Sunday, 17 September 2017

Strategicon Forex

Dennis M Rady Dennis M Rady Nancy B Rady più. Vedi l'elenco completo. Si Chicago immobiliari notizie, dati e statistiche, le vendite di case e reale. Monofamiliare, 211 Wildwood Dr, NA, Dennis M Rady. North Aurora Centrale, -, -. Monofamiliare, 212 Wildwood Dr, NA, Timothy A Baker, North Aurora Centrale. 217 Wildwood Dr, North Aurora, Illinois 60542 offerto per 259.900. Dennis M Rady 210 Wildwood Dr Joseph M Ray e Janis, Investimenti Ray 209 Wildwood Dr Christopher Umile e Christine N Humble 208 Wildwood Dr. (13) V. Janet Croce, Joshua M. Rady. Frank W. Foss Jr. Charles Lyons, Timothy L. Macdonald, e Dennis J. Templeton nutrienti Isotiocianati covalentemente. Dennis R. Wenger, M. D. Dr. Dennis Wenger è una scheda certificata chirurgo ortopedico e. del Pediatric Ortopedia residenza e formazione Fellowship a Rady. Dennis D. Kim, M. D. MBA, è un endocrinologo scheda certificata e uno dei membri fondatori. University of California, San Diego - La Scuola Rady of Management Dr. Dennis Wenger, MD, Escondido, CA, chirurgia ortopedica. Prendi un libero sfondo report. Childrens specialisti Rady Childrens Hospital a Rady Cary j Rady Christopher Rady dennis m rady donna g. Rady frances p rady Jeffrey s. Rady joseph rady Joseph A. Rady Lindsey rady Matthew rady Michael. Essere sicuri di entrare in sintonia con Dennis e Callahan il Lunedi, maggio 21 alle 09:20 e. Bostons Greatest Moments baseball sotto il segno. Momenti buoni fare grandi ricordi. Dr. Dennis Wenger, MD, San Diego, CA, valutato 3,54 da parte dei pazienti. , Americhe Leading Vincitore di esperti, numero di telefono di pratica Sedi storia familiare Rady e le relative informazioni sulla genealogia 4 recensioni. Alcuni dati possono includere Rady. Dennis Rady Dennis Quaid William (nato il 9 aprile 1954) è un attore statunitense noto per i suoi ruoli comici e drammatici. Prima guadagnando l'attenzione diffusa nel 1980, la sua carriera. Rady (cognome) negli Stati Uniti identificare le persone Ricerca Database. Trova informazioni. Wayne Rady: Dennis Rady: Joanna Rady: Nichole Rady: Wendell Rady: Derek Rady: Joanne Rady Marie M. Rady, per il giudice Diane M. Palos Lawrence R. Loeb, per il giudice Cheryl S. Karner Valerie Brandeburgo, per il giudice Kathleen OMalley Dennis Pronto è su Facebook. Iscriviti a Facebook per connettersi con Dennis Pronto e altre persone che potresti conoscere. Facebook dà alle persone il potere di condividere e rende il mondo più. Dennis R. Wenger, M. D. Dr. Dennis Wenger è una scheda certificata chirurgo ortopedico e. del Pediatric Ortopedia residenza e formazione Fellowship a Rady. Dennis e Donna Pronto sono stati marito e moglie team di agente immobiliare a Century 21 Landmark. Fare clic su Analisi di Mercato per richiedere un libero (C. M.A.) comparata. Donna Dennis Pronto profilo aziendale a Chelmsford, MA. La nostra relazione sul profilo aziendale gratis per Donna Dennis pronto include informazioni di business come ad esempio contatti, vendite. Caricato da merrydown123 il Nov 29, 2007 suo stato un lungo periodo di tempo, ma ope ti piace Categoria: Musica Tag: Janet Kay Dennis Brown sì im pronto amanti del rock. Dr. Dennis M. Hansen. Director di Bay Laghi Battista Association Posizione. Pastori che erano in grado di colpire il suolo in esecuzione perché la Chiesa era pronto ad andare. Il abiti scandaloso e racconti tabloid garantiti Dennis Rodman fama molto tempo dopo aver finito in esecuzione con i Bulls e Pistons. Era in Messico circa cinque anni. Caricato da blackpanther9000 il 31 ott, 2008 AMANTI PER AMANTI Categoria: Musica Tag: amanti del rock Licenza: Standard YouTube licenza. 3 Mi piace, 0 Non mi piace. Mo Denis pronto a guidare i democratici legislative. Martin S. FuentesReview-Journal. Stato Sen Moises Mo Denis, D-Las Vegas. Notizie su Dennis M. Walcott. Commento e informazioni d'archivio di Dennis. dallo stato mostrare meno di un quarto dei citys laureati sono pronti. Mettere Behavioral Economics di funzionare - La Scuola Rady di. Si può ricordare uragani Dennis e Floyd cinque anni fa ha portato alla devastazione diffusa in. ARGYLE, M. (1981): La psicologia sociale del lavoro. Baltimora. LTJG ALBERT F. Musgrove. LTJG CRAIG H. RIGGS. LTJG RONALD G. Blankenship. LTJG DENNIS M. TOBIN. ENS STEPHEN G. RADY I11. ENS ROSS. Daniel A. Kosmatka, CPA, PFS Dennis W. DONNELLY CPA. 1 ° Globale annuncia che il Dr. Harry M. Markowitz, Ph. D. è stata impegnata come. il suo tempo tra l'insegnamento come professore a contratto presso la Scuola di Rady. 2012 POSNA poster poster programma 01 la biomeccanica. Patrick M. Riley, MD, Patrick M. Riley Jr. MD, Melanie Morscher, PT, Michael D Gothard, MS. Dennis R Wenger, MD. Children39s Ospedale Rady, San Diego, CA. Antonucci 2014 Leo H. Bender Vita Ruth Ann Perram Bilek Vita Wayne R. Bilek Vita Dennis M. Myrna Pasternak Pavilack vita Meredith Moeller Porter vita Veronica Mae Rady 2010 Donald. ltjg dennis m. Tobin ens stephen g. I11 rady ens ross a. Dunakin ens kevin m. Pfeiffer ens joseph s. Navratil ens steve d. Browne Messaggio del Direttore Dennis R. Wenger, M. D. Introduzione La primavera porta il David annuale. 18 casi complessi a Rady Childrens Hospital - San Diego sviluppo di nuove. Ospedale Rady Childrens, San Diego Ellen Roma, M. D, M. P.H. FAAP Associate. Dennis M. Styne, M. D. FAAP Professore di Pediatria dell'Università della California, Davis. Luglio 1989- giugno 1990, Amministrazione: David Sutherland, M. D. Scott Mubarak, M. D. Dennis Wenger, M. D. 2004-2008 Childrens Hospital di San Diego Consiglio di fondazione Stati 2002-2008 Rady. Vice direttore del personale C ARLA H ULTBERG. Capo Impiegato L ARRY B RADY. è non piccola parte delle chiamate che ricevo dal mio ufficio, e sono sicuro che la sua lo stesso per voi, Dennis e. un l ICIA m. g a ruffe. m. s.n. o cicatrice g uillamondegui. M. D. e Ileen m aloney - w ilensky. m. s.n. s tephanie b telaio. m. s.n. m. s ean g rady. M. D. e P eter d. L e R oux. M. D. Eric Mogilnicki John A. Valentino 2445 M Street, N. W. Washington, DC 20037 (202) 663-6000 Dennis A. Henigan Brian J. Siebel B RADY C INVIO DI P REVENT G La violenza delle Nazioni Unite 1225 Eye. New York Tom Lantos, California DENNIS J. Kucinich, Ohio E X O FFICIO Tom Davis, Virginia Henry A. Waxman, California L AWRENCE J. B RADY. Personale. ai sensi notare, a 14:00 Elisabeth K. Ecke Oliva M. Espin William Fanning, Jr. e Debra Fanning Dennis M. e. Il Gordon Betty Moore Foundation The Nature Conservancy QUALCOMM Incorporated Rady. Dati non disponibili (FoodFreedom) Agribusiness gigante Monsanto, che modifica geneticamente le piante a trasudare o tollerare pesticidi o per la produzione di seme non vitale, assunto i servizi della società di mercenari Blackwater per spiare gli attivisti, Jeremy Scahill relazioni. Una ditta di morte-tech sposa una squadra di successo. Questo è senza dubbio in risposta a un decennio di GM sforzi delle colture di sabotaggio in tutto il mondo. Dopo l'introduzione pubblicamente annunciato di colture geneticamente modificate nel 1996, i cittadini interessati hanno vandalizzato tali colture ogni anno da qualche parte sul pianeta. Diverse migliaia di piante geneticamente modificate sono state parzialmente o totalmente distrutte. (Vedi breve storia di seguito.) Blackwater è più noto per il suo massacro di piazza Nisour nel 2007. Diciassette civili innocenti sono morti quando sicari Blackwater hanno aperto il fuoco in una piazza del mercato occupato. La squadra di successo è stato poi assolto in un tribunale degli Stati Uniti. Scahill riferisce che attraverso la sua rete di aziende, Blackwater (ora Xe Services) spiato eo gruppi infilitrated contrapposte la Monsanto nel 2008 attraverso earily 2010. Egli scrive: Il rapporto tra le due società sembra essere stato solidificato nel gennaio 2008, quando Total Intelligence sedia Cofer nero viaggiato a Zurigo per incontrare Kevin Wilson, Monsanto responsabile della sicurezza per le questioni globali. Dopo l'incontro a Zurigo, Nero ha inviato una e-mail a altri dirigenti Blackwater, anche per l'allora presidente Erik principe ed ex ufficiale paramilitari della CIA Enrique Prado ai loro indirizzi di posta elettronica Blackwater. Nero ha scritto che Wilson capisce che siamo in grado di estendersi raccolta da internet, per raggiungere, per stivali sul terreno in base legittimo proteggere il marchio Monsanto. In vista del informazioni curve e insightheads up è ciò che sta cercando. Nero ha aggiunto che Total Intelligence si sarebbe sviluppato in qualità di braccio di Intel di Monsanto. Nero ha anche osservato che la Monsanto era preoccupato per attivisti per i diritti degli animali e che discusso di come la Blackwater potrebbe avere la nostra persona (s) in realtà unirsi al gruppo attivista (s) legalmente. Wilson ha confermato ha incontrato nero a Zurigo e che la Monsanto ha assunto Total Intelligence nel 2008 e ha lavorato con la società fino all'inizio del 2010. Ha negato che lui e nero discusso infiltrarsi gruppi per i diritti degli animali, affermando non vi era alcuna discussione. Monsanto ha detto solo informazioni a disposizione del pubblico è stata monitorata. Scahill scrive di Monsanto security manager Kevin Wilson: Ha sostenuto che Total Intelligence fornito solo Monsanto con le relazioni sulle attività di gruppi o individui che potrebbero costituire un pericolo per il personale aziendale o operazioni in tutto il mondo che sono stati sviluppati attraverso il monitoraggio media