17-11-13 06-02-14 28-04-14 - en na - BADLAR BANCOS PRIVADOS IT PESOS Ao 2007 2014 BADLAR BANCOS PRIVADOS IT PESOS 5 per. mvil supporti (BADLAR BANCOS PRIVADOS IT pesos) BADLAR BANCOS PRIV. IT PESOS AO 2014 supporti 23,9702 Mediana 24,3750 Moda 21,2500 Desviacin estndar 1,9763 6,9375 Rango mnimo 20,1250 Mximo 27,0625 Coef. de Var. 8,24 Cantidad de Observaciones 151 BADLAR BANCOS PRIV. IT PESOS volatilidad () Variacin diaria (promedio) -0,0019 Desvo estndar 0,0078 volatilidad anualizada 12,37 () Ultimas 21 Observaciones 23. 23 INFORME DIARIO Mercado Abierto electrnico Resumen del da Viernes 22 de Agosto de 2014 N 156 2014 VII - informacin monetaria (cont.) VARIABILI MONETARIAS ULTIMA INFORMACION DISPONIBLE AL 08.082.014 Cifras en millones de pesos (excepto las que se indican en us) CONCEPTO ULTIMO 1 settimana 30 DIAS DATO ANTES ANTES absolutas relativas absolutas relativas abc ab ab ac ac base monetaria 389,667 389,897 395,724 -230 -0,06 -6,057 -1,53 Circ. Monetaria 305,128 297,702 299,404 7,426 2,49 5,724 1,91 en el pblico 276,229 269,395 270,301 6,834 2,54 5,928 2,19 en Ent. Fin. 28,899 28,307 29,103 592 2,09 -204 -0,70 Cta. Cte. EF en BCRA 84,539 92,195 96,320 -7,656 -8,30 -11,781 -12,23 pases pasivos 9,975 9,968 6,157 7 0,07 3,818 62,01 Depsitos en Pesos 735,355 752,823 727,038 -17,468 -2,32 8,317 1,14 Del Settore Privado () 574,187 573,882 570,137 305 0,05 4,050 0,71 a la vista 287,743 291,206 289,124 -3,463 -1,19 -1,381 -0,48 A plazo 267,948 264,507 260,165 3,441 1,30 7,783 2,99 Del Settore pblico () 161,168 178.941 156,901 -17,773 -9,93 4.267 2,72 a la vista 75,771 94,630 79,886 -18,859 -19,93 -4,115 -5,15 A plazo 74,464 75,203 65,757 -739 -0,98 8,707 13,24 Depsitos en us 8,236 8,277 8,778 -41 -0,50 -542 -6,17 Cta. Cte. EF it BCRA it US 7,117 7,127 7,413 -10 -0,14 -296 -3,99 efectivo it EF it US 534 488 525 46 9,43 9 1,71 Prstamos al Settore Privado En 495,803 495,133 487,659 670 0,14 8,144 1 , 67 en us 4,226 4,263 4,158 -37 -0,87 68 1,64 () Incluye otros depsitos Fuente. BCRA - Informe Monetario Semanal Variaciones semanales Variaciones MENSUALES 370.000 350.000 330.000 310.000 290.000 270.000 250.000 230.000 210.000 190.000 170.000 150.000 130.000 110.000 90.000 Enero 2009 Marzo Mayo Julio Septiembre Noviembre Enero 2010 Marzo Mayo Julio Septiembre Noviembre Enero 2011 Marzo Mayo Julio Septiembre Noviembre Enero 2012 Marzo Mayo Julio Septiembre Noviembre Enero 2013 Marzo Mayo Julio Septiembre Noviembre Enero 2014 Marzo Mayo millones de pesos base monetaria Evolucin (2009-2014) Promedio mensual
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Learn Più Sophomore anno durante il secondo anno, gli operatori cominciano a imparare come si può navigare in un mondo in cui una quantità infinita di informazioni scorre su di loro da più direzioni. Questo è quando abbiamo iniziare a conoscere il ruolo di economia e gli annunci di dati economici nel mercato Forex. Questo è anche il luogo dove si introducono indicatori e analisi sentimento che può essere cruciale nella carriera Forex traderrsquos. Approfondisci Junior Anno La Junior anno è quando lo studente comincia ad imparare l'educazione e concetti a partire dagli anni Freshman e Sophomore possono essere utilizzati nel mondo reale. Concetti come l'analisi Candlestick, psicologia, e meshing punti di vista tecnici e fondamentali sono in prima linea. Questo è tutto nella preparazione di preparare gli operatori per la Year. Learn maggiore Più Senior Year Il Senior Year è la parte più importante di una formazione traderrsquos questo è dove il commerciante inizierà a prepararsi per uscire e il commercio nel mondo reale, da soli . Insegniamo commercianti come comporre il loro piano di trading, come il commercio in diverse condizioni di mercato, e come integrare i concetti fondamentali avanzati nella loro analisi. Un importante accento è posto sulla gestione dei rischi durante l'ultimo anno, in quanto questo è spesso considerata la cosa più importante per i nuovi operatori di imparare prima di poter trovare il successo continuo e costante in markets. Learn finanziarie di più Ultimi articoli educativi per principianti: Non dovete di passare attraverso lo stesso cammino, facendo gli stessi errori e sbattendo la testa contro le pareti stesse. Ho fatto questi errori per voi in modo che non dovete. Perché imparare dai propri errori quando si può semplicemente imparare da me vostro rischio più grande è fare in modo di ottenere la migliore educazione di negoziazione e non sprecare tempo prezioso ciò che si ha su tutta la spazzatura che è là fuori. Internet è una spada a doppio taglio. E 'grande perché permette di ottenere un facile accesso alle informazioni necessarie per migliorare rapidamente il tuo trading, ma significa anche non vi è molto di più spazzatura di essere pubblicati togliere la vostra attenzione che non avete bisogno di concentrarsi su. La cosa migliore che puoi fare è imparare a diventare un trader ad alta probabilità con la firma alla classe di posta elettronica VIP di seguito. Quando si sa come fare ad alta probabilità e messe a punto commerciali a basso rischio, si sarà in grado di farli in tutti i tempi e molti mercati diversi che crea enormi possibilità di trading per voi. La prima notte ho iniziato a negoziazione ho fatto un paio di centinaia di dollari di denaro reale. Yay MA - E 'stato un incidente completo. Avevo fatto un 5 min commercio sul AUDUSD. Perché mi é scambiata il lasso di tempo 5 minuti non sapevo ci fosse qualsiasi altro periodo di tempo sulla piattaforma. Non avevo idea di quello che stavo facendo sulla piattaforma market maker che mi é scambiata sul al momento, ma erano praticamente gli unici in giro ed è stata una battaglia costante solo per mantenere le loro tabelle di schiantarsi ogni 30 secondi. Sono venuto a casa dal lavoro quella prima notte e ottenuto la paura della mia vita per vedere il mio equilibrio con un enorme cambiamento. Ho pensato che il commercio sul AUDUSD era chiusa, ma ero andato a letto la sera precedente, si alzò e fuori per lavoro e per tutto il tempo ha lasciato un commercio oscillante 5 minuti senza stop loss a posto. LUCKY Questo è stato quasi 10 anni fa e una lezione enorme in una strada lunga e ventosa. Il problema che ho riscontrato allora 10 anni fa era che non c'erano corsi online e senza istruzione di qualità per aiutare mi guida nel mio viaggio di trading come non è per voi.
Friday, 29 September 2017
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Ci sono molti di noi che sono in questo business e stanno facendo abbastanza bene anche in condizioni economiche di oggi, mentre gli altri devono guardare fuori per il loro lavoro. Entrare in questo business non è molto facile anche se ci sono molti programmi che offrono corsi di laurea in magazzino e condividere. L'unico inconveniente di questa professione è che richiede un sacco di investimento di tempo e non tutti hanno quel tipo di tempo a disposizione. Si richiede inoltre di essere aggiornato con le attuali situazioni di mercato. La cosa triste è che anche se si conoscono tutte le tattiche del mercato azionario e sono completamente aggiornati, non vi è alcuna garanzia che si avrà successo in questo business. Ma, se siete ancora interessati a fare le cose in grande in questo business allora FAPTurbo Robot Forex è lì per il vostro aiuto. FAPTurbo Forex Robot è un prodotto appositamente progettato per aiutare voi con il vostro magazzino business che garantisce ai suoi utenti profitti di più di 30.000 in un breve periodo di 3 mesi. Questo programma non si vanta di tutti i soldi che fanno gli schemi o prodotti che vi renderà ricchi durante la notte, ma non farvi conoscere tutte quelle tecniche e spontanea of. Hair cura è un termine generale per l'igiene e la cosmesi che coinvolgono il capello che cresce dal cuoio capelluto umano , e in misura minore peli facciali, pubici e altri. routine di cura dei capelli differiscono secondo una cultura individui e le caratteristiche fisiche di quelli capelli. Capelli può essere colorato, tagliato, rasato, colto, o comunque rimosso con trattamenti come la ceretta, zuccheraggio, e filettatura. servizi di cura dei capelli sono offerti in saloni, parrucchiere, e centri benessere, ed i prodotti sono disponibili in commercio per uso domestico. Depilazione laser e l'elettrolisi sono inoltre disponibili, anche se questi sono forniti (negli Stati Uniti) da professionisti abilitati in uffici medici o centri specializzati. Contenuto dei capelli di pulizia e di condizionamento processi biologici e l'igiene dei capelli prodotti per la pulizia attrezzature Strumenti di Hairstyling Acconciatura capelli lunghezze 4 Chemical alterazione 4.1 colorazione dei capelli 4.2 permanenti e chimico raddrizzamento 5 Considerazioni speciali per i tipi di capelli 5.1 capelli lunghi 5,2 pelle delicata 6 Trattamento dei danni 6.1 doppie punte 6.2 rotture e altri danni 6.3 generale perdita di capelli cura dei capelli e la nutrizione 6,4 7 Vedi anche 8 Riferimenti per la pulizia dei capelli e condizionamento Questa sezione non cita alcuna fonte. Si prega di contribuire a migliorare questa sezione con l'aggiunta di citazioni di fonti affidabili. materiale Senza fonte può essere contestato e rimosso. (Agosto 2012) (Ulteriori informazioni su come e quando rimuovere questo messaggio modello) processi biologici e capelli umani igiene primo piano cura dei capelli e la cura della pelle del cuoio capelluto possono apparire separato, ma sono in realtà intrecciate perché i capelli cresce da sotto la pelle. Le parti viventi di capelli (follicolo pilifero, radice dei capelli, guaina radice, e ghiandole sebacee) sono sotto la pelle, mentre il fusto del capello reale che emerge (la cuticola che copre la corteccia e midollo) non ha processi viventi. Danni o modifiche apportate al fusto del capello visibile non possono essere riparati da un processo biologico, anche se si può fare molto per gestire i capelli e far sì che la cuticola rimane intatto. la pelle del cuoio capelluto, come qualsiasi altra pelle sul corpo, deve essere mantenuto sano per garantire un corpo sano e la produzione di capelli sani. Se il cuoio capelluto è pulito regolarmente da coloro che hanno i capelli di massima o di avere un problema di caduta dei capelli, può causare la perdita di capelli. Tuttavia, non tutti i disturbi del cuoio capelluto sono il risultato di infezioni batteriche. Alcuni sorgono inspiegabilmente, e spesso solo i sintomi possono essere trattati per la gestione della condizione (esempio: forfora). Ci sono anche i batteri che possono influenzare il capello stesso. I pidocchi è probabilmente il capelli e cuoio capelluto disturbo più comune in tutto il mondo. I pidocchi possono essere rimossi con grande attenzione ai dettagli, e gli studi dimostrano che non è necessariamente associata a scarsa igiene. Studi più recenti rivelano che in realtà pidocchi prosperano in capelli puliti. In questo modo, il lavaggio dei capelli come termine può essere un po 'fuorviante, come quanto necessario nella produzione capelli sani e manutenzione è spesso semplicemente pulire la superficie della pelle cuoio, il modo in cui la pelle di tutto il corpo richiede pulizia per buona igiene. Le ghiandole sebacee pelle umana producono il sebo, che è composto principalmente da acidi grassi. Sebo agisce per proteggere i capelli e la pelle, e può inibire la crescita di microrganismi sulla pelle. Il sebo contribuisce alle skin8217s leggermente acido da qualche parte il pH naturale tra 5 e 6.8 sullo spettro del pH. Questa sostanza oleosa dà capello idratazione e lucentezza mentre viaggia naturalmente giù l'albero dei capelli, e serve come sostanza protettiva prevenendo i capelli si secchi o assorbire quantità eccessive di sostanze esterne. Sebo è anche distribuita lungo il fusto del capello 8220mechanically8221 mediante spazzolatura e pettinatura. Quando sebo è presente in eccesso, le radici dei capelli possono apparire grassa, grassa, e più scura del normale, ei capelli possono stare insieme. pulizia Un modo per distribuire i peli oli naturali attraverso i capelli capelli è spazzolando con una spazzola di setole naturali. Le setole naturali muovono efficacemente l'olio dal cuoio capelluto attraverso i capelli metà lunghezze e punte, nutriente queste parti del capello. Spazzolatura cuoio capelluto stimola anche la ghiandola sebacea, che a sua volta produce più sebo. Quando sebo e sudore si combinano sulla superficie del cuoio capelluto, che contribuiscono a creare il mantello acido, che è le bucce proprio strato protettivo. Lavaggio dei capelli rimuove l'eccesso di sudore e di olio, così come i prodotti indesiderati da capelli e cuoio capelluto. Spesso capelli sono lavati come parte di una doccia o il bagno con shampoo, un tensioattivo specializzata. Shampoo funzionano applicando acqua e shampoo per capelli. Lo shampoo rompe la tensione superficiale dell'acqua, permettendo al capello di diventare inzuppato. Questo è noto come l'azione bagnante. L'azione bagnante è causato dal capo della molecola sciampo attrarre l'acqua al fusto del capello. Viceversa, la coda della molecola shampoo è attratto dal grasso, sporco e olio sul fusto del capello. L'azione fisica di shampoo rende il grasso e la sporcizia si un'emulsione che viene poi sciacquato via con acqua. Questo è noto come l'azione emulsionante. shampoo libero solfato sono meno lesive su capelli trattati colore di shampoo normale che contengono solfati. Solfati striscia via oli naturali così come tinture per capelli. Solfati sono anche responsabili dell'effetto schiumogeno di shampoo. Shampoo hanno un pH compreso tra 4 e 6. shampoo acidi sono il tipo più comune utilizzato e mantenere o migliorare la condizione dei capelli dato che non gonfiare la hairshaft E non striscia oli naturali. Condizionatori sono spesso utilizzati dopo lo shampoo per lisciare la cuticola dei capelli, che può diventare ruvida durante il processo fisico di shampoo. Ci sono tre tipi principali di condizionatori: condizionatori anti-ossidanti, che vengono utilizzati principalmente nei saloni dopo i servizi chimici e prevenire strisciante condizionatori interni di ossidazione, che entrano nella corteccia del capello e aiutano a migliorare i peli condizione interna (noto anche come trattamenti) e condizionatori esterni, o condizionatori di tutti i giorni, che lisciare la cuticola, rendendo i capelli lucidi, pettinabili e liscia. Condizionatori possono anche fornire un livello fisico di protezione per i capelli da danni fisici ed ambientali. Strumenti di Hairstyling articolo principale: Acconciatura strumento Acconciatura attrezzature di capelli attrezzature styling che aiuta nella creazione di acconciature includono: clip blowdryer farfalla pettine dei capelli del ferro dei capelli del rullo dei capelli raddrizzamento trimmer dei capelli di ferro spazzola per capelli della fascia della forcella Kanzashi del nastro del legame dei capelli forbici cuffia per la doccia prodotti per capelli cosmetici prodotti utilizzati nella creazione e acconciature mantenendo includono: capelli Condizionatori per capelli colorazione dei capelli colla gel capelli siero capelli mousse capelli spruzzare le lunghezze dei capelli tonico cera capelli pomata capelli Calvo 8211 non avendo i capelli a tutti sulla testa rasata 8211 capelli che è completamente rasata fino al cuoio capelluto Buzz 8211 capelli che è estremamente breve e difficilmente ci ritagliata 8211 capelli che è un po 'più di un brusio corto posteriore e laterale 8211 capelli che è più lungo di una coltura, ma non ancora colpisce il orecchi orecchio-length 8211 capelli raggiungendo quelle orecchie Chin-level 8211 I capelli crescono fino al mento flip-livello di 8211 capelli raggiungere il collo o alle spalle lunghi fino alle spalle 8211 capelli raggiungere le spalle armpit lunghezza 8211 capelli raggiungere il thats peli delle ascelle midback livello 8211 a circa lo stesso punto come la parte più larga di quelle gabbia toracica e del torace zona della vita di lunghezza 8211 capelli che cade alla più piccola parte di quelli in vita, un po 'al di sopra della ossa dell'anca Hip-length 8211 capelli raggiungere la cima di quelli fianchi coccige-length 8211 dei capelli che si trova a circa l'area di quelli coccige lunghezza Classic 8211 capelli che raggiunge cui quelle gambe soddisfare le sue natiche coscia di lunghezza 8211 capelli che è a metà coscia al ginocchio 8211 capelli che è al ginocchio longuette 8211 capelli che è al polpaccio pavimento-lunghezza 8211 capelli che raggiunge il pavimento chimici alterazioni alterazioni chimiche come la permanente, colorazione può essere effettuata per cambiare il colore percepito e consistenza dei capelli. Tutti questi sono alterazioni temporanee poiché alterazioni permanenti non sono possibili in questo momento. alterazione chimica dei capelli colpisce solo i capelli sopra il cuoio capelluto a meno che le radici dei capelli sono danneggiati, nuovi capelli cresceranno in con il colore naturale e la struttura. Colorazione dei capelli colorazione dei capelli è il processo di aggiunta di pigmento o la rimozione del pigmento dal fusto del capello. processi di colorazione dei capelli possono essere indicati come la colorazione o decolorazione, a seconda se si sta aggiungendo o rimuovendo pigmento. Tinte per capelli temporanee semplicemente cappotto dell'albero con pigmenti che poi lavare. La maggior parte dei cambiamenti di colore permanenti richiedono che la cuticola del capello essere aperta in modo che il cambiamento di colore può avvenire all'interno della cuticola. Questo processo, che utilizza sostanze chimiche per alterare la struttura del capello, può danneggiare la cuticola o struttura interna del capello, lasciando asciugare, debole o inclini alla rottura. Dopo il trattamento dei capelli, la cuticola non può chiudere completamente, che si traduce in capelli grossolani o una perdita accelerata di pigmento. Generalmente, più chiaro è il colore scelto da quelli colore dei capelli iniziale, più danneggiato può essere. Altre opzioni per applicare il colore ai capelli, oltre coloranti chimici includono l'uso di erbe come l'henné e indaco, o la scelta di soluzioni senza ammoniaca. Permanenti e permanenti chimici raddrizzamento e relax utilizzando rilassante o ricondizionamento termico comportano alterazione chimica della struttura interna del capello, al fine di incidere sulla sua curliness o rettilineità. Capelli che è stato sottoposto all'uso di un permanente è più debole a causa dell'applicazione di prodotti chimici, e dovrebbe essere trattata con delicatezza e con maggior cura che i capelli quello non è chimicamente alterata. Considerazioni speciali per i tipi di capelli Capelli lunghi Molte industrie hanno i requisiti per i capelli in fase di contenuti per evitare lesioni dei lavoratori. Questo può includere persone che lavorano nella costruzione, utilities, e officine meccaniche di vario genere. Inoltre, molte professioni richiedono che contiene i capelli per motivi di salute pubblica, e un primo esempio è l'industria alimentare. Ci sono anche gli sport che possono richiedere vincoli simili per motivi di sicurezza: per mantenere i capelli fuori degli occhi e bloccando quelli vista, e per evitare di essere catturati in attrezzature sportive o gli alberi e gli arbusti, o capelli arruffati in condizioni meteorologiche avverse o acqua. La sicurezza è di solito il motivo dietro non permettendo i capelli di volare sciolti sulle spalle di moto e auto sportive decappottabile per trecce lunghe. la pelle del cuoio capelluto pelle delicata dei bambini e degli anziani sono simili nella produzione delle ghiandole sebacee sottotono, a causa di livelli ormonali. La ghiandola sebacea secerne sebo, un estere ceroso, che mantiene il mantello acido del cuoio capelluto e fornisce un rivestimento che mantiene la pelle morbida e umida. Il sebo si basa eccessivamente, tra ogni 282113 giorni per un adulto medio. Quelli con la pelle delicata può verificare un intervallo più lungo. Adolescenti spesso richiedono lavaggio quotidiano dei capelli. Sebo impartisce anche un rivestimento protettivo di ciocche di capelli. lavaggio quotidiano rimuoverà il sebo quotidiana e incitare un aumento della produzione di sebo, perché la pelle si accorge della pelle del cuoio capelluto è carente sufficiente umidità. In caso di disturbi del cuoio capelluto, tuttavia, questo non può essere il caso. Per i bambini e gli anziani, la produzione delle ghiandole sebacee non è al picco, quindi lavaggio quotidiano non è in genere necessario. Il trattamento dei danni doppie punte doppie punte, noto formalmente come tricoptilosi, accade quando la cuticola protettiva è stato strappato via dalle estremità della fibra capillare. Tale condizione comporta una scissione longitudinale della fibra capillare. Qualsiasi trauma chimico o fisico, come il calore, che espone all'aria i capelli possono portare a doppie punte. Tipicamente, la fibra capelli danneggiati divide in due o tre fili e la scissione può essere due o tre centimetri di lunghezza. Le doppie punte sono più spesso osservati nei capelli lunghi, ma si verificano anche in capelli corti, che non è in buone condizioni. Come i capelli cresce, gli oli protettivi naturali del cuoio capelluto possono non riuscire a raggiungere le punte dei capelli. Le estremità sono considerati vecchi una volta che raggiungono circa 10 centimetri dal momento che hanno avuto una lunga esposizione al sole, passati attraverso molti shampoo e potrebbe essere surriscaldato da asciugacapelli e ferri roventi. Tutto questo si traduce in secchi, fragili estremità che sono inclini alla scissione. finiture poco frequenti e la mancanza di trattamenti idratanti possono intensificare questa condizione. Rotture e altri capelli danni possono essere danneggiati da esposizione chimica, prolungata o ripetuta esposizione al calore (come attraverso l'uso di strumenti per lo styling di calore), e per la permanente e raddrizzamento. Il petrolio è dannoso per i capelli di massima e per il cuoio capelluto secco in quanto diminuisce il nutrimento per i capelli che porta a dividere e caduta dei capelli. Quando i capelli si comporta in modo anomalo, o si pone una malattia della pelle cuoio, è spesso necessario per visitare non solo un medico qualificato, ma a volte un dermatologo, o trichologist. Condizioni che richiedono questo tipo di aiuto professionale includono, ma non sono limitati a, le forme di alopecia, i capelli pullingpicking, capelli che sporge verso l'esterno, punti neri sui capelli, e eruzioni cutanee o ustioni derivanti da processi chimici. Gel offre uno sguardo lucido, ma si asciuga i capelli e la rende ruvida. Ci sono un certo numero di disturbi che sono particolari al cuoio capelluto. I sintomi possono includere: l'odore anormale sanguinamento Bumps incrostazioni accumulo di pelle che appare bianco o un altro colore rispetto a quelli tono naturale della pelle Chafes ciuffi di capelli che cadono fiocchi clumpy che non lo fanno facilmente Slough via la pelle del cuoio capelluto forfora e ciuffi di capelli a secco del cuoio capelluto prurito eccessivo che pretende molto andare via con un lavaggio dei capelli pochi, arrossamento della pelle patch cuoio di diradamento drenaggio di pus come spargimento qualsiasi di questi sintomi può indicare la necessità di assistenza professionale da un dermatologo o trichologist per la diagnosi. la pelle del cuoio capelluto può soffrire di infestazioni di acari, pidocchi, infezioni dei follicoli o funghi. Ci potrebbero essere le reazioni allergiche agli ingredienti di preparati chimici applicati ai capelli, anche ingredienti di shampoo o condizionatori. preoccupazioni comuni forfora circostanti (spesso associati con eccessiva di sebo) psoriasi, eczema, o dermatite seborroica. Un odore che persiste per alcune settimane nonostante regolare il lavaggio dei capelli può essere un'indicazione di un problema di salute sulla pelle del cuoio capelluto. Non tutti i fiocchi sono forfora. Ad esempio, alcuni possono essere semplicemente adesioni di prodotto sulla pelle del cuoio capelluto. Questo potrebbe derivare dalla prassi comune di applicare balsamo per la pelle del cuoio capelluto senza lavaggio. Ciò asciugare sulla pelle del cuoio capelluto e sfaldarsi, che appaiono come forfora e anche causare prurito, ma non hanno effetti sulla salute di sorta. Ci sono varie ragioni per la perdita dei capelli, problemi ormonali più comunemente. Le fluttuazioni di ormoni mostreranno spesso nei capelli. Non tutti la perdita dei capelli è legato a ciò che è noto come calvizie maschile, le donne possono soffrire di calvizie proprio come fanno gli uomini. Formule per affrontare questa specifica causa della mancanza di crescita dei capelli ma in genere hanno bisogno di circa tre mesi di utilizzo costante per i risultati per iniziare a comparire. Cessazione può anche significare che la crescita acquisita può dissipare. In particolare tra le donne, malattie della tiroide è uno dei più preoccupazioni per la salute sotto-diagnosticati. Capelli che cadono in ciuffi è un sintomo di un insieme di sintomi che possono indicare una preoccupazione tiroide. In molti esami ginecologici uno schermo di sangue per la tiroide è ora un protocollo comune. Tiroide mostra spesso prima nel comportamento del capello. Durante la gravidanza e l'allattamento al seno, il processo di spargimento normale e naturale è tipicamente sospeso (a partire da circa mese tre, perché ci vuole un po 'per il corpo a riconoscere e ripristinare la ormonale sposta il corpo passa attraverso) per il periodo di gestazione ed esteso più a lungo se alimentazioni un seno (questo include il pompaggio del latte materno). Al momento della cessazione di uno di questi, che in genere dura circa due mesi per gli ormoni a spostare di nuovo le impostazioni ormonali normali, e caduta dei capelli può aumentare in modo esponenziale, per circa 382,116 mila mesi fino a quando i capelli ritorna al suo volume normale. E 'comunemente notato che i capelli sembra più spessi e più lucidi, anche, durante la gravidanza e l'allattamento al seno in risposta al flusso di ormoni mobili. Non è insolito anche per il colore dei capelli per cambiare, o struttura del capello per cambiare (ad esempio i capelli dritti, capelli Curlier). Questi cambiamenti possono verificarsi più spesso di quanto le persone possono rendersi conto ancora è neanche spesso segnalati. generale perdita di capelli Alcuni scelgono di radersi i capelli fuori del tutto, mentre altri possono avere una malattia (come ad esempio una forma di cancro 8212 nota che non ogni forma di cancro o il trattamento del cancro significa necessariamente uno sarà perdere i capelli) che ha causato la perdita di capelli o led alla decisione di radere la testa. la cura dei capelli e della nutrizione genetica e la salute sono fattori di capelli sani. Una corretta alimentazione è importante per la salute dei capelli. La parte vivente di capelli è sotto la pelle del cuoio capelluto in cui la radice dei capelli è ospitato nel follicolo pilifero. L'intero follicolo e la radice sono alimentati da una vena e il sangue trasporta le sostanze nutrienti al follicleroot. Ogni volta che un individuo ha alcun tipo di preoccupazione per la salute dallo stress, traumi, i farmaci di vario genere, condizioni mediche croniche o condizioni mediche che vanno e vengono poi scemare, metalli pesanti nelle acque e prodotti alimentari, il fumo ecc questi e più in grado di influenzare i capelli, la sua crescita, e il suo aspetto. In generale, una dieta completa che contiene proteine, frutta, verdura, grassi, e carboidrati è importante (diverse vitamine e minerali richiedono grasso per essere consegnato o assorbita dal corpo). Qualsiasi carenza tipicamente mostrare prima nei capelli. Un caso delicato di anemia può provocare spargimento e perdita di capelli. Tra gli altri, il gruppo B di vitamine sono i più importanti per capelli sani, soprattutto biotina. B5 (acido pantotenico) dà la flessibilità dei capelli, la forza e la lucentezza e aiuta a prevenire la perdita dei capelli e brizzolati. B6 aiuta a prevenire la forfora e può essere trovato in cereali, tuorlo d'uovo e del fegato. La vitamina B12 aiuta a prevenire la perdita dei capelli e può essere trovato nel pesce, uova, pollo e latte. Quando il corpo è sotto sforzo, si reprioritizes suoi processi. Ad esempio, gli organi vitali saranno presenti alla prima, il che significa che in buona salute, il sangue ossigenato non può alimentare il follicolo pilifero, con conseguente capelli meno sano o una diminuzione del tasso di crescita. Mentre problemi di crescita non tutti capelli derivano da malnutrizione, è