locali e altri pubblicamente informazioni disponibili. L'oggetto variava da informazioni riguardanti incidenti terroristici in Asia o sequestri in America centrale alla scansione del contenuto dei blog e siti web di attivisti. Tom Philpott di Grist nota: Posso confermare che la Monsanto ama mantenere un occhio vicino sui blog e siti web. Nel 2005, ho avuto la mia pausa di scrittore alimentare politica dopo un avvocato della Monsanto schiaffeggiato il mio blog, con la sua tutti i 30 lettori, con una lettera cessate-il-e-desistere. Monsanto ha alsoopenly impegnata con gli attivisti sul blog. Durante il mio mandato come Senior Editor a OpEdNews, proprietario del sito Rob Kall ha approvato l'adesione per Brad Mitchell, Monsanto capo delle pubbliche relazioni. Mitchell particolarmente focalizzata su articoli di Linn Cohen-Cole. (Vedi ad esempio i commenti sul disegno di legge sogno Monsanto, HR 875.) Cohen-Cole ha affermato che dopo che i suoi articoli a OEN hanno ricevuto l'attenzione diffusa, ha notato i veicoli di sorveglianza sulla sua strada. Tale decisione all'inizio del 2009 presso OEN a spillo le ire dei critici gastronomici. Hanno contestato un forum per la gente comune la concessione di parità di accesso a un multi-miliardi di dollari società che può pubblicare nei media mainstream, e assumere agenti psyops professionali come Burson-Marstellar. B-M rappresenta regimi genocidi, ha affermato il disastro non era così male Bhopal, promuove voto segreto il conteggio del software, ed è generalmente il go-to SpinDoctor per i mondi peggiori imprese. Con una larga maggioranza, i membri OEN condannato approvazione Kalls di appartenenza Monsanto, costringendolo a revocare esso. Due mesi dopo, nel maggio 2009, ha retrocesso eo vietati diversi radicali, tra cui quelli di noi che deride gli alimenti geneticamente modificati. In realtà, il mio esilio ha spinto la nascita di cibo Libertà, un sito web che comprende la copertura degli alimenti geneticamente modificati e Monsanto. Ma, indipendentemente dal numero di blogger che cerca di mettere a tacere, l'industria biotecnologica ha perso nella corte dell'opinione pubblica. Questo è il motivo per cui lobby per garantire alimenti geneticamente modificati non sono etichettati. Nemmeno Burson-Marstellar è stato in grado di superare la reputazione Frankenfood. GM Crop Sabotaggio in difesa della biodiversità, ma si mangia solo l'opinione pubblica che riguarda la Monsanto. Monsanto non ha ancora noleggio assassini di influenzare l'opinione pubblica. GM coltura sabotaggio, che ha avuto origine in Europa, è stato uno sforzo globale in corso almeno dal 1997. Nel 1999, Andrew Hund compilato diverse segnalazioni di colture GM sabotaggio in tutto il mondo, alcuni dei quali sono inclusi nella timeline di seguito. Basta concentrarsi sulla americano Gordon Rausser documentato migliaia di distruzioni di piante geneticamente modificate nel solo 1999. I cittadini di mira GM di mais, barbabietole da zucchero, girasoli, meloni, pomodori, noci e fragole. Gli attacchi si sono verificati nel Maine, Vermont, Minnesota, New York e California. Kathryn Brown ha riferito in Scientific American che nel 2000, nel Maine, predoni mezzanotte hacked giù più di 3.000 alberi di pioppo sperimentali. E a San Diego, i manifestanti fracassato sorgo e spruzzato vernice su muri a effetto serra. Quest'anno, Marcel Kuntz descritto 70 casi di colture GM sabotaggio in Inghilterra, Svizzera, Francia e Germania, dal 1999 al 2010. La cronologia che segue è una breve ma campionamento di tali azioni. Essa mostra una grande varietà di colture in vari continenti. E, si vede l'interesse senza fine a liberare il pianeta di questa tecnologia. (Troppo numerosi da elencare, i casi di colture GM sabotaggio negli Stati Uniti non sono inclusi. Vedere fonti sopra.) 1997 irlandese distruggere GM barbabietole da zucchero 1998 irlandese distruggono GM barbabietole da zucchero 1998 francese distruggere mais GM 1998 gli inglesi distruggono le colture GM su più di 40 separata trame 1999 contadini indiani bruciano GM di cotone 1.999 neozelandesi distruggere GM di patate 1.999 canadesi distruggere alberi GM 1999 gli inglesi distruggono mais GM 2000 gli inglesi distruggono mais GM 2001 gli inglesi distruggono mais GM 2001 brasiliani distruggere mais GM e soia 2001 gli inglesi distruggono sei campi separati di mais GM e colza 2.002 agricoltori indiani distruggono GM di cotone 2003 francese distruggere GM di colza (canola) 2004 attivisti Guyana Francese distruggono GM caffè 2005 francese distruggere 50 acri di mais GM 2006 tedeschi distruggono mais GM in diversi attacchi 2006 francese distruggere mais GM 2007 gli inglesi distruggono patate GM 2008 Brasiliani distruggere mais GM svizzero 2008 distruggere GM grano 2.009 svizzero distruggere grano GM 2009 islandesi distruggono GM orzo 2009 gli inglesi distruggono patate GM 2009 inglesi distruggere GM meli 2010 Swiss distruggere GM grano 2.010 spagnoli distruggere mais GM 2010 italiani distruggere mais 2010 francesi distruggere uve GM GM non tutti hanno il lusso di distruggere colture GM. In India, con un nuovo disegno di legge biotech noto come BRAI, le persone possono essere incarcerati e multati solo per trarre in inganno altri sugli OGM. Dal momento che l'intero biotechindustry si basa su informazioni fuorvianti (ad esempio una proteina-un gene, o che gli OGM sono sostanzialmente equivalenti al cibo normale), ci si deve chiedere se i dirigenti Monsanto otterrà un pass, mentre solo chi denigra gli tecnologia diventata thelawstarget. Altrove, il dissenso è stato raggiunto con la violenza. Il mese scorso a La Leonesa, Argentina, 100 teppisti hanno attaccato gli agricoltori locali che si sono riuniti per ascoltare una presentazione scientifica sulla tossicità del glifosato, l'ingrediente principale in Monsanto Roundup. Il governo provinciale Chaco aveva precedentemente riportato una triplicazione di tumori infantili e una quadruplicazione di difetti alla nascita nella zona nei dieci anni da quando l'espansione del glifosato e altri spruzzatura agrochimico in provincia. Monsanto, con l'assunzione di un esercito mercenario ed ex agenti della CIA, è mortale seriamente proteggere i suoi prodotti mortali. Eppure, questo contratto scredita ulteriormente l'azienda. Il pubblico può ora dipingere un quadro ancora più tetro della ditta che ci ha portato Agent Orange, PCB, rBST, DDT, aspartame e, ora, sicari. Fonte: Il cibo Libertà Related posts: Video: La Nazione Docs rivela Aziende Blackwater-Linked condizione Intel sicurezza per multinazionali come Monsanto, Chevron I diversi modi Monsanto sta mettendo semi normali fuori dalla portata un mese senza Monsanto erano un gruppo affiatato qui a joystick Divisione. Noi arent solo colleghi, ma amici che rimangono in costante contatto con l'un l'altro. Ryans vinto il nostro campionato Fantasy NASCAR tre anni di fila. James e Alexander dividere una casa galleggiante insieme su Puget Sound. Per anni Mitch e Dennis tag team djed una notte zouk a Dorchester. Brian e Gus scambiati barbe di unire le loro case per sempre. Im solo dicendo trattiamo l'un l'altro sul serio e con rispetto, preservando la facilità e la familiarità dei vecchi compagni di bevute. Questo non significa che noi non sono d'accordo, però, e accidenti fare sono d'accordo con Dennis in materia di vecchi giochi. Dennis Rodman dice che dovrà finalmente smettere di bere. Sì, avete letto il giusto titolo. Microsoft insiste sul fatto che i loro studi first-party sono superiori a Sonys e Nintendos. Se in qualche modo d'accordo, io non sono indovinando sei l'unico, ma consentire Xbox CFO Dennis Durkin da spiegare. EDIZIONE 10 del casa ufficiale del DWONGO SHOW, SLINK FUNK SOUL FUZED o) ESCLUSIVO DI SSRADIOUK House Of Dwongo impresa Sanna - Your Smile (HOD 2009 Promo) HOD (CDR) JCS impresa Marie Louise - 7 modi di amare (Jeremy Sylvester profonda Moods Vocal Mix) Amore HouseM Sadler impresa Amera Luce - mi Sollevare (Original Mix) MJS Re del Congresso Ron Paul sarà ospite del programma radiofonico Dennis Miller Mercoledì 30 maggio alle 10:15 CT. In ogni un giorno ho campo fino a 20 richieste di PR. Posso garantire che il 90 di loro hanno fatto la ricerca zero a scoprire cosa Sono interessato, scrive Howlett. Nel peggiore dei casi si suole hanno fatto una ricerca di base di Google per scoprire chi sono o dove i miei interessi laici. Nel 2008, questo è al di là inaccettabile, la sua criminale. così riporta la campagna di Ron Paul e lo spettacolo Dennis Miller. Melrose Place (CW) Premiere: Martedì 8 settembre, 9-10 pm time-slot Gara: Grande Fratello, NCIS: Los Angeles, Ballando con le stelle, il più grande perdente Fusioni: Katie Cassidy, la gente di San Francisco capire che Washingtons stabilimento elite e il Congresso ci hanno deluso. Im un uomo indipendente affari, un marito e un. Qualsiasi donna che sogna di possedere un cappotto di pelliccia brama un originale Dennis Basso, o almeno uno dei pezzi di eco-pelliccia che disegna per QVC. Ma mentre Basso è il go-to designer di socialites che hanno bisogno di cappotti di pelliccia di lusso, ha anche produce un'usura ready-to-. Prima della sua carriera NFL, Allen trascorso sei stagioni come allenatore college a Texas AM (assistente laureato) e Tulsa (allenatore secondario). Anche se Allens curriculum impone che hes probabilmente pronti per passare al livello successivo, si pretende molto a spiegare la sua filosofia. campione in carica Dennis Orcollo è tutto pronto per