un sintomo prezioso nella diagnosi. capelli del cuoio capelluto cresce, in media, ad una velocità di circa 1,25 centimetri al mese, e shampoo o vitamine non hanno dimostrato di cambiare notevolmente questo tasso. il tasso di crescita dei capelli dipende anche da ciò che fase del ciclo di una crescita dei capelli è in realtà ci sono tre fasi. La velocità di crescita dei capelli varia in base su genetica, sesso, età, gli ormoni, e può essere ridotto di carenza di nutrienti (ad esempio l'anoressia, anemia, carenza di zinco) e le fluttuazioni ormonali (es menopausa, ovaio policistico, malattie della tiroide) .1 La essenziali omega -3 acidi grassi, proteine, vitamina B12 e ferro, che si trova nelle fonti di pesce, impediscono una cute secca e il colore dei capelli opachi. Scuro verdure verdi contengono elevate quantità di vitamine A e C, che aiutano con la produzione di sebo e di fornire un balsamo per capelli naturali. Legumi forniscono proteine per promuovere la crescita dei capelli e contengono anche ferro, zinco e biotina. funzioni di biotina per attivare alcuni enzimi che aiutano nel metabolismo di anidride carbonica oltre che di proteine, grassi e carboidrati. Una carenza di assunzione di biotina può causare capelli fragili e può portare alla perdita dei capelli. Per evitare una carenza, gli individui possono trovare fonti di biotina in prodotti di cereali grano, fegato, tuorlo d'uovo, farina di soia, e yeast.2 noci contenere alte fonti di selenio e quindi sono importanti per un cuoio capelluto sano. L'acido alfa-linolenico e zinco si trovano anche in alcuni dadi e aiutare condizionare i capelli e prevenire spargimento di capelli che può essere causato da una mancanza di zinco. carenze di proteine o di proteine di bassa qualità in grado di produrre capelli deboli e fragili, e può eventualmente provocare la perdita di colore dei capelli. I prodotti caseari sono buone fonti di calcio, un componente fondamentale per la crescita dei capelli. Una dieta equilibrata è estremamente necessario per un cuoio capelluto sano e capelli, inoltre sani. Vedi anche la colorazione dei capelli capelli Condizionatori per capelli gel dei capelli mousse Capelli siero lavaggio trapianto di capelli non poo artificiali integrazioni per capelli capelli protesi OFFLINE MARATHI Forex Trading Forex Trading 2366 2367 23762375 2366 23812366 2375 2366236723662368 2381236623812366 2367 2366 23662366 23672366. 23062369 23662368 23812366 23062366 236623662370 2370 2366. 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Rimuovere Pimple Marks dalla pelle con semplici consigli di seguito. 2375238123662368 2366 23662381236623662368 23.672.381 Suggerimenti per la Suggerimenti per la cura della pelle pelle pulita e chiara in Marathi per chiaro e pelle luminosa 23812381 2367 2366 23812366 23752368 2369236823062375 23812381 2375. 23662368 2369236823062368 pelle chiara 2.368 a. 236623812368 237923812366237023812368 2375236623062368 23662368 23752375 23812306 2381 2375. 237923812366237023812368 236923812368 2367236623812366 236923812366 237523812366 236623662366 2370 2370 2366. 236623662368. 2379238123662368 23672366 23752375 23812306 2381 2375 2366 2379 2381 238123662366 23792381236623062368 236623062375 23672375 2379 23812306 2375 23672381 23672381 2367 2381 237923812368 23662370 2379. 23812366 2375238123662368 pelle 2367 23662370 2375 236623662368 237523812366 236623812366 237523662375 Sapone 2367 Face Wash 236723662366 23662368 23752368 236623672375. 23812366 23752366 23792381. Sarkari Nokari Sandharbha Leggi tutte Sarkari nokari sandharbha annunci in lingua marathi. 23662368 23662368 23792368 236623682366 236923812366 236823662368 23.812.368. 23662375 2367 23662375 23672375 2379236623662368 23662368. Slim 23792381236623662368 23812368 23752375 23662368 2375 2370 2366230623672375 2375 2375 2366 236923812368 23812368 Slim 23812366. O. 2368 238123662375 2366 23752368 238123662366 2366. 2366 2366 238123662368 2366230623672375 23662366 23062369 23752375 2369238123662366 2368 2381236623662368 2366 23812370 2366238123662381. Weight Loss Diet Plan in marathi obesità 2366 23812366 23692369 236623812366 2366 2367 238123662366 2375 2368 23662370 23662375. 2375 23812366 2370 2366 2368 Obesi. L'assicurazione è un mezzo di protezione dalla perdita finanziaria. Si tratta di una forma di gestione del rischio utilizzato principalmente per la copertura contro il rischio di un contingente, perdita incerto. Un ente che fornisce l'assicurazione è conosciuto come un assicuratore, compagnia di assicurazioni, o compagnia di assicurazione. Una persona fisica o giuridica che acquista assicurazione è conosciuto come un assicurato o assicurato. L'operazione di assicurazione comporta l'assicurato assumendo una relativamente piccola perdita garantito e noto sotto forma di pagamento per l'assicuratore in cambio gli assicuratori promettono di risarcire l'assicurato nel caso di una perdita coperto. La perdita può o non può essere finanziario, ma deve essere riducibile a termini finanziari, e deve coinvolgere qualcosa in cui l'assicurato ha un interesse assicurabile stabilito dalla proprietà, il possesso, o un rapporto preesistente. L'assicurato riceve un contratto, chiamato la polizza di assicurazione, che dettaglia le condizioni e le circostanze in cui l'assicurato saranno compensati finanziariamente. La quantità di denaro richiesto da parte dell'assicuratore per l'assicurato per la copertura stabilito nella polizza di assicurazione è chiamato il premio. Se l'assicurato sperimenta una perdita che è potenzialmente coperto dalla polizza assicurativa, l'assicurato invia una richiesta per l'assicuratore per l'elaborazione da un regolatore di reclami. Contents 1 History 1.1 Early methods 1.2 Modern insurance 2 Principles 2.1 Insurability 2.2 Legal 2.3 Indemnification 3 Social effects 3.1 Methods of insurance 4 Insurers business model 4.1 Underwriting and investing 4.2 Claims 4.3 Marketing 5 Types of Insurance 5.1 Auto insurance 5.2 Gap insurance 5.3 Health insurance 5.4 Income protection insurance 5.5 Casualty insurance 5.6 Life insurance 5.7 Burial insurance 5.8 Property 5.9 Liability 5.10 Credit 5.11 Other types 5.12 Insurance financing vehicles 5.13 Closed community and governmental self-insurance 6 Insurance companies 7 Across the world 7.1 Regulatory differences 8 Controversies 8.1 Does not reduce the risk 8.2 Insurance insulates too much 8.3 Complexity of insurance policy contracts 8.4 Limited consumer benefits 8.5 Redlining 8.6 Insurance patents 8.7 Insurance industry and rent-seeking 8.8 Religious concerns 9 See also 10 Notes 11 Bibliography 12 External links History Main article: History of insurance Early methods Merchants have sought methods to minimize risks since early times. Pictured, Governors of the Wine Merchants Guild by Ferdinand Bol, c. 1680. Methods for transferring or distributing risk were practiced by Chinese and Babylonian traders as long ago as the 3rd and 2nd millennia BC, respectively.1 Chinese merchants travelling treacherous river rapids would redistribute their wares across many vessels to limit the loss due to any single vessels capsizing. The Babylonians developed a system which was recorded in the famous Code of Hammurabi, c. 1750 BC, and practiced by early Mediterranean sailing merchants. If a merchant received a loan to fund his shipment, he would pay the lender an additional sum in exchange for the lenders guarantee to cancel the loan should the shipment be stolen, or lost at sea. At some point in the 1st millennium BC, the inhabitants of Rhodes created the general average. This allowed groups of merchants to pay to insure their goods being shipped together. The collected premiums would be used to reimburse any merchant whose goods were jettisoned during transport, whether to storm or sinkage.2 Separate insurance contracts (i. e. insurance policies not bundled with loans or other kinds of contracts) were invented in Genoa in the 14th century, as were insurance pools backed by pledges of landed estates. The first known insurance contract dates from Genoa in 1347, and in the next century maritime insurance developed widely and premiums were intuitively varied with risks.3 These new insurance contracts allowed insurance to be separated from investment, a separation of roles that first proved useful in marine insurance. Modern insurance Insurance became far more sophisticated in Enlightenment era Europe, and specialized varieties developed. Lloyds Coffee House was the first marine insurance company. Property insurance as we know it today can be traced to the Great Fire of London, which in 1666 devoured more than 13,000 houses. The devastating effects of the fire converted the development of insurance from a matter of convenience into one of urgency, a change of opinion reflected in Sir Christopher Wrens inclusion of a site for the Insurance Office in his new plan for London in 1667.4 A number of attempted fire insurance schemes came to nothing, but in 1681, economist Nicholas Barbon and eleven associates established the first fire insurance company, the Insurance Office for Houses, at the back of the Royal Exchange to insure brick and frame homes. Initially, 5,000 homes were insured by his Insurance Office.5 At the same time, the first insurance schemes for the underwriting of business ventures became available. By the end of the seventeenth century, Londons growing importance as a center for trade was increasing demand for marine insurance. In the late 1680s, Edward Lloyd opened a coffee house, which became the meeting place for parties in the shipping industry wishing to insure cargoes and ships, and those willing to underwrite such ventures. These informal beginnings led to the establishment of the insurance market Lloyds of London and several related shipping and insurance businesses.6 Leaflet promoting the National Insurance Act 1911. The first life insurance policies were taken out in the early 18th century. The first company to offer life insurance was the Amicable Society for a Perpetual Assurance Office, founded in London in 1706 by William Talbot and Sir Thomas Allen.78 Edward Rowe Mores established the Society for Equitable Assurances on Lives and Survivorship in 1762. It was the worlds first mutual insurer and it pioneered age based premiums based on mortality rate laying the framework for scientific insurance practice and development and the basis of modern life assurance upon which all life assurance schemes were subsequently based.9 In the late 19th century, accident insurance began to become available. This operated much like modern disability insurance.1011 The first company to offer accident insurance was the Railway Passengers Assurance Company, formed in 1848 in England to insure against the rising number of fatalities on the nascent railway system. By the late 19th century, governments began to initiate national insurance programs against sickness and old age. Germany built on a tradition of welfare programs in Prussia and Saxony that began as early as in the 1840s. In the 1880s Chancellor Otto von Bismarck introduced old age pensions, accident insurance and medical care that formed the basis for Germanys welfare state.1213 In Britain more extensive legislation was introduced by the Liberal government in the 1911 National Insurance Act. This gave the British working classes the first contributory system of insurance against illness and unemployment.14 This system was greatly expanded after the Second World War under the influence of the Beveridge Report, to form the first modern welfare state.1215 Principles Insurance involves pooling funds from many insured entities (known as exposures) to pay for the losses that some may incur. The insured entities are therefore protected from risk for a fee, with the fee being dependent upon the frequency and severity of the event occurring. In order to be an insurable risk, the risk insured against must meet certain characteristics. Insurance as a financial intermediary is a commercial enterprise and a major part of the financial services industry, but individual entities can also self-insure through saving money for possible future losses.16 Insurability Main article: Insurability Risk which can be insured by private companies typically shares seven common characteristics:17 Large number of similar exposure units: Since insurance operates through pooling resources, the majority of insurance policies are provided for individual members of large classes, allowing insurers to benefit from the law of large numbers in which predicted losses are similar to the actual losses. Exceptions include Lloyds of London, which is famous for insuring the life or health of actors, sports figures, and other famous individuals. However, all exposures will have particular differences, which may lead to different premium rates. Definite loss: The loss takes place at a known time, in a known place, and from a known cause. The classic example is death of an insured person on a life insurance policy. Fire, automobile accidents, and worker injuries may all easily meet this criterion. Other types of losses may only be definite in theory. Occupational disease, for instance, may involve prolonged exposure to injurious conditions where no specific time, place, or cause is identifiable. Ideally, the time, place, and cause of a loss should be clear enough that a reasonable person, with sufficient information, could objectively verify all three elements. Accidental loss: The event that constitutes the trigger of a claim should be fortuitous, or at least outside the control of the beneficiary of the insurance. The loss should be pure, in the sense that it results from an event for which there is only the opportunity for cost. Events that contain speculative elements such as ordinary business risks or even purchasing a lottery ticket are generally not considered insurable. Large loss: The size of the loss must be meaningful from the perspective of the insured. Insurance premiums need to cover both the expected cost of losses, plus the cost of issuing and administering the policy, adjusting losses, and supplying the capital needed to reasonably assure that the insurer will be able to pay claims. For small losses, these latter costs may be several times the size of the expected cost of losses. There is hardly any point in paying such costs unless the protection offered has real value to a buyer. Affordable premium: If the likelihood of an insured event is so high, or the cost of the event so large, that the resulting premium is large relative to the amount of protection offered, then it is not likely that the insurance will be purchased, even if on offer. Furthermore, as the accounting profession formally recognizes in financial accounting standards, the premium cannot be so large that there is not a reasonable chance of a significant loss to the insurer. If there is no such chance of loss, then the transaction may have the form of insurance, but not the substance (see the U. S. Financial Accounting Standards Board pronouncement number 113: Accounting and Reporting for Reinsurance of Short-Duration and Long-Duration Contracts). Calculable loss: There are two elements that must be at least estimable, if not formally calculable: the probability of loss, and the attendant cost. Probability of loss is generally an empirical exercise, while cost has more to do with the ability of a reasonable person in possession of a copy of the insurance policy and a proof of loss associated with a claim presented under that policy to make a reasonably definite and objective evaluation of the amount of the loss recoverable as a result of the claim. Limited risk of catastrophically large losses: Insurable losses are ideally independent and non-catastrophic, meaning that the losses do not happen all at once and individual losses are not severe enough to bankrupt the insurer insurers may prefer to limit their exposure to a loss from a single event to some small portion of their capital base. Capital constrains insurers ability to sell earthquake insurance as well as wind insurance in hurricane zones. In the United States, flood risk is insured by the federal government. In commercial fire insurance, it is possible to find single properties whose total exposed value is well in excess of any individual insurers capital constraint. Such properties are generally shared among several insurers, or are insured by a single insurer who syndicates the risk into the reinsurance market. Legal When a company insures an individual entity, there are basic legal requirements and regulations. Several commonly cited legal principles of insurance include:18 Indemnity 8211 the insurance company indemnifies, or compensates, the insured in the case of certain losses only up to the insureds interest. Benefit insurance 8211 as it is stated in the study books of The Chartered Insurance Institute, the insurance company does not have the right of recovery from the party who caused the injury and is to compensate the Insured regardless of the fact that Insured had already sued the negligent party for the damages (for example, personal accident insurance) Insurable interest 8211 the insured typically must directly suffer from the loss. Insurable interest must exist whether property insurance or insurance on a person is involved. The concept requires that the insured have a stake in the loss or damage to the life or property insured. What that stake is will be determined by the kind of insurance involved and the nature of the property ownership or relationship between the persons. The requirement of an insurable interest is what distinguishes insurance from gambling. Utmost good faith 8211 (Uberrima fides) the insured and the insurer are bound by a good faith bond of honesty and fairness. Material facts must be disclosed. Contribution 8211 insurers which have similar obligations to the insured contribute in the indemnification, according to some method. Subrogation 8211 the insurance company acquires legal rights to pursue recoveries on behalf of the insured for example, the insurer may sue those liable for the insureds loss. The Insurers can waive their subrogation rights by using the special clauses. Causa proxima, or proximate cause 8211 the cause of loss (the peril) must be covered under the insuring agreement of the policy, and the dominant cause must not be excluded Mitigation 8211 In case of any loss or casualty, the asset owner must attempt to keep loss to a minimum, as if the asset was not insured. Indemnification Main article: Indemnity To indemnify means to make whole again, or to be reinstated to the position that one was in, to the extent possible, prior to the happening of a specified event or peril. Accordingly, life insurance is generally not considered to be indemnity insurance, but rather contingent insurance (i. e. a claim arises on the occurrence of a specified event). There are generally three types of insurance contracts that seek to indemnify an insured: A reimbursement policy A pay on behalf or on behalf of policy19 An indemnification policy From an insureds standpoint, the result is usually the same: the insurer pays the loss and claims expenses. If the Insured has a reimbursement policy, the insured can be required to pay for a loss and then be reimbursed by the insurance carrier for the loss and out of pocket costs including, with the permission of the insurer, claim expenses.1920 Under a pay on behalf policy, the insurance carrier would defend and pay a claim on behalf of the insured who would not be out of pocket for anything. Most modern liability insurance is written on the basis of pay on behalf language which enables the insurance carrier to manage and control the claim. Under an indemnification policy, the insurance carrier can generally either reimburse or pay on behalf of, whichever is more beneficial to it and the insured in the claim handling process. An entity seeking to transfer risk (an individual, corporation, or association of any type, etc.) becomes the insured party once risk is assumed by an insurer, the insuring party, by means of a contract, called an insurance policy. Generally, an insurance contract includes, at a minimum, the following elements: identification of participating parties (the insurer, the insured, the beneficiaries), the premium, the period of coverage, the particular loss event covered, the amount of coverage (i. e. the amount to be paid to the insured or beneficiary in the event of a loss), and exclusions (events not covered). An insured is thus said to be indemnified against the loss covered in the policy. When insured parties experience a loss for a specified peril, the coverage entitles the policyholder to make a claim against the insurer for the covered amount of loss as specified by the policy. The fee paid by the insured to the insurer for assuming the risk is called the premium. Insurance premiums from many insureds are used to fund accounts reserved for later payment of claims 8211 in theory for a relatively few claimants 8211 and for overhead costs. So long as an insurer maintains adequate funds set aside for anticipated losses (called reserves), the remaining margin is an insurers profit. Social effects Insurance can have various effects on society through the way that it changes who bears the cost of losses and damage. On one hand it can increase fraud on the other it can help societies and individuals prepare for catastrophes and mitigate the effects of catastrophes on both households and societies. Insurance can influence the probability of losses through moral hazard, insurance fraud, and preventive steps by the insurance company. Insurance scholars have typically used moral hazard to refer to the increased loss due to unintentional carelessness and insurance fraud to refer to increased risk due to intentional carelessness or indifference.21 Insurers attempt to address carelessness through inspections, policy provisions requiring certain types of maintenance, and possible discounts for loss mitigation efforts. While in theory insurers could encourage investment in loss reduction, some commentators have argued that in practice insurers had historically not aggressively pursued loss control measures8212particularly to prevent disaster losses such as hurricanes8212because of concerns over rate reductions and legal battles. However, since about 1996 insurers have begun to take a more active role in loss mitigation, such as through building codes.22 Methods of insurance In accordance with study books of The Chartered Insurance Institute, there are the following types of insurance: Co-insurance 8211 risks shared between insurers Dual insurance 8211 risks having two or more policies with same coverage (Both the individual policies would not pay separately - a concept named contribution, and would contribute together to make up the policyholders losses. However, in case of contingency insurances like Life insurance, dual payment is allowed) Self-insurance 8211 situations where risk is not transferred to insurance companies and solely retained by the entities or individuals themselves Reinsurance 8211 situations when Insurer passes some part of or all risks to another Insurer called Reinsurer Insurers business model File:Accidents will happen William-H.-Watson-Universal-Star-Featurette-1922.webm Accidents will happen (William H. Watson, 1922) is a slapstick silent film about the methods and mishaps of an insurance broker. Collection EYE Film Institute Netherlands. Underwriting and investing The business model is to collect more in premium and investment income than is paid out in losses, and to also offer a competitive price which consumers will accept. Profit can be reduced to a simple equation: Profit earned premium investment income 8211 incurred loss 8211 underwriting expenses. Insurers make money in two ways: Through underwriting, the process by which insurers select the risks to insure and decide how much in premiums to charge for accepting those risks By investing the premiums they collect from insured parties The most complicated aspect of the insurance business is the actuarial science of ratemaking (price-setting) of policies, which uses statistics and probability to approximate the rate of future claims based on a given risk. After producing rates, the insurer will use discretion to reject or accept risks through the underwriting process. At the most basic level, initial ratemaking involves looking at the frequency and severity of insured perils and the expected average payout resulting from these perils. Thereafter an insurance company will collect historical loss data, bring the loss data to present value, and compare these prior losses to the premium collected in order to assess rate adequacy.23 Loss ratios and expense loads are also used. Rating for different risk characteristics involves at the most basic level comparing the losses with loss relativities8212a policy with twice as many losses would therefore be charged twice as much. More complex multivariate analyses are sometimes used when multiple characteristics are involved and a univariate analysis could produce confounded results. Other statistical methods may be used in assessing the probability of future losses. Upon termination of a given policy, the amount of premium collected minus the amount paid out in claims is the insurers underwriting profit on that policy. Underwriting performance is measured by something called the combined ratio, which is the ratio of expenseslosses to premiums.24 A combined ratio of less than 100 indicates an underwriting profit, while anything over 100 indicates an underwriting loss. A company with a combined ratio over 100 may nevertheless remain profitable due to investment earnings. Insurance companies earn investment profits on float. Float, or available reserve, is the amount of money on hand at any given moment that an insurer has collected in insurance premiums but has not paid out in claims. Insurers start investing insurance premiums as soon as they are collected and continue to earn interest or other income on them until claims are paid out. The Association of British Insurers (gathering 400 insurance companies and 94 of UK insurance services) has almost 20 of the investments in the London Stock Exchange.25 In the United States, the underwriting loss of property and casualty insurance companies was 142.3 billion in the five years ending 2003. But overall profit for the same period was 68.4 billion, as the result of float. Some insurance industry insiders, most notably Hank Greenberg, do not believe that it is forever possible to sustain a profit from float without an underwriting profit as well, but this opinion is not universally held. Naturally, the float method is difficult to carry out in an economically depressed period. Bear markets do cause insurers to shift away from investments and to toughen up their underwriting standards, so a poor economy generally means high insurance premiums. This tendency to swing between profitable and unprofitable periods over time is commonly known as the underwriting, or insurance, cycle.26 Claims Claims and loss handling is the materialized utility of insurance it is the actual product paid for. Claims may be filed by insureds directly with the insurer or through brokers or agents. The insurer may require that the claim be filed on its own proprietary forms, or may accept claims on a standard industry form, such as those produced by ACORD. Insurance company claims departments employ a large number of claims adjusters supported by a staff of records management and data entry clerks. Incoming claims are classified based on severity and are assigned to adjusters whose settlement authority varies with their knowledge and experience. The adjuster undertakes an investigation of each claim, usually in close cooperation with the insured, determines if coverage is available under the terms of the insurance contract, and if so, the reasonable monetary value of the claim, and authorizes payment. The policyholder may hire their own public adjuster to negotiate the settlement with the insurance company on their behalf. For policies that are complicated, where claims may be complex, the insured may take out a separate insurance policy add-on, called loss recovery insurance, which covers the cost of a public adjuster in the case of a claim. Adjusting liability insurance claims is particularly difficult because there is a third party involved, the plaintiff, who is under no contractual obligation to cooperate with the insurer and may in fact regard the insurer as a deep pocket. The adjuster must obtain legal counsel for the insured (either inside house counsel or outside panel counsel), monitor litigation that may take years to complete, and appear in person or over the telephone with settlement authority at a mandatory settlement conference when requested by the judge. If a claims adjuster suspects under-insurance, the condition of average may come into play to limit the insurance companys exposure. In managing the claims handling function, insurers seek to balance the elements of customer satisfaction, administrative handling expenses, and claims overpayment leakages. As part of this balancing act, fraudulent insurance practices are a major business risk that must be managed and overcome. Disputes between insurers and insureds over the validity of claims or claims handling practices occasionally escalate into litigation (see insurance bad faith). Marketing Insurers will often use insurance agents to initially market or underwrite their customers. Agents can be captive, meaning they write only for one company, or independent, meaning that they can issue policies from several companies. The existence and success of companies using insurance agents is likely due to improved and personalized service. Companies also use Broking firms, Banks and other corporate entities (like Self Help Groups, Microfinance Institutions, NGOs etc.) to market their products.27 Types of Insurance Any risk that can be quantified can potentially be insured. Specific kinds of risk that may give rise to claims are known as perils. An insurance policy will set out in detail which perils are covered by the policy and which are not. Below are non-exhaustive lists of the many different types of insurance that exist. A single policy that may cover risks in one or more of the categories set out below. For example, vehicle insurance would typically cover both the property risk (theft or damage to the vehicle) and the liability risk (legal claims arising from an accident). A home insurance policy in the United States typically includes coverage for damage to the home and the owners belongings, certain legal claims against the owner, and even a small amount of coverage for medical expenses of guests who are injured on the owners property. Business insurance can take a number of different forms, such as the various kinds of professional liability insurance, also called professional indemnity (PI), which are discussed below under that name and the business owners policy (BOP), which packages into one policy many of the kinds of coverage that a business owner needs, in a way analogous to how homeowners insurance packages the coverages that a homeowner needs.28 Auto insurance Main article: Vehicle insurance A wrecked vehicle in Copenhagen Auto insurance protects the policyholder against financial loss in the event of an incident involving a vehicle they own, such as in a traffic collision. Coverage typically includes: Property coverage, for damage to or theft of the car Liability coverage, for the legal responsibility to others for bodily injury or property damage Medical coverage, for the cost of treating injuries, rehabilitation and sometimes lost wages and funeral expenses Gap insurance Main article: Gap insurance Gap insurance covers the excess amount on your auto loan in an instance where your insurance company does not cover the entire loan. Depending on the companys specific policies it might or might not cover the deductible as well. This coverage is marketed for those who put low down payments, have high interest rates on their loans, and those with 60-month or longer terms. Gap insurance is typically offered by a finance company when the vehicle owner purchases their vehicle, but many auto insurance companies offer this coverage to consumers as well. Health insurance Main articles: Health insurance and Dental insurance Great Western Hospital, Swindon Health insurance policies cover the cost of medical treatments. Dental insurance, like medical insurance, protects policyholders for dental costs. In most developed countries, all citizens receive some health coverage from their governments, paid for by taxation. In most countries, health insurance is often part of an employers benefits. Income protection insurance Workers compensation, or employers liability insurance, is compulsory in some countries Disability insurance policies provide financial support in the event of the policyholder becoming unable to work because of disabling illness or injury. It provides monthly support to help pay such obligations as mortgage loans and credit cards. Short-term and long-term disability policies are available to individuals, but considering the expense, long-term policies are generally obtained only by those with at least six-figure incomes, such as doctors, lawyers, etc. Short-term disability insurance covers a person for a period typically up to six months, paying a stipend each month to cover medical bills and other necessities. Long-term disability insurance covers an individuals expenses for the long term, up until such time as they are considered permanently disabled and thereafter Insurance companies will often try to encourage the person back into employment in preference to and before declaring them unable to work at all and therefore totally disabled. Disability overhead insurance allows business owners to cover the overhead expenses of their business while they are unable to work. Total permanent disability insurance provides benefits when a person is permanently disabled and can no longer work in their profession, often taken as an adjunct to life insurance. Workers compensation insurance replaces all or part of a workers wages lost and accompanying medical expenses incurred because of a job-related injury. Casualty insurance Main article: Casualty insurance Casualty insurance insures against accidents, not necessarily tied to any specific property. It is a broad spectrum of insurance that a number of other types of insurance could be classified, such as auto, workers compensation, and some liability insurances. Crime insurance is a form of casualty insurance that covers the policyholder against losses arising from the criminal acts of third parties. For example, a company can obtain crime insurance to cover losses arising from theft or embezzlement. Terrorism insurance provides protection against any loss or damage caused by terrorist activities. In the United States in the wake of 911, the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act 2002 (TRIA) set up a federal program providing a transparent system of shared public and private compensation for insured losses resulting from acts of terrorism. The program was extended until the end of 2014 by the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act 2007 (TRIPRA). Kidnap and ransom insurance is designed to protect individuals and corporations operating in high-risk areas around the world against the perils of kidnap, extortion, wrongful detention and hijacking. Political risk insurance is a form of casualty insurance that can be taken out by businesses with operations in countries in which there is a risk that revolution or other political conditions could result in a loss. Life insurance Main article: Life insurance Amicable Society for a Perpetual Assurance Office, Serjeants Inn, Fleet Street, London, 1801 Life insurance provides a monetary benefit to a decedents family or other designated beneficiary, and may specifically provide for income to an insured persons family, burial, funeral and other final expenses. Life insurance policies often allow the option of having the proceeds paid to the beneficiary either in a lump sum cash payment or an annuity. In most states, a person cannot purchase a policy on another person without their knowledge. Annuities provide a stream of payments and are generally classified as insurance because they are issued by insurance companies, are regulated as insurance, and require the same kinds of actuarial and investment management expertise that life insurance requires. Annuities and pensions that pay a benefit for life are sometimes regarded as insurance against the possibility that a retiree will outlive his or her financial resources. In that sense, they are the complement of life insurance and, from an underwriting perspective, are the mirror image of life insurance. Certain life insurance contracts accumulate cash values, which may be taken by the insured if the policy is surrendered or which may be borrowed against. Some policies, such as annuities and endowment policies, are financial instruments to accumulate or liquidate wealth when it is needed. In many countries, such as the United States and the UK, the tax law provides that the interest on this cash value is not taxable under certain circumstances. This leads to widespread use of life insurance as a tax-efficient method of saving as well as protection in the event of early death. In the United States, the tax on interest income on life insurance policies and annuities is generally deferred. However, in some cases the benefit derived from tax deferral may be offset by a low return. This depends upon the insuring company, the type of policy and other variables (mortality, market return, etc.). Moreover, other income tax saving vehicles (e. g. IRAs, 401(k) plans, Roth IRAs) may be better alternatives for value accumulation. Burial insurance Burial insurance is a very old type of life insurance which is paid out upon death to cover final expenses, such as the cost of a funeral. The Greeks and Romans introduced burial insurance c. 600 CE when they organized guilds called benevolent societies which cared for the surviving families and paid funeral expenses of members upon death. Guilds in the Middle Ages served a similar purpose, as did friendly societies during Victorian times. Property Main article: Property insurance This tornado damage to an Illinois home would be considered an Act of God for insurance purposes Property insurance provides protection against risks to property, such as fire, theft or weather damage. This may include specialized forms of insurance such as fire insurance, flood insurance, earthquake insurance, home insurance, inland marine insurance or boiler insurance. The term property insurance may, like casualty insurance, be used as a broad category of various subtypes of insurance, some of which are listed below: US Airways Flight 1549 was written off after ditching into the Hudson River Aviation insurance protects aircraft hulls and spares, and associated liability risks, such as passenger and third-party liability. Airports may also appear under this subcategory, including air traffic control and refuelling operations for international airports through to smaller domestic exposures. Boiler insurance (also known as boiler and machinery insurance, or equipment breakdown insurance) insures against accidental physical damage to boilers, equipment or machinery. Builders risk insurance insures against the risk of physical loss or damage to property during construction. Builders risk insurance is typically written on an all risk basis covering damage arising from any cause (including the negligence of the insured) not otherwise expressly excluded. Builders risk insurance is coverage that protects a persons or organizations insurable interest in materials, fixtures andor equipment being used in the construction or renovation of a building or structure should those items sustain physical loss or damage from an insured peril.29 Crop insurance may be purchased by farmers to reduce or manage various risks associated with growing crops. Such risks include crop loss or damage caused by weather, hail, drought, frost damage, insects, or disease.30 Earthquake insurance is a form of property insurance that pays the policyholder in the event of an earthquake that causes damage to the property. Most ordinary home insurance policies do not cover earthquake damage. Earthquake insurance policies generally feature a high deductible. Rates depend on location and hence the likelihood of an earthquake, as well as the construction of the home. Fidelity bond is a form of casualty insurance that covers policyholders for losses incurred as a result of fraudulent acts by specified individuals. It usually insures a business for losses caused by the dishonest acts of its employees. Hurricane Katrina caused over 80 billion of storm and flood damage Flood insurance protects against property loss due to flooding. Many U. S. insurers do not provide flood insurance in some parts of the country. In response to this, the federal government created the National Flood Insurance Program which serves as the insurer of last resort. Home insurance, also commonly called hazard insurance or homeowners insurance (often abbreviated in the real estate industry as HOI), provides coverage for damage or destruction of the policyholders home. In some geographical areas, the policy may exclude certain types of risks, such as flood or earthquake, that require additional coverage. Maintenance-related issues are typically the homeowners responsibility. The policy may include inventory, or this can be bought as a separate policy, especially for people who rent housing. In some countries, insurers offer a package which may include liability and legal responsibility for injuries and property damage caused by members of the household, including pets.31 Landlord insurance covers residential and commercial properties which are rented to others. Most homeowners insurance covers only owner-occupied homes. Marine insurance and marine cargo insurance cover the loss or damage of vessels at sea or on inland waterways, and of cargo in transit, regardless of the method of transit. When the owner of the cargo and the carrier are separate corporations, marine cargo insurance typically compensates the owner of cargo for losses sustained from fire, shipwreck, etc. but excludes losses that can be recovered from the carrier or the carriers insurance. Many marine insurance underwriters will include time element coverage in such policies, which extends the indemnity to cover loss of profit and other business expenses attributable to the delay caused by a covered loss. Supplemental natural disaster insurance covers specified expenses after a natural disaster renders the policyholders home uninhabitable. Periodic payments are made directly to the insured until the home is rebuilt or a specified time period has elapsed. Surety bond insurance is a three-party insurance guaranteeing the performance of the principal. The demand for terrorism insurance surged after 911 Volcano insurance is a specialized insurance protecting against damage arising specifically from volcanic eruptions. Windstorm insurance is an insurance covering the damage that can be caused by wind events such as hurricanes. Liability Main article: Liability insurance Liability insurance is a very broad superset that covers legal claims against the insured. Many types of insurance include an aspect of liability coverage. For example, a homeowners insurance policy will normally include liability coverage which protects the insured in the event of a claim brought by someone who slips and falls on the property automobile insurance also includes an aspect of liability insurance that indemnifies against the harm that a crashing car can cause to others lives, health, or property. The protection offered by a liability insurance policy is twofold: a legal defense in the event of a lawsuit commenced against the policyholder and indemnification (payment on behalf of the insured) with respect to a settlement or court verdict. Liability policies typically cover only the negligence of the insured, and will not apply to results of wilful or intentional acts by the insured. The subprime mortgage crisis was the source of many liability insurance losses Public liability insurance or general liability insurance covers a business or organization against claims should its operations injure a member of the public or damage their property in some way. Directors and officers liability insurance protects an organization (usually a corporation) from costs associated with litigation resulting from errors made by directors and officers for which they are liable. Environmental liability or environmental impairment insurance protects the insured from bodily injury, property damage and cleanup costs as a result of the dispersal, release or escape of pollutants. Errors and omissions insurance is business liability insurance for professionals such as insurance agents, real estate agents and brokers, architects, third-party administrators (TPAs) and other business professionals. Prize indemnity insurance protects the insured from giving away a large prize at a specific event. Examples would include offering prizes to contestants who can make a half-court shot at a basketball game, or a hole-in-one at a golf tournament. Professional liability insurance, also called professional indemnity insurance (PI), protects insured professionals such as architectural corporations and medical practitioners against potential negligence claims made by their patientsclients. Professional liability insurance may take on different names depending on the profession. For example, professional liability insurance in reference to the medical profession may be called medical malpractice insurance. Often a commercial insureds liability insurance program consists of several layers. The first layer of insurance generally consists of primary insurance, which provides first dollar indemnity for judgments and settlements up to the limits of liability of the primary policy. Generally, primary insurance is subject to a deductible and obligates the insured to defend the insured against lawsuits, which is normally accomplished by assigning counsel to defend the insured. In many instances, a commercial insured may elect to self-insure. Above the primary insurance or self-insured retention, the insured may have one or more layers of excess insurance to provide coverage additional limits of indemnity protection. There are a variety of types of excess insurance, including stand-alone excess policies (policies that contain their own terms, conditions, and exclusions), follow form excess insurance (policies that follow the terms of the underlying policy except as specifically provided), umbrella insurance policies (excess insurance that in some circumstances could provide coverage that is broader than the underlying insurance), and surplus lines insurance (policies written by non-admitted carriers).32 Credit Main article: Payment protection insurance Credit insurance repays some or all of a loan when the borrower is insolvent. Mortgage insurance insures the lender against default by the borrower. Mortgage insurance is a form of credit insurance, although the name credit insurance more often is used to refer to policies that cover other kinds of debt. Many credit cards offer payment protection plans which are a form of credit insurance. Trade credit insurance is business insurance over the accounts receivable of the insured. The policy pays the policy holder for covered accounts receivable if the debtor defaults on payment. Collateral protection insurance (CPI) insures property (primarily vehicles) held as collateral for loans made by lending institutions. Other types All-risk insurance is an insurance that covers a wide range of incidents and perils, except those noted in the policy. All-risk insurance is different from peril-specific insurance that cover losses from only those perils listed in the policy.33 In car insurance, all-risk policy includes also the damages caused by the own driver. High-value horses may be insured under a bloodstock policy Bloodstock insurance covers individual horses or a number of horses under common ownership. Coverage is typically for mortality as a result of accident, illness or disease but may extend to include infertility, in-transit loss, veterinary fees, and prospective foal. Business interruption insurance covers the loss of income, and the expenses incurred, after a covered peril interrupts normal business operations. Defense Base Act (DBA) insurance provides coverage for civilian workers hired by the government to perform contracts outside the United States and Canada. DBA is required for all U. S. citizens, U. S. residents, U. S. Green Card holders, and all employees or subcontractors hired on overseas government contracts. Depending on the country, foreign nationals must also be covered under DBA. This coverage typically includes expenses related to medical treatment and loss of wages, as well as disability and death benefits. Expatriate insurance provides individuals and organizations operating outside of their home country with protection for automobiles, property, health, liability and business pursuits. Legal expenses insurance covers policyholders for the potential costs of legal action against an institution or an individual. When something happens which triggers the need for legal action, it is known as the event. There are two main types of legal expenses insurance: before the event insurance and after the event insurance. Livestock insurance is a specialist policy provided to, for example, commercial or hobby farms, aquariums, fish farms or any other animal holding. Cover is available for mortality or economic slaughter as a result of accident, illness or disease but can extend to include destruction by government order. Media liability insurance is designed to cover professionals that engage in film and television production and print, against risks such as defamation. Nuclear incident insurance covers damages resulting from an incident involving radioactive materials and is generally arranged at the national level. (See the nuclear exclusion clause and for the US the Price-Anderson Nuclear Industries Indemnity Act.) Pet insurance insures pets against accidents and illnesses some companies cover routinewellness care and burial, as well. Pollution insurance usually takes the form of first-party coverage for contamination of insured property either by external or on-site sources. Coverage is also afforded for liability to third parties arising from contamination of air, water, or land due to the sudden and accidental release of hazardous materials from the insured site. The policy usually covers the costs of cleanup and may include coverage for releases from underground storage tanks. Intentional acts are specifically excluded. Purchase insurance is aimed at providing protection on the products people purchase. Purchase insurance can cover individual purchase protection, warranties, guarantees, care plans and even mobile phone insurance. Such insurance is normally very limited in the scope of problems that are covered by the policy. Tax insurance is increasingly being used in corporate transactions to protect taxpayers in the event that a tax position it has taken is challenged by the IRS or a state, local, or foreign taxing authority34 Title insurance provides a guarantee that title to real property is vested in the purchaser andor mortgagee, free and clear of liens or encumbrances. It is usually issued in conjunction with a search of the public records performed at the time of a real estate transaction. Travel insurance is an insurance cover taken by those who travel abroad, which covers certain losses such as medical expenses, loss of personal belongings, travel delay, and personal liabilities. Tuition insurance insures students against involuntary withdrawal from cost-intensive educational institutions Interest rate insurance protects the holder from adverse changes in interest rates, for instance for those with a variable rate loan or mortgage Divorce insurance is a form of contractual liability insurance that pays the insured a cash benefit if their marriage ends in divorce. Insurance financing vehicles Fraternal insurance is provided on a cooperative basis by fraternal benefit societies or other social organizations.35 No-fault insurance is a type of insurance policy (typically automobile insurance) where insureds are indemnified by their own insurer regardless of fault in the incident. Protected self-insurance is an alternative risk financing mechanism in which an organization retains the mathematically calculated cost of risk within the organization and transfers the catastrophic risk with specific and aggregate limits to an insurer so the maximum total cost of the program is known. A properly designed and underwritten Protected Self-Insurance Program reduces and stabilizes the cost of insurance and provides valuable risk management information. Retrospectively rated insurance is a method of establishing a premium on large commercial accounts. The final premium is based on the insureds actual loss experience during the policy term, sometimes subject to a minimum and maximum premium, with the final premium determined by a formula. Under this plan, the current years premium is based partially (or wholly) on the current years losses, although the premium adjustments may take months or years beyond the current years expiration date. The rating formula is guaranteed in the insurance contract. Formula: retrospective premium converted loss basic premium 215 tax multiplier. Numerous variations of this formula have been developed and are in use. Formal self-insurance is the deliberate decision to pay for otherwise insurable losses out of ones own money. This can be done on a formal basis by establishing a separate fund into which funds are deposited on a periodic basis, or by simply forgoing the purchase of available insurance and paying out-of-pocket. Self-insurance is usually used to pay for high-frequency, low-severity losses. Such losses, if covered by conventional insurance, mean having to pay a premium that includes loadings for the companys general expenses, cost of putting the policy on the books, acquisition expenses, premium taxes, and contingencies. While this is true for all insurance, for small, frequent losses the transaction costs may exceed the benefit of volatility reduction that insurance otherwise affords. Reinsurance is a type of insurance purchased by insurance companies or self-insured employers to protect against unexpected losses. Financial reinsurance is a form of reinsurance that is primarily used for capital management rather than to transfer insurance risk. Social insurance can be many things to many people in many countries. But a summary of its essence is that it is a collection of insurance coverages (including components of life insurance, disability income insurance, unemployment insurance, health insurance, and others), plus retirement savings, that requires participation by all citizens. By forcing everyone in society to be a policyholder and pay premiums, it ensures that everyone can become a claimant when or if heshe needs to. Along the way this inevitably becomes related to other concepts such as the justice system and the welfare state. This is a large, complicated topic that engenders tremendous debate, which can be further studied in the following articles (and others): National Insurance Social safety net Social security Social Security debate (United States) Social Security (United States) Social welfare provision Stop-loss insurance provides protection against catastrophic or unpredictable losses. It is purchased by organizations who do not want to assume 100 of the liability for losses arising from the plans. Under a stop-loss policy, the insurance company becomes liable for losses that exceed certain limits called deductibles. Closed community and governmental self-insurance Some communities prefer to create virtual insurance amongst themselves by other means than contractual risk transfer, which assigns explicit numerical values to risk. A number of religious groups, including the Amish and some Muslim groups, depend on support provided by their communities when disasters strike. The risk presented by any given person is assumed collectively by the community who all bear the cost of rebuilding lost property and supporting people whose needs are suddenly greater after a loss of some kind. In supportive communities where others can be trusted to follow community leaders, this tacit form of insurance can work. In this manner the community can even out the extreme differences in insurability that exist among its members. Some further justification is also provided by invoking the moral hazard of explicit insurance contracts. In the United Kingdom, The Crown (which, for practical purposes, meant the civil service) did not insure property such as government buildings. If a government building was damaged, the cost of repair would be met from public funds because, in the long run, this was cheaper than paying insurance premiums. Since many UK government buildings have been sold to property companies, and rented back, this arrangement is now less common and may have disappeared altogether. In the United States, the most prevalent form of self-insurance is governmental risk management pools. They are self-funded cooperatives, operating as carriers of coverage for the majority of governmental entities today, such as county governments, municipalities, and school districts. Rather than these entities independently self-insure and risk bankruptcy from a large judgment or catastrophic loss, such governmental entities form a risk pool. Such pools begin their operations by capitalization through member deposits or bond issuance. Coverage (such as general liability, auto liability, professional liability, workers compensation, and property) is offered by the pool to its members, similar to coverage offered by insurance companies. However, self-insured pools offer members lower rates (due to not needing insurance brokers), increased benefits (such as loss prevention services) and subject matter expertise. Of approximately 91,000 distinct governmental entities operating in the United States, 75,000 are members of self-insured pools in various lines of coverage, forming approximately 500 pools. Although a relatively small corner of the insurance market, the annual contributions (self-insured premiums) to such pools have been estimated up to 17 billion dollars annually.36 Insurance companies Certificate issued by Republic Fire Insurance Co. of New York c. 1860 Insurance companies may be classified into two groups: Life insurance companies, which sell life insurance, annuities and pensions products. Non-life or propertycasualty insurance companies, which sell other types of insurance. General insurance companies can be further divided into these sub categories. Standard lines Excess lines In most countries, life and non-life insurers are subject to different regulatory regimes and different tax and accounting rules. The main reason for the distinction between the two types of company is that life, annuity, and pension business is very long-term in nature 8211 coverage for life assurance or a pension can cover risks over many decades. By contrast, non-life insurance cover usually covers a shorter period, such as one year. In the United States, standard line insurance companies are insurers that have received a license or authorization from a state for the purpose of writing specific kinds of insurance in that state, such as automobile insurance or homeowners insurance.37 They are typically referred to as admitted insurers. Generally, such an insurance company must submit its rates and policy forms to the states insurance regulator to receive his or her prior approval, although whether an insurance company must receive prior approval depending upon the kind of insurance being written. Standard line insurance companies usually charge lower premiums than excess line insurers and may sell directly to individual insureds. They are regulated by state laws, which include restrictions on rates and forms, and which aim to protect consumers and the public from unfair or abusive practices.37 These insurers also are required to contribute to state guarantee funds, which are used to pay for losses if an insurer becomes insolvent.37 The subscription room at Lloyds of London in the early 19th century. Excess line insurance companies (also known as Excess and Surplus) typically insure risks not covered by the standard lines insurance market, due to a variety of reasons (e. g. new entity or an entity that does not have an adequate loss history, an entity with unique risk characteristics, or an entity that has a loss history that does not fit the underwriting requirements of the standard lines insurance market).37 They are typically referred to as non-admitted or unlicensed insurers.37 Non-admitted insurers are generally not licensed or authorized in the states in which they write business, although they must be licensed or authorized in the state in which they are domiciled.37 These companies have more flexibility and can react faster than standard line insurance companies because they are not required to file rates and forms.37 However, they still have substantial regulatory requirements placed upon them. Most states require that excess line insurers submit financial information, articles of incorporation, a list of officers, and other general information.37 They also may not write insurance that is typically available in the admitted market, do not participate in state guarantee funds (and therefore policyholders do not have any recourse through these funds if an insurer becomes insolvent and cannot pay claims), may pay higher taxes, only may write coverage for a risk if it has been rejected by three different admitted insurers, and only when the insurance producer placing the business has a surplus lines license.37 Generally, when an excess line insurer writes a policy, it must, pursuant to state laws, provide disclosure to the policyholder that the policyholders policy is being written by an excess line insurer.37 On July 21, 2010, President Barack Obama signed into law the Nonadmitted and Reinsurance Reform Act of 2010 (NRRA), which took effect on July 21, 2011, and was part of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. The NRRA changed the regulatory paradigm for excess line insurance. Generally, under the NRRA, only the insureds home state may regulate and tax the excess line transaction.38 Insurance companies are generally classified as either mutual or proprietary companies.39 Mutual companies are owned by the policyholders, while shareholders (who may or may not own policies) own proprietary insurance companies. Demutualization of mutual insurers to form stock companies, as well as the formation of a hybrid known as a mutual holding company, became common in some countries, such as the United States, in the late 20th century. However, not all states permit mutual holding companies. Other possible forms for an insurance company include reciprocals, in which policyholders reciprocate in sharing risks, and Lloyds organizations. Insurance companies are rated by various agencies such as A. M. Best. The ratings include the companys financial strength, which measures its ability to pay claims. It also rates financial instruments issued by the insurance company, such as bonds, notes, and securitization products. Reinsurance companies are insurance companies that sell policies to other insurance companies, allowing them to reduce their risks and protect themselves from very large losses. The reinsurance market is dominated by a few very large companies, with huge reserves. A reinsurer may also be a direct writer of insurance risks as well. Captive insurance companies may be defined as limited-purpose insurance companies established with the specific objective of financing risks emanating from their parent group or groups. This definition can sometimes be extended to include some of the risks of the parent companys customers. In short, it is an in-house self-insurance vehicle. Captives may take the form of a pure entity (which is a 100 subsidiary of the self-insured parent company) of a mutual captive (which insures the collective risks of members of an industry) and of an association captive (which self-insures individual risks of the members of a professional, commercial or industrial association). Captives represent commercial, economic and tax advantages to their sponsors because of the reductions in costs they help create and for the ease of insurance risk management and the flexibility for cash flows they generate. Additionally, they may provide coverage of risks which is neither available nor offered in the traditional insurance market at reasonable prices. The types of risk that a captive can underwrite for their parents include property damage, public and product liability, professional indemnity, employee benefits, employers liability, motor and medical aid expenses. The captives exposure to such risks may be limited by the use of reinsurance. Captives are becoming an increasingly important component of the risk management and risk financing strategy of their parent. This can be understood against the following background: Heavy and increasing premium costs in almost every line of coverage Difficulties in insuring certain types of fortuitous risk Differential coverage standards in various parts of the world Rating structures which reflect market trends rather than individual loss experience Insufficient credit for deductibles andor loss control efforts There are also companies known as insurance consultants. Like a mortgage broker, these companies are paid a fee by the customer to shop around for the best insurance policy amongst many companies. Similar to an insurance consultant, an insurance broker also shops around for the best insurance policy amongst many companies. However, with insurance brokers, the fee is usually paid in the form of commission from the insurer that is selected rather than directly from the client. Neither insurance consultants nor insurance brokers are insurance companies and no risks are transferred to them in insurance transactions. Third party administrators are companies that perform underwriting and sometimes claims handling services for insurance companies. These companies often have special expertise that the insurance companies do not have. The financial stability and strength of an insurance company should be a major consideration when buying an insurance contract. An insurance premium paid currently provides coverage for losses that might arise many years in the future. For that reason, the viability of the insurance carrier is very important. In recent years, a number of insurance companies have become insolvent, leaving their policyholders with no coverage (or coverage only from a government-backed insurance pool or other arrangement with less attractive payouts for losses). A number of independent rating agencies provide information and rate the financial viability of insurance companies. Across the world Life insurance premiums written in 2005 Non-life insurance premiums written in 2005 Global insurance premiums grew by 2.7 in inflation-adjusted terms in 2010 to 4.3 trillion, climbing above pre-crisis levels. The return to growth and record premiums generated during the year followed two years of decline in real terms. Life insurance premiums increased by 3.2 in 2010 and non-life premiums by 2.1. While industrialised countries saw an increase in premiums of around 1.4, insurance markets in emerging economies saw rapid expansion with 11 growth in premium income. The global insurance industry was sufficiently capitalised to withstand the financial crisis of 2008 and 2009 and most insurance companies restored their capital to pre-crisis levels by the end of 2010. With the continuation of the gradual recovery of the global economy, it is likely the insurance industry will continue to see growth in premium income both in industrialised countries and emerging markets in 2011. Advanced economies account for the bulk of global insurance. With premium income of 1.62 trillion, Europe was the most important region in 2010, followed by North America 1.409 trillion and Asia 1.161 trillion. Europe has however seen a decline in premium income during the year in contrast to the growth seen in North America and Asia. The top four countries generated more than a half of premiums. The United States and Japan alone accounted for 40 of world insurance, much higher than their 7 share of the global population. Emerging economies accounted for over 85 of the worlds population but only around 15 of premiums. Their markets are however growing at a quicker pace.40 The country expected to have the biggest impact on the insurance share distribution across the world is China. According to Sam Radwan of ENHANCE International LLC, low premium penetration (insurance premium as a of GDP), an ageing population and the largest car market in terms of new sales, premium growth has averaged 15821120 in the past five years, and China is expected to be the largest insurance market in the next decade or two.41 Regulatory differences Main article: Insurance law In the United States, insurance is regulated by the states under the McCarran-Ferguson Act, with periodic proposals for federal intervention, and a nonprofit coalition of state insurance agencies called the National Association of Insurance Commissioners works to harmonize the countrys different laws and regulations.42 The National Conference of Insurance Legislators (NCOIL) also works to harmonize the different state laws.43 In the European Union, the Third Non-Life Directive and the Third Life Directive, both passed in 1992 and effective 1994, created a single insurance market in Europe and allowed insurance companies to offer insurance anywhere in the EU (subject to permission from authority in the head office) and allowed insurance consumers to purchase insurance from any insurer in the EU.44 As far as insurance in the United Kingdom, the Financial Services Authority took over insurance regulation from the General Insurance Standards Council in 200545 laws passed include the Insurance Companies Act 1973 and another in 1982,46 and reforms to warranty and other aspects under discussion as of 2012.47 The insurance industry in China was nationalized in 1949 and thereafter offered by only a single state-owned company, the Peoples Insurance Company of China, which was eventually suspended as demand declined in a communist environment. In 1978, market reforms led to an increase in the market and by 1995 a comprehensive Insurance Law of the Peoples Republic of China48 was passed, followed in 1998 by the formation of China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC), which has broad regulatory authority over the insurance market of China.49 In India IRDA is insurance regulatory authority. As per the section 4 of IRDA Act 1999, Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA), which was constituted by an act of parliament. National Insurance Academy, Pune is apex insurance capacity builder institute promoted with support from Ministry of Finance and by LIC, Life General Insurance companies. Controversies Does not reduce the risk Insurance is just a risk transfer mechanism wherein the financial burden which may arise due to some fortuitous event is transferred to a bigger entity called an Insurance Company by way of paying premiums. This only reduces the financial burden and not the actual chances of happening of an event. Insurance is a risk for both the insurance company and the insured. The insurance company understands the risk involved and will perform a risk assessment when writing the policy. As a result, the premiums may go up if they determine that the policyholder will file a claim. If a person is financially stable and plans for lifes unexpected events, they may be able to go without insurance. However, they must have enough to cover a total and complete loss of employment and of their possessions. Some states will accept a surety bond, a government bond, or even making a cash deposit with the state.50 Insurance insulates too much An insurance company may inadvertently find that its insureds may not be as risk-averse as they might otherwise be (since, by definition, the insured has transferred the risk to the insurer), a concept known as moral hazard. This insulates many from the true costs of living with risk, negating measures that can mitigate or adapt to risk and leading some to describe insurance schemes as potentially maladaptive.51 To reduce their own financial exposure, insurance companies have contractual clauses that mitigate their obligation to provide coverage if the insured engages in behavior that grossly magnifies their risk of loss or liability. For example, life insurance companies may require higher premiums or deny coverage altogether to people who work in hazardous occupations or engage in dangerous sports. Liability insurance providers do not provide coverage for liability arising from intentional torts committed by or at the direction of the insured. Even if a provider desired to provide such coverage, it is against the public policy of most countries to allow such insurance to exist, and thus it is usually illegal. Complexity of insurance policy contracts 911 was a major insurance loss, but there were disputes over the World Trade Centers insurance policy Insurance policies can be complex and some policyholders may not understand all the fees and coverages included in a policy. As a result, people may buy policies on unfavorable terms. In response to these issues, many countries have enacted detailed statutory and regulatory regimes governing every aspect of the insurance business, including minimum standards for policies and the ways in which they may be advertised and sold. For example, most insurance policies in the English language today have been carefully drafted in plain English the industry learned the hard way that many courts will not enforce policies against insureds when the judges themselves cannot understand what the policies are saying. Typically, courts construe ambiguities in insurance policies against the insurance company and in favor of coverage under the policy. Many institutional insurance purchasers buy insurance through an insurance broker. While on the surface it appears the broker represents the buyer (not the insurance company), and typically counsels the buyer on appropriate coverage and policy limitations, in the vast majority of cases a brokers compensation comes in the form of a commission as a percentage of the insurance premium, creating a conflict of interest in that the brokers financial interest is tilted towards encouraging an insured to purchase more insurance than might be necessary at a higher price. A broker generally holds contracts with many insurers, thereby allowing the broker to shop the market for the best rates and coverage possible. Insurance may also be purchased through an agent. A tied agent, working exclusively with one insurer, represents the insurance company from whom the policyholder buys (while a free agent sells policies of various insurance companies). Just as there is a potential conflict of interest with a broker, an agent has a different type of conflict. Because agents work directly for the insurance company, if there is a claim the agent may advise the client to the benefit of the insurance company. Agents generally cannot offer as broad a range of selection compared to an insurance broker. An independent insurance consultant advises insureds on a fee-for-service retainer, similar to an attorney, and thus offers completely independent advice, free of the financial conflict of interest of brokers andor agents. However, such a consultant must still work through brokers andor agents in order to secure coverage for their clients. Limited consumer benefits In United States, economists and consumer advocates generally consider insurance to be worthwhile for low-probability, catastrophic losses, but not for high-probability, small losses. Because of this, consumers are advised to select high deductibles and to not insure losses which would not cause a disruption in their life. However, consumers have shown a tendency to prefer low deductibles and to prefer to insure relatively high-probability, small losses over low-probability, perhaps due to not understanding or ignoring the low-probability risk. This is associated with reduced purchasing of insurance against low-probability losses, and may result in increased inefficiencies from moral hazard.52 Redlining Redlining is the practice of denying insurance coverage in specific geographic areas, supposedly because of a high likelihood of loss, while the alleged motivation is unlawful discrimination. Racial profiling or redlining has a long history in the property insurance industry in the United States. From a review of industry underwriting and marketing materials, court documents, and research by government agencies, industry and community groups, and academics, it is clear that race has long affected and continues to affect the policies and practices of the insurance industry.53 In July 2007, The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) released a report presenting the results of a study concerning credit-based insurance scores in automobile insurance. The study found that these scores are effective predictors of risk. It also showed that African-Americans and Hispanics are substantially overrepresented in the lowest credit scores, and substantially underrepresented in the highest, while Caucasians and Asians are more evenly spread across the scores. The credit scores were also found to predict risk within each of the ethnic groups, leading the FTC to conclude that the scoring models are not solely proxies for redlining. The FTC indicated little data was available to evaluate benefit of insurance scores to consumers.54 The report was disputed by representatives of the Consumer Federation of America, the National Fair Housing Alliance, the National Consumer Law Center, and the Center for Economic Justice, for relying on data provided by the insurance industry.55 All states have provisions in their rate regulation laws or in their fair trade practice acts that prohibit unfair discrimination, often called redlining, in setting rates and making insurance available.56 In determining premiums and premium rate structures, insurers consider quantifiable factors, including location, credit scores, gender, occupation, marital status, and education level. However, the use of such factors is often considered to be unfair or unlawfully discriminatory, and the reaction against this practice has in some instances led to political disputes about the ways in which insurers determine premiums and regulatory intervention to limit the factors used. An insurance underwriters job is to evaluate a given risk as to the likelihood that a loss will occur. Any factor that causes a greater likelihood of loss should theoretically be charged a higher rate. This basic principle of insurance must be followed if insurance companies are to remain solvent. Thus, discrimination against (i. e. negative differential treatment of) potential insureds in the risk evaluation and premium-setting process is a necessary by-product of the fundamentals of insurance underwriting. For instance, insurers charge older people significantly higher premiums than they charge younger people for term life insurance. Older people are thus treated differently from younger people (i. e. a distinction is made, discrimination occurs). The rationale for the differential treatment goes to the heart of the risk a life insurer takes: Old people are likely to die sooner than young people, so the risk of loss (the insureds death) is greater in any given period of time and therefore the risk premium must be higher to cover the greater risk. However, treating insureds differently when there is no actuarially sound reason for doing so is unlawful discrimination. Insurance patents Further information: Insurance patent New assurance products can now be protected from copying with a business method patent in the United States. A recent example of a new insurance product that is patented is Usage Based auto insurance. Early versions were independently invented and patented by a major US auto insurance company, Progressive Auto Insurance (U. S. Patent 5,797,134) and a Spanish independent inventor, Salvador Minguijon Perez (EP 0700009). Many independent inventors are in favor of patenting new insurance products since it gives them protection from big companies when they bring their new insurance products to market. Independent inventors account for 70 of the new U. S. patent applications in this area. Many insurance executives are opposed to patenting insurance products because it creates a new risk for them. The Hartford insurance company, for example, recently had to pay 80 million to an independent inventor, Bancorp Services, in order to settle a patent infringement and theft of trade secret lawsuit for a type of corporate owned life insurance product invented and patented by Bancorp. There are currently about 150 new patent applications on insurance inventions filed per year in the United States. The rate at which patents have been issued has steadily risen from 15 in 2002 to 44 in 2006.57 Inventors can now have their insurance US patent applications reviewed by the public in the Peer to Patent program.58 The first insurance patent to be granted was 59 including another example of an application posted was US2009005522 risk assessment company. It was posted on March 6, 2009. This patent application describes a method for increasing the ease of changing insurance companies.60 Insurance industry and rent-seeking Certain insurance products and practices have been described as rent-seeking by critics. That is, some insurance products or practices are useful primarily because of legal benefits, such as reducing taxes, as opposed to providing protection against risks of adverse events. Under United States tax law, for example, most owners of variable annuities and variable life insurance can invest their premium payments in the stock market and defer or eliminate paying any taxes on their investments until withdrawals are made. Sometimes this tax deferral is the only reason people use these products. Another example is the legal infrastructure which allows life insurance to be held in an irrevocable trust which is used to pay an estate tax while the proceeds themselves are immune from the estate tax. Religious concerns Muslim scholars have varying opinions about life insurance. Life insurance policies that earn interest (or guaranteed fxNAV) are generally considered to be a form of riba61 (usury) and some consider even policies that do not earn interest to be a form of gharar (speculation). Some argue that gharar is not present due to the actuarial science behind the underwriting.62 Jewish rabbinical scholars also have expressed reservations regarding insurance as an avoidance of Gods will but most find it acceptable in moderation.63 Some Christians believe insurance represents a lack of faith and there is a long history of resistance to commercial insurance in Anabaptist communities (Mennonites, Amish, Hutterites, Brethren in Christ) but many participate in community-based self-insurance programs that spread risk within their communities.646566Free eBooks for Stock, Forex and Options Trading U. S. Government Required Disclaimer - Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Negoziazione di strumenti finanziari di qualsiasi tipo comprese le opzioni, futures e titoli hanno grandi ricompense potenziali, ma anche grande potenziale rischio. È necessario essere consapevoli dei rischi ed essere disposto ad accettarli, al fine di investire in opzioni, futures e mercati azionari. 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Tuttavia, prima di decidere di partecipare nel commercio di valuta estera (FX), si deve considerare attentamente i vostri obiettivi di investimento, livello di esperienza e propensione al rischio. Non investire denaro che non può permettersi di perdere. CFTC RULE 4,41 - RISULTATI DEL RENDIMENTO ipotetici o simulate hanno alcune limitazioni. A DIFFERENZA DI UN RECORD effettive prestazioni, risultati simulati NON RAPPRESENTANO trading reale. Inoltre, poiché i mestieri NON SONO STATI ESEGUITI, I risultati possono avere sotto-O-OVER compensato l'eventuale impatto, dei fattori di mercato certi, come la mancanza di liquidità. Programmi di trading simulato in GENERALI sono inoltre soggetti a FATTO CHE sono stati progettati con il senno di poi. NO rappresentazione sta facenda DI OGNI CONTO volontà o sia idonea a conseguire PROFITTI O PERDITE simili a quelli mostrati. UTILE NOTA BENE: Ogni sforzo è STATO FATTO per rappresentare accuratamente QUESTO PRODOTTO e il suo potenziale. 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