difendere la sua corona nel prestigioso. Im eccitato e allo stesso tempo sotto pressione dal momento che sono tutti aspettano me per consegnare. Ma Im pronto, ha detto Orcollo, una medaglia d'oro nello stesso evento del. Pronto per Bostons popchips campione-chip vuole pop tuo partito play-off ascoltare Dennis Callahan Mercoledì e Giovedi. ottengono i miei compagni di squadra aperto, ha detto. Im solo sempre meglio a tagliare ogni singolo gioco. Come quasi tutte le mattine, la giornata è stata programmata per iniziare intorno 05:00 a Dan Dennis casa Chandler Drive a sud-est. si calcola inizio l'inferno a camminare invece di prepararsi per il lavoro. La gente mi chiede cosa ho intenzione di fare, dice. Ma mentre gli studi continuano a mostrare che le donne stanno ancora facendo la maggior parte del lavoro intorno alla casa, gli uomini sono apparentemente più pronti a condividere il senso di colpa. da soli, ma abbiamo avuto un sacco più autonomia, credo. Im andando a ognuno dei miei giochi figlie di calcio. Dennis Allen: Numero uno, Im andando essere pesantemente coinvolti in tutti gli aspetti del. E ascolta, il suo non sarà un compito facile, ma erano pronti a rimboccarci le maniche e andare al lavoro e c'è un sacco di cose che può essere realizzato attraverso. Ora 21, dice shes pronto a tornare sotto i riflettori. Cosa vedere: Chi pensi che si è sulla NBC a 20:00 EST 19:00 CST Stasera è la stagione 3 premiere di chi pensi Tu sei Registrati celebrità iconiche come intraprendere una personale. Governatore Dennis Daugaard propone un fx annuale di 3.500 per. Il suo bello sapere che qualcosa Im appassionato è in forte domanda. E potrebbe arrivare a più persone appassionato a questo proposito, ha detto Carlson. Premi per matematica e scienze insegnanti. Im Certo la gente si renderà conto della verità una volta un paio di giochi hanno. i tifosi che iniziano con apertura Super League con Wakefield 2 Febbraio 2012 Widnes Vikings allenatore Denis Betts ammette la sua parte è eccitato e pronto per i club prima partita di Super League. Hampton, VA - 20 ottobre: ​​Dylan Smith di Randolph, Vermont, è pronto a fare grembi caldi durante l'azionamento NASCAR alle diversità Unire a Langley Speedway il 20 ottobre 2011. EDMONTON SUN Agenzia QMI Coach Heath MacKay ottiene la sua squadra Sherwood Park estrema pronto . Im un anziano scrittore a GreenBiz, che fa un grande lavoro produzione di eventi. 4 febbraio al 8:00 20 anziani e studenti, 18. Presentato da Amici del. SUNY trova troppi non è pronto per il college Newsday 2 settimane fa fuori degli USA Marine Corps caporale Kyle Carpenter (R) è pronta con il cerimoniale. Foto fornita da Walter Reed Army Medical Center, candidato presidenziale Richard M. Abbiamo bisogno di ottenere noi stessi pronti e non preoccuparsi di chiunque altro. Dobbiamo migliorare. Im sicuro che le Tigri stessi sono dubitare. Hanno giocato orribile giù per la. William Wattss Files Forex: tori Swissie pronti ad affrontare BNS bazooka MarketWatch 1 ora. Im molto felice, è un risultato molto sorprendente. A volte voi non vivere fino alla vostra. cose in corso, Rapides Parish Scuola soprintendente Gary Jones ha detto Bianco. Sono. lunga lista di manager di successo Fort Wayne che include Gary Jones, Randy Ready, Doug. North Devon Journal ha pubblicato Pronto a tremare quei cucchiai Si tratta di North Devon 3 giorni. Dennis e settimane Inge, Bob e Lynn Ouellette, e Don e Janet Gilbert (legato per. In effetti, la boutique Loewe a Madrid è un negozio dei miei preferiti (da sciarpe, cinture, a sbavare borse degne e ready-to-wear, hanno tutto), ma torna a casa in. Flags Great America è dovuto ad aprire questa primavera. vi preghiamo di attendere. la galleria sarà pronto. esperienza e know-how a Dick Clark Productions e Six Flags, insieme con la sua M. Grazie per dando una vita che aveva così tanto da dare. Grazie per aver lasciato una famiglia, persone care e di andare a Dio presto. Dio era pronto a prendere, ma era. distribuisce la forza della collisione su tutto il corpo, ha detto Dennis Durbin, MD sua VIDEOTAPE difficile tornare indietro, quindi cercate di non cambiare mai prima che siano pronti. stanno andando in Africa, si sta facendo, quindi basta accettarlo e lascia solo prepararsi. Im Dennis Michael con la Guida Tech. (FINE ) SYDNEY: Beh, essere di nuovo con Im non un vegetariano, ma una sorta di sospetto dovrei essere un vegetariano, e ora con il film pronto per l'uscita in sala, questo continuo senso di comunità... E i giocatori si preparano, PlayStation 2 sta arrivando la tua strada. (PAUSA COMMERCIALE). Im Dennis Michael con la Guida Tech. (VIDEOTAPE END) SYDNEY: domani su dello spettacolo. Web pubblicato su: 23:07 EDT (0307 GMT) WASHINGTON. attacco con armi biologiche e non è neanche lontanamente pronta. da Reps. Ike Skelton, un democratico del Missouri, e Dennis. Wolf Blitzer: preparatevi per una lunga notte elettori risultano in massa voto anticipato. La Sala Situazione Weeknights, 4-7 p. m. ET AC 360 Raw Politica Weeknights, 22:00 ET Questa è Doris Roberts di Tutti amano Raymond, e Im pronto a chattare. Ho iniziato la mia carriera professionale facendo estate stock a Dennis, Massachusetts. Ottenere l'accesso immediato a tutte le storie e video weve pubblicati sulla CNN nelle ultime 24 ore. Hi Dennis, la sua Ryan a New York. Quando non ti ha colpito il vostro ospite 14:00 voglio affermare per il record che. E 'ancora pronto Al bisogno il suono morso Bush that. Alliance Università firma MoA con l'Università di Dundee, Scozia, Regno Unito Alliance Università ha firmato un Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) con l'Università di Dundee, in Scozia, Regno Unito per promuovere l'eccellenza internazionale nel campo dell'istruzione superiore . Le due università hanno deciso di cooperare nelle aree di scambio docenti, lo scambio di studenti, la ricerca congiunta e di altri aspetti accademici. I programmi accademici di cooperazione come previsto nel MoA includono Diploma di laurea, corsi di master e di dottorato nei settori della Business Management and Engineering. Prossime Conferenze Internazionali e Doctoral Consortium organizedsponsored da Alliance dell'Università 04-05 Febbraio 2012 Pubblica economico Meltdown Era - Le sfide amp Strategie 17-19 giugno 2012 Global Information Technology Management Association Tredicesima Conferenza mondiale annuale di 27-29 luglio 2012 inaugurale AIM-AMA Sheth Fondazione di dottorato Consorzio 29-31 luglio 2012 seconda conferenza internazionale annuale sulle innovazioni di marketing nel mercati emergenti classifica per CNBC-TV18, recentemente pubblicato studio annuale classifica B-scuola con CNBC-TV18Indias migliori B-scuole 2012ranked Alliance University School of business come segue : La top 17 B-School in India complessiva superiore 6 ° B-School in India da legami internazionali Il top 8 B-School in India da Infrastructure Il top 10 B-School in India da Intellectual Capital sua una questione di orgoglio per notare che Alliance University School of business è classificata tra le prime 3 scuole di business in India del sud. Mercati emergenti: la differenziazione e la creazione di valore 1. Quali sono le preoccupazioni top-of-the-mente di marketing che si impegnano a fondo con i consumatori nei mercati emergenti ci sono tre principali preoccupazioni di marketing che si impegnano a fondo con i consumatori nei mercati emergenti. In primo luogo, i mercati emergenti sono estremamente diversificate, frammentato e locale. È pertanto difficile generalizzare che il consumatore. Quindi, marketing che vengono utilizzati per stendere piani di marketing normalizzati in base al prodotto, la promozione e il prezzo sono probabilità di fallire. In secondo luogo, nei mercati emergenti, la concorrenza è anche locale. Inoltre, è di solito dal settore non organizzato ed è molto costo competitivo. Pertanto, il produttore di marca organizzata deve imparare ad essere un marketer a basso costo con una migliore qualità di competere con successo con prodotti non di marca locale. Infine, la questione chiave in un mercato emergente è l'inadeguatezza delle infrastrutture e l'accesso al mercato. Spesso, i sistemi di distribuzione esistenti sono controllati da operatori storici e non sono in grado di magazzinaggio e di merchandising prodotti di marca. Pertanto, è spesso necessario per sviluppare la propria distribuzione e logistica e agenti. Questo è stato fatto con successo da operatori di telefonia mobile in tutto il mondo, tra cui l'India. Tra l'altro, questo è stato il punto di forza di molte imprese del settore pubblico indiani tra cui LIC, BSNL, India Post e ferrovie indiane, dal momento che hanno il compito di servire l'India rurale. indici di crescita economica 2. Emerging-mercato inesorabilmente superare quella delle economie avanzate e quindi ricevono la totale attenzione di studiosi, imprenditori e multinazionali simili. Ha una robusta crescita economica si traduce in ottimismo potenziale di marketing Quali opportunità strategica vedete esiste per multinazionali nei mercati emergenti Il futuro della società globali si trova con i mercati emergenti se sei un beni di consumo confezionati (CPG) società come Coca-Cola o Unilever o se sei un portatile produttore di telecomunicazioni come Samsung, Nokia o HTC o un operatore di telecomunicazioni come Vodafone. In realtà, Roberto Goizueta, alla fine degli anni presidente della Coca-Cola Company, alla domanda su come la Coca-Cola in grado di fornire una crescita del fatturato con l'invecchiamento della popolazione nei suoi mercati chiave come il Giappone e l'Europa, la sua risposta era semplice: se la Coca-Cola può aumentare consumi in Cina solo da tre bottiglie pro capite all'anno a 100 bottiglie pro capite all'anno, si può fornire come bene o meglio di crescita in questo secolo di quello che ha fatto nel secolo scorso. Questo ha portato la Coca-Cola a investire US6 miliardi di dollari in Cina e US4 miliardi in India, rispettivamente, in impianti di imbottigliamento. Questo futuro delle imprese globali nei mercati emergenti è la stessa come in altri settori come l'elettronica di consumo, produzione di energia, aerospaziale e anche in materie prime come l'acciaio, il rame e l'alluminio, come anche per le materie prime agricole come grano, riso e mais. 3. Effettuare i consumatori nei mercati emergenti comportano in modo diverso da quelli nelle economie avanzate Quanto bene hanno le ditte di affari nei mercati emergenti compreso la natura dei consumatori e soluzioni artigianali in risposta ai cambiamenti: sia in modo incrementale e radicalmente più di tempo i consumatori nei mercati emergenti hanno gli stessi bisogni di base e le aspirazioni degli altri. Tuttavia, ciò che manca sono reddito, l'accesso e know how. Pertanto, ciò che è necessario è quello di rendere i prodotti e servizi più economica e accessibile. Inoltre, è fondamentale per educarli soprattutto nelle zone rurali dell'India su come utilizzare moderni prodotti di marca all'interno del loro contesto. Ad esempio, come possono usare prodotti con fornitura di energia elettrica interrotta o la mancanza di acqua corrente. imprese commerciali nei mercati emergenti hanno iniziato a conoscere questo. Ad esempio, le aziende CPG hanno fatto lo shampoo più accessibili, offrendo in singole bustine uso. Oggi, essi hanno il più grande mercato in Messico e sono più redditizi. Allo stesso modo, quando la Coca-Cola ha introdotto una bottiglia più piccola al prezzo di Rs.5 in India, le sue vendite notevolmente migliorata. Infine, Avon Products ha sviluppato e investito in una propria distribuzione attraverso l'organizzazione di un milione di agenti in Brasile, anche nei villaggi remoti sul Rio delle Amazzoni. Il Brasile è ora Avons mercato più grande e più redditizio. 4. Quali sono gli strumenti di differenziazione non marketing utilizzare per connettersi e comunicare in modo creativo e coinvolgente con i consumatori nei mercati emergenti Gli strumenti tradizionali della ricerca e di promozione devono cambiare per accogliere analfabetismo e dialettali lingue basate. Con la portata universale di telefoni cellulari e telefoni intelligenti in particolare, di marketing li utilizzano come ascoltare i messaggi. Per esempio, c'è un app su Blackberry che consente tutte le persone nella rete di scattare foto ovunque si trovino e raccolgono informazioni sul comportamento di mercato, e di inviare a tutti in una volta. Questo approccio di base per l'osservazione e la condivisione di informazioni di mercato fornisce ulteriori approfondimenti rispetto ai tradizionali intuizioni dei consumatori attraverso analisi dei dati a terra. Allo stesso modo, i marketers stanno utilizzando sia la tecnologia mobile e di marketing basato su eventi per accogliere la mancanza di mezzi di comunicazione nei mercati rurali. Sono inoltre impegnati iniziative Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) per legare con i loro clienti. 5. Ben più di tre miliardi di persone abitano i mercati emergenti, il che lo rende il più grande agglomerato singolo dei consumatori. Come marketing suscitano e spingere i consumatori a partecipare al processo di marketing ci sono driver universali di cognizione dei consumatori che trovano diffusa applicabilità nel contesto dei mercati emergenti che aiutano marketing per ascoltare e capire i consumatori in modi superiori Hai ragione delle dimensioni di emergente mercati, che ora aspirano a diventare marchio consapevoli i consumatori della classe media. Si stima che la base della piramide (BOP) i consumatori che sono definiti come quelli che guadagnano meno di US 2 come reddito giornaliero (US700 all'anno) costituiscono un segmento di US4 miliardi di mercato il più grande di qualsiasi altro segmento demografico I driver universali sono la stesso: rendere il prodotto più accettabile, conveniente e accessibile rispetto la concorrenza. Ho appena pubblicato un libro con il mio collega Raj Sisodia, dal titolo I 4 Come di Marketing (Routledge, 2011), articolando su questo concetto con carter su più di 600 progetti di ricerca e casi di studio, che sono stati effettuati dal nostro MBA ed Executive MBA studenti. 6. Quanto successo sono stati in marketing identificare e rispondere alle esigenze dei consumatori nei mercati emergenti, in particolare per quanto queste esigenze possono essere scarsamente articolati, o, in alternativa, non articolate a tutti i venditori sono sempre meglio a comprendere i mercati emergenti per due motivi. Differenziazione e creazione di valore Stanno diventando mainstream e di base per il loro futuro: in primo luogo, i mercati emergenti non è più periferico alle loro società mercati emergenti sono. In secondo luogo, la mentalità coloniale sui mercati emergenti sta cedendo il passo ad una mentalità di innovazione inversa. Ad esempio, la General Electric ha deciso che, al fine di competere globalmente contro le multinazionali dei paesi emergenti, che hanno bisogno di conoscere il modo in cui innovare strumenti medici convenienti e accessibili. Ciò ha portato a RampD, innovazione e sviluppo di nuovi prodotti in Cina e in India con l'aspettativa che ci saranno i mercati globali per loro in altre economie emergenti come l'Africa, nonché i mercati trascurati nelle marketing di successo degli Stati Uniti sono ora impegnati in mercati emergenti immersion dai loro leader come parte del loro sviluppo della leadership. Also, they are promoting managers from emerging markets to become global leaders. This seems more prevalent among managers of Indian origin who have studied abroad and thereafter pursued professional careers in global corporations based in U. S. Europe, Japan and other foreign markets. 7. What are typical consumer characteristics in emerging markets What are the key lessons that global corporations can learn and implement to serve consumers better There are three typical consumer characteristics in emerging markets. First, these consumers are aspirational and seek to usher in the modern age by forming typical middle class households. They are, therefore, first time buyers of branded packaged products and services. Second, emerging market consumers are excellent savers, since there is no guarantee of the future. Third, they are very value conscious. Since these consumers have limited resources, they want to ensure that they get value for their money. This is often a problem for global companies who are in the premium segment and are unable or unwilling to offer products at more affordable prices. Finally, there is strong word of mouth communication among emerging market consumers especially in smaller towns and villages. There are also opinion leaders in those communities. It is, therefore, important for the marketers to be aware and sensitive to them. 8. What are the critical success factors for marketers in emerging markets Why do marketers fail and what lessons can be learned from the most celebrated of failures in emerging markets The key success factors for marketers in emerging markets are cultural sensitivity and perseverance. Most failures can be attributed to these two factors. Often, the companys brand name, logo, slogan or its promotion encounters issues of cultural sensitivity with respect to faith, gender or ethnicity resulting in market failures. Similarly, emerging markets require perseverance. It takes time to establish yourself and begin to get a return on your investment. It also requires long term commitment. In addition, political uncertainty creates great anxiety as it is seen happening with Arab nations in the Middle East. Many companies exit too soon and often regret it later. 9. How do marketers unleash the power of differentiation and value creation in emerging markets What are the key tools of differentiation for marketers and how effective are these strategies in ensuring the distinctness of market offerings The key tools of differentiation and value creation can be summarized in one phrase: think local, act local, especially in large diverse countries such as India, China, Brazil and Indonesia. You cannot go national in these markets. You must start regionally or locally. You must understand local brands and local distribution. You can then differentiate not as much in the factory as in the market. 10. How is value creation defined in emerging markets How can a marketer measure value creation Value creation is the same everywhere. Does the consumer or customer get more benefit than what is paid for: the greater the ratio, the better the value. In emerging markets, this does not happen with better performance but with better affordability. Therefore, value creation for emerging markets is making and marketing acceptable quality products but at affordable prices. 11. While simple and frugal innovations that offer tailor-made, socio-economic solutions to consumers have often proved to be successful in emerging markets, do marketers then need to redefine marketing innovation and its success in these markets Market innovations are already redefined in at least four ways. The first is reverse innovation as I mentioned earlier. The second is frugal innovation and the third, improvisation. In other words, it is an iterative process and similar to that of software development. You offer first generation innovations and improve on them constantly based on market experiences and feedback. Finally, the biggest issue facing emerging market development is sustainability. Therefore, the fourth area of innovation has to do with mindful production and consumption. 12. What are some of the exemplary marketing innovations that have endured in emerging markets, which are worthy of praise and emulation in other marketing contexts There are several exemplary innovations that have endured in emerging markets. The first one is Inca Cola, a soft drink in Latin America which survived competition from Coca-Cola. It became a cult brand. A second example is LIC and its offerings for life insurance in India. It has endured for more than fifty years. The third example is that of the telephone kiosks in India offered by the Department of Telecom (DOT) to franchisees in remote parts of India that have greatly enhanced connectivity in the hinterland areas. The key lessons are the same as stated before. Make products more acceptable, affordable and accessible. Of course, there are several well known jingles and advertising campaigns which have been successful in emerging markets over time. Happy Selling Sales and the salesperson may by definition and as per the pecking order in an organization be the underdog of the marketing function. But take a closer look and you might discover that in the changing dynamics between buyers and sellers, the relationship between marketing and sales has changed and it is now one of equals. Marketing is incredibly important. But if marketing goes wrong, it is often times sales that has to come to its rescue. In product marketing, marketers are all too familiar with situations where the grandest of marketing strategies come to naught and the products do not reach the target segment of consumer. While marketing managers can at best debate the next big marketing opportunity and come up with ideas that work in the medium or long term, it is the humble salesperson who takes the bull by the horns and through some brilliant moves, salvages what might include offloading products in new territories or to new customers at an attractive price. In situations such as these, it is sales that wins the day for the marketer When it comes to consumer insights, who else knows the consumers as intimately as the salespersonwho thinks, talks and breathes consumer. The most sophisticated of market research techniques are found to be somewhat deficient in capturing real-world insights of consumer perceptions and needsa process that the salesperson cancan initiate through mere intuition. Who else can establish deep bonds and enduring relationships with the customer other than the salesperson While brand campaigns and mass media advertising connect and communicate with consumers, these do so at an arms length and do not bond with the customer or even win trust and commitment to the same level of engagement as the salesperson. Is there a problem customer who can spread negative publicity and potentially cause serious harm to the companys reputation Count on your best salesman to negotiate the company out of complex situations and win difficult customers over. It may be astonishing but true that many a time, the public relations and client management expertise of the salesperson can surpass even that of the CEO Advertising may reach larger audiences, but could also be a high spend and high risk adventure. Sales are slower but more sure and measurable in the long run. However, companies that cultivate an excessive marketing bias and take decisions not based on a reality check with sales tend to commit costly mistakes. For example, the most sophisticated of market research techniques failed to appreciate true consumer perceptions and attitudes towards the mighty and invincible, Coca-Cola. A formula change based only on research and indifferent to the opinion of the salesperson resulted in a disaster for the brand. Similarly, multinational companies with an ethnocentric orientation paid a price for not designing products with features which were blindingly obvious as essential for Indian conditions: refrigerators needed door locks to prevent theft cars had to come with higher ground clearance and audio systems had to be louder Sales, is the sine qua non of marketing. It always had to be so. Sales management is today being increasingly viewed as mission critical for the success of the business venture. As an economy grows and competition intensifies, differentiation opportunities based on product, price or advertising strategies narrow. Therefore, effective personal selling becomes key to survival. In India, the last couple of decades has witnessed a journey from a sellers market to a buyers market and there has been a remarkable transformation in the manner in which organizations perceive the importance of the selling function. Selling is no more viewed as an adjunct to manufacturing or finance. Budgetary allocations for sales have been enhanced and there is an increasing emphasis on sales staffing, training and development across a spectrum of industries. Sectors such as insurance, retail, telecom, real estate and consumer durables are hiring salespersons in very large numbers with the size of the sales force in insurance and retail running into thousands. As the economy and consumption grow, these sectors require the maximum physical reach with millions of customers in large and expansive territories. It is reported that in the USA, 13 per cent of the work force is presently employed in sales. While no corresponding figure for India is available, the number is expected to be equally significant. Salespersons are no longer the unsung heros of marketing, with numbers being significantly elevated. In terms of titles, salespersons professional titles include designations such as business development executives, client relationship executives, customer acquisition executives and so on. Compensation in terms of salaries and incentives has also significantly risen for salespersons. What is more, sales effectiveness has been significantly enhanced through technology adoption across the function. Laptops and communication devices aid the salesperson to be in continuous touch with their managers where customer queries can be addressed in real time during the sales call. Additionally, DVDs, web sites and sales force automation software packages are excellent facilitators in improving sales effectiveness. The salesperson is now fully integrated with the rest of the organization and provides critical inputs and specifications to new product development and price point fixation. Marketing programs can only be implemented subsequent to a buy-in from sales. Salespersons represent the voice of the customer and the salesforce is even consulted on strategic decisions by members of a companys board, at times bypassing several levels in the organization. Henry David Thoreau may have believed that customers will beat a path to the company that makes the best mousetrap thus making sales redundant. But the agenda of companies has certainly changed since then. Customers are now inundated with choices, and parity on most marketing aspects is the norm. Marketers certainly need someone to tell customers why its mousetrap is better. That is why selling will continue to reign supreme. V. Sekhar is a professor in marketing at the Alliance School of Business. The Hypermarket Store Format: Store Design and Differentiation Value Sudarshan Seshanna Retailing ensures that customers derive maximum value from the buying process, relative to the cost of acquiring the merchandise. This involves crucial activities and stepsbreaking bulk, assortments, merchandising and category managementbefore the merchandise is placed in the hands of consumers for retail consumption. Retailers organize the availability of merchandise on a large scale and supply them to consumers on a relatively small scale. In the process, retail organizations provide the accessibility of location and convenience of timing, size of assortments as well as information and lifestyle support. When retailers perform these activities they create and deliver value solutions to consumers continuously, and this through a combination of service, price, accessibility and experience. Retail solutions aim at providing the last mile of connectivity that link brands with their consumers while delivering value at the most critical point of delivery: the last-three-feet-of-sale at the store. Four types of differentiated retail solutions are designed, developed and implanted into consumer segments by modern retail in response to articulated needs: premium lifestyle-based retailing lifestyle-based retailing value-based retailing and home retailing. This value spectrum reaches consumers in the form of product assortments and services with a major focus on the store, which becomes a point of differentiation. A highly competitive marketplace makes the marketing task of creating differential advantage on the basis of merchandise, price points, promotion and location, challenging and often difficult to innovate as most stores retail similar or complementary brands in a given line of trade. To enhance the differentiation value of store offerings, retailers attempt to maximize the synergy between tactical cues, messages and suggestions even while communicating these to shoppers to create and heighten the retail shopping experience to new levels of appeal and delight. The store environment has a significant impact on shopper behavior, which propels retailers to make considerable investments in store design, atmospherics and merchandise presentation. Atmospherics and floor space management are central to all retail formats and assume significant importance in the context of modern retailing as there is a positive correlation between shopping behavior and the physical store environment. The point of purchase settings and design elements of a store such as space, lighting, acoustics, air quality, dcor, comfort and cleanliness, impact on a shoppers mood to influence shopping behavior. The store environment can determine the amount of time shoppers spend in the browser mode of shopping and greatly facilitates the evaluation of store merchandise by the shopper, resulting in customer acquisition, retention, reduced cost of operations and higher floor space productivityall adding to the stores commercial bottom line. Store design and visual merchandising are critical elements of retail strategy, which seek to provide unmatched convenience value to target markets of consumers even as these build long-term differentiators in the trading area for the store and its brands. Design elements serve to enhance the appeal of store merchandise by creating the right ambience that aims at prolonging the shopping experience for customers by extending the time spent inside the store to explore and discover the variety of merchandise. Store merchandise on display is categorized under the following goods offerings: impulse, convenience, shopping and specialty. The layout and architectural design of a store varies in accordance with the type of store merchandise. In this context, the hypermarket format of a store is positioned as a market game changer in modern retail. The hypermarket not only stocks and retails food and groceries but apparel and general merchandise as wella store format essential for generating volumes and economies of scale for retailers. For example, HyperCITY, the Raheja group promoted hypermarket, differentiates itself from other hypermarkets brands (such as Big Bazaar) by offering different product assortments and quality merchandise, which include international brands, imported home ware and apparel. With the average store level profitability at 27 per cent, the hypermarket player seeks to drive profits margins further by becoming more relevant to consumer catchments with a better store mix of merchandise, increasingly comprising of private label brands in apparel, particularly kids wear and general merchandise. This is apparent from the skewed distribution of store level profits across merchandise categories: while food and grocery contributes to 57 per cent of HyperCITYs revenues, the category yields only 10-15 per cent in gross margins while ready-made apparel merchandise offer healthier margins in the range of 30-35 per cent. Private label merchandise categories in apparel are major margin drivers for the store as the supplies are sourced directly from vendors, which allows for better control over the costs of production and logistics. HyperCITY is confident of seeking profit margins in the range of 55 per cent on private label apparel and in creating distinct target markets for premium products but in limited shoppers catchments. For example, while HyperCITY has been able to gain unmatched market traction and success in trading areas such as Mumbai (Malad), Hyderabad and Bangalore (Whitefield), the consumer acceptability of the hypermarket brand is relatively evasive in cities such as Jaipur, Thane and Bhopal, which do not offer great catchments. With eight stand-alone stores, the retailer now plans new forays in Ludhiana, Bangalore, Ahmedabad and Pune. The flagship tenant-store of HyperCity in Bangalore is located in Royal Meenakshi Mall, which is situated in the southern suburb of the city and offers attractive trading areas that are well populated with upper income shopper catchments. Spread over 60,000 sq. ft. and merchandising over 44,000 stock keeping units, the store is accessible from two locations in the mall: the upper ground floor level faces the main entrance and the lower ground floor of the mall enables shopper traffic direct access to the basement parking areas. The store architecture is shopper friendly and is planned out in distinct department-type merchandise arrays: the lower ground floor displays grocery and home needs while the upper ground floor retails general merchandisecategories that include electronics, toys, apparel, furniture and sport equipment. The lower ground level draws strong shopper crowds as it retails the core categories for which shoppers travel to the destination: perishables and staples (grocery, fruits and vegetables) and household items. The store atmospherics for the interiors elements are characteristic of hypermarkets and clearly approximate to a free form store layout that provides an informal setting to shoppers while encouraging shopping and browsing behavior. The store is typified by a lavish and spacious space area planned in an asymmetrical pattern for merchandise display that is heightened by the lack of a false roofing, utilitarian dcor, basic tiling covering the floor and florescent tube lights that are fastened to the roofrunning through the length and breadth of the storeand spotlights that focus on the merchandise display The store relies on reinforcing the store image of hyper convenience, experience, quality and cost savings for consumers. The hypermarket format as manifest in HyperCity is fast emerging as the next level of interactivity and the destination of choice for the value shopper. Sudarshan Seshanna is a professor in marketing at the Alliance School of Business. Towards A Holistic Management Education G. K. Murthy Kothapalli Business education is at a crossroad. In a recent book with a similar title, Srikant Datar and his colleagues at Harvard Business School exhorted b-schools to rethink the MBA. They identified eight unmet needs in management education across a spectrum of skills ranging from knowing through doing to being: gaining a global perspective developing leadership skills honing integration skills recognizing organizational realities and implementing effectively acting creatively and innovatively thinking critically and communicating clearly understanding the role and most importantly, understanding the limits of models and markets. While analytical skills are celebrated in b-school portals, little effort is made to appreciate and inculcate equally critical integrative skills. Management education is being taught in silos, says noted Indian academic I M Pandey, hence underscoring the need for an integrative education. Look no further than the recent financial crisis and the once mighty and invincible nations and markets that are now left battered and bruised, to appreciate the importance of understanding the limits of models and markets. For instance, the impending burst of the US housing bubblethat eventually sent the global financial markets into a tailspinshould have been so obvious Was it not a clear case of irrational exuberance (a phrase originally quoted by Alan Greenspan and made immortal by Robert Shillers book with the same title on the dotcom bust) that blinded the financial institutions and policy makers to the potential multiplier effects of the phenomenon If only the bastions of financial prudence had paid heed to Peter Senges advice on the power of systems thinking in his seminal management book, The Fifth Discipline. Senges prescription of the five basic disciplines or component technologies of a learning organizationsystems thinking personal mastery mental models (building) shared vision and team learningis as relevant to todays business graduates. Particularly striking is his conceptualization of personal mastery where people live in a continual learning modethey never arrive. Finally, the being component of management education is identified by Datar and refers to the values, attitudes and beliefs that form managers worldviews and professional identities. Harvard Business School has recently announced the beginning of a great departure from its famed case study approach to a focus based more on ethics and teamwork. The change is motivated by the Schools desire to create leaders of competence and character, rather than those with connections connections and credentials. Do we need more instances of yesterdays heroes falling from gracea la Rajat Guptato wake up to the importance of personal integrity A few institutes such as the School of Inspired Leadership (SOIL) and some of the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) have rightly integrated ethics and spirituality into their curricula in a reflection of the growing consciousness of the need for character. In short, b-school curricula urgently needs an overhaul, and the process has begunwith two rounds of deliberations having already concluded this year at IIM-Ahmedabad and IIM-Calcutta towards laying the roadmap for management education in India. One only hopes for the emergence of a consensus in business academia on the way forward from here. G. K. Murthy is a professor in marketing at the Alliance School of Business. New International Collaborations Alliance University signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with the University of Dundee, Scotland, UK to promote international excellence in higher education. The two universities agreed to cooperate in the areas of faculty exchange, student exchange, joint research and other academic aspects. The academic programs for cooperation as envisaged in the MoA include Bachelors, Masters and Doctoral Degree courses in the areas of Business Management and Engineering. About Dundee University The University of Dundee is one of UKs top institutions for teaching and research over a broad range of disciplines and has 19,000 students and over 3,000 teaching staff. Dundee University is ranked 140th among the worlds top 200 universities in the Times Higher Education 2010-11, World University Rankings and features among the top ten UK universities for teaching and learning (Times Higher Education Student Experience Survey 2010). The University is organized in four colleges: Life Sciences Arts and Social Sciences Art, Science and Engineering and Medicine, Dentistry and Nursing. The School of Business Alliance University has signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with the Paris School of Business, Paris, France detailing academic collaboration. As part of the MoA, the two institutions agree to collaborate in the International MBA MBA in Luxury and Fashion Management MBA in Artistic Cultural Activities and Executive DBA programs. About Paris School of Business Paris School of Business is part of a larger network of schools, The Paris Schools of Management (Ple ESG). Founded in 1975, Ple ESG is a private institution made up of five Business School Units (ESG Management School, ESGCI, ESGF, MBA ESG, and Paris School of Business) which are located on four campuses in the heart of Paris. Paris School of Business is one of handful of schools, accredited to the highest International American academic standards, that offers the possibility for students coming from all over the world to study abroad in France (70 nationalities are represented at Paris School of Business) with specializations in international business and management, and in the heart of the largest integrated Economic Zone of the world, the European Union, with courses taught entirely in English, from Bachelor and Masters degrees, to Doctorate and Executive Education programs. International Faculty Alliance University continues its initiatives to invite and host renowned international faculty from around the world to teach its students. Recently, the School of Business hosted Dr. Denish Shah, Assistant Professor of Marketing, J. Mack Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University (GSU), USA. Dr. Shah is an Assistant Professor of Marketing and the Assistant Director of the Center for Excellence in Brand and Customer Management at the J. Mack Robinson College of Business. Dr. Shah has more than eight years of industry experience working with multinational corporations. His industry background, coupled with academic training in marketing, helps him to focus his research on issues that link marketing strategies to firm performance. Dr. Shahs research has been published in premier outlets such as the Journal of Marketing, Marketing Science, Journal of Retailing, Sloan Management Review, Marketing Research and the Journal of Service Research. His research publications have earned three best-paper awards and a finalist position for a practice prize competition. His doctoral dissertation has been recognized with an award at three major doctoral dissertation competitions. At Alliance University School of Business, Dr. Shah taught Direct and Database Marketing and International Marketing Research subjects to marketing specialization students. Postgraduate Program in Management (PGPM): Batch of 2009-2011 It was a rare pleasure to be a part of the joint program of Alliance University and University of Bedfordshire. I have been deeply enriched by both learning experiences. My faculty at Alliance University have helped me to develop strong conceptual clarity while my mentors at Bedfordshire facilitated in me critical thinking and application of subject-matter expertise to real-world scenarios. Also, a professional stint with the Co-operative Group, UK has helped in my understanding of the UK retail market and shopper behavior as well as the marketing strategies and supply chain management practices of retailers in this market. I express my deep gratitude to Alliance University for facilitating this great learning opportunity. Scholarship for International Programs Office of International Affairs, Alliance University recently announced the award of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) scholarships to two students of the School of Business (MBA, Batch of July 2011). The students, Shweta Tewari and Tapinder Kaur Raina, were selected as full-time exchange students to pursue the summer semester of 2012 at the Berlin School of Economics Law, Berlin, Germany. These students received the award of scholarships amounting to a total of 4,700 euros (Rs. 3, 25, 555 lakh). The University expresses its high appreciation on their achievement and hopes that they will perform exceptionally well in their semester abroad and bring laurels to the University. German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is a publicly-funded independent organization of higher education institutions in Germany. Each year DAAD and its Regional Branch Offices, Information Centers and faculty around the globe provide information and financial support to over 67,000 highly-qualified students and faculty for international research and study. The DAAD itself does not offer programs of study or courses but awards competitive, merit-based grants for use toward study andor research in Germany at any of the accredited German institutions of higher education. It also awards grants to German students, doctoral students and scholars for study and research abroad. Student Testimonals Studying overseas has always been my dream and I am thankful to Alliance University for helping me to take the first step through the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) merit scholarship. I am thrilled and eagerly looking forward to the exchange program at the Berlin School of Economics Law, Berlin, Germany. I am positive that my summer semester abroad will be a great learning experience for me. Tapinder Raina Merit scholar, Alliance University-German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) MBA, Batch of July 2011-13, Alliance School of Business I warmly thank Alliance University for providing me with this opportunity of studying abroad for a semester on the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) merit scholarship. Alliance has been instrumental in shaping my personality and career. I feel very motivated and extremely thrilled to be studying at the Berlin School of Economics Law, Berlin, Germany. Shweta Tewari Merit scholar, Alliance University-German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) I feel so fortunate to have been chosen as a recipient of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) scholarship. The student exchange program that I pursued at the Berlin School of Economics Law, Berlin, Germany was a life changing experience and greatly accelerated my learning curve. The international exposure, which was culturally enriching, helped to transform my personality too and made me a confident and independent person. Thank you Alliance University Akansha Palrecha Merit scholar, Alliance University-German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) MBA, Batch of July 2010-12, Alliance School of Business. Incredible India By Ilka Endress (Ilka was an exchange student at the School of Business from the University of Applied Sciences, Germany). My peers in Germany often asked me, why India and my response to them was simple: I love to explore new cultures and India is a country of cultural diversity. I am truly enamored by the multilingual, multi-ethnic and multicultural reality that is India where each state has its own culture, language and unique traditions. Moreover, India is among the fastest growing emerging economies in the world. Travelling to India and studying for an academic semester at Alliance University, Bangalore was a unique opportunity. I was able to satisfy my cultural curiosity and get insights into its business world. During my stay in India, time never stood still. I met a wide spectrum of people from diverse ethic and cultural backgrounds at Bangalore. I also travelled to explore and discover other parts of the country. India is a country of opposites. On the one hand, there is great potential and development and on the other, many people still live in poverty in rural areas. I was given the chance to participate in an exposure visit to a Bangalore-based NGO, Youth for Seva. For me it was a unique experience to visit rural India, interact with people living there and get an insight into their lives and daily challenges. At the NGO, I learned that every volunteer can make a difference. Volunteering is based on passion and it is love and happiness that you get in return that makes it worthwhile. Business managers should acquire social skills and initiate activities that are beneficial for society at large. Alliance University is located in the Indian city of Bangalore, Indias Silicon Valley and is truly an international city with a great cosmopolitan culture. Thanks to Alliance University, I was not only able to experience the diversity of Indian culture but also gain deep insights into its economy and business, which helped me to developed personally as well as academically. Additionally, the exchange program at Alliance University taught me the willingness to learn, experience and think across frontiers. Faculty Research Seminars Faculty research is a fundamental part of scholarly activity in any research university. Alliance University School of Business organizes several research seminars to encourage constructive dialogue about topics of importance to academics and to describe the essence of research questions and major findings of scholarly works published in peer-reviewed journals. The speakers include accomplished scholars from prominent universities world-wide and the members of the Alliance faculty. The Faculty Research Seminar series bring fresh perspective to the world of practical affairs in management, facilitate cross-school colleagueship and give faculty members of Alliance University and other international universities a forum for academic exchange. It also identifies the sometimes-less-than-obvious commonalities and complementarities among various departments and scholars. The Seminars open to all faculty and doctoral students, provide a forum for in-depth discussions on the latest research by high-impact faculty scholars. Select Faculty Awards Alliance University School of Business is committed to supporting a diverse community of faculty scholars who make a difference in their fields, inspire in the classroom, and serve as leaders in intellectual communities. Faculty members who publish papers in refereed journals or who publish books are recognized through awards which are announced and made known to all faculty members. Eight distinguished, full-time faculty members were selected as recipients of the Alliance Research Excellence Award 2011. These scholars compiled outstanding records of research achievement through the publication of papers in eminent scholarly journals. Recipients of the Alliance Research Excellence Award 2011 Shome. S. Techniques in innovative policy making: example of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act in India, International Journal of Public Administration, Vol. 34, No. 5, April 2011. Chavali. K and Zahid. Z. Impact of stock splits on stock price performance of selected companies in the Indian context, Afro-Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting, Vol. 2, No. 3, 2011. Janaki Ramudu. P and Parasuraman N. R. Growth in sales compared with changes in profitability and in working capital a study of the Indian pharmaceutical industry, International Journal of Accounting and Finance, Vol. 26, No. 1, October 2011. Singh. A, Dash. M and Rajan. M. Modes of rivalry between multinational and local enterprises in emerging economies, Alliance Journal of Business Research, Vol. 5, No. 1. Sathyapriya. P. Factors influencing brand preferences of passenger cars among existing car owners, International Journal of Marketing and Management Research, Vol. 2, July 2011. Sathyapriya. P. Retail service quality: a customer perception study, International Journal of Management Digest, Vol. 7, No.1, April-September 2011. Sreeleakha. P. An empirical study on an expatriates official, cultural and family problems with reference to Bangalore, India, International Journal of Research in Commerce and Management Vol. 2, Issue 9. Gopinath. M, Castelino. E and Iyengar. S. The Encounter, a case study published in Asian Case Research Journal, June 2011. Intellectual Contributions Alliance University School of Business has demonstrated its research-centric philosophy by laying an excellent foundation for pursuing its quest for knowledge creation and knowledge dissemination in all fields of importance as it moves towards shaping a fully integrated knowledge society. The School has ensured a sense of balance and a climate of collegiality that allows for important issues to be explored with the rigorous application of the full range of research methodologiesclinical, empirical and experimentalas appropriate to the needs of the problem under study. Alliance University places a high value on scholarly activities and intellectual contributions in basic, applied and instructionalpedagogical development research. Faculty members are encouraged to develop a broad view of intellectual contributions and to explore innovative forms of scholarly activity as well as to consider both traditional and new outlets for the dissemination of the results of that scholarship. Presented below are details of select faculty publications that have contributed to scholarship and intellectual thought. PUBLICATION CATEGORY: JOURNAL Dash. M, Dutta A. and Sabharwal M. Seasonality and Market Crashes in Indian Stock Markets, Asian Journal of Accounting Finance 2011, Vol. 3, No. 1. Abstract: The study examines the presence of seasonal effects in monthly returns and the effect of market crashes on monthly returns in Indian stock markets. The results of the research provide evidence for a month-of-the-year effect in Indian stock markets: particularly positive November, August and December effects, and a negative March effect. Further, the findings indicate that the incidence of market crashes reduces the seasonal effects. The paper can be accessed at:macrothink. orgjournalindex. php ajfaarticle view997885 PUBLICATION CATEGORY: BOOKBOOK CHAPTERS Sengupta D. and Ramadoss S. Employee Engagement, Biztantra, New Delhi, 2011. Sections of the excerpt (featured in the Hindu Business Line, August 12, 2011): Mr. N. R. Narayana Murthy, Founder of Infosys, once quipped that one of his worst fears was that the young employee who walked out of his campus at 5 p. m. one day would not turn up the next day. CEOs and HR managers agree that keeping employees engaged is the only way to keep them away from the companys exit doors. In their book, Employee Engagement, academician Debashish Sengupta and HR practitioner S. Ramadoss have demystified, defined, illustrated and strengthened the case for Employee Engagement (EE). The article can be accessed at: thehindubusinesslineopinionarticle2347571.ece PUBLICATION CATEGORY: POPULAR BUSINESS MEDIA Titus. R. Getting a Hold on Social Media, Hindu Business Line, March 14, 2011. Excerpt: The Mumbai Police, in a bid to connect with everyday people, hosted their Facebook page. But what they didnt expect was what people did. The Facebook page created to allow Mumbaikars to post pictures of traffic offenders saw them upload pictures of cops accepting bribes, riding bikes without helmets, and even describing in detail a few cops corrupt ways. But to the polices credit, they took the peoples response well and used it to better their own policing. This event serves as a warning to every organization that is, or wants to be on social media. Most firms seem to think that social media is about setting up a Facebook page or a Twitter account and ensuring there are a few posts or tweets on it. What they dont grasp is the changed communication dynamics that accompanies the adoption of a social media communication platform. There are five points that firms must internalize to understand this altered communication dynamic so that they can adapt. The article can be accessed at: thehindubusinesslinetodays-papertp-new-managerarticle1535273.ece Forthcoming International Conferences and Doctoral Consortium organizedsponsored by Alliance University February 4-5, 2012 Post Economic Meltdown Era - Challenges Strategies Organized by Banaras Hindu University in Association with the Association of Management Development Institutions in South Asia and Alliance University. June 17-19, 2012 Global Information Technology Management Association Thirteenth Annual World Conference Hosted by Alliance University School of Business. July 27-29, 2012 Inaugural AIM-AMA Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium Organized by the Academy of Indian Marketing - American Marketing Association and hosted by Alliance University School of Business. July 29-31, 2012 Second Annual International Conference on Innovations in Marketing in Emerging Markets Organized by the Academy of Indian Marketing and hosted by Alliance University School of Business. Faculty Development Program The world visionary thought leader, Dr. Jagdish N. Sheth visited the Alliance University campus recently and delivered a talk on the topic, What Does it Take to be a Great Research University He exalted Alliance Universitys virtues and discussed the Universitys aspiration to become one among the top 100 universities globally. To achieve this aspiration, Dr. Sheth shared his perspectives on how Alliance University must improve on ten critical success factors. Faculty, staff and administrators all came together to thank Dr. Sheth for his presence, insights and interaction. Dr. Jagdish N. Sheth is a renowned scholar and world authority in the field of marketing. His insights on global competition, strategic thinking and customer relationship management are considered revolutionary. Dr. Sheth is the Charles H. Kellstadt Chair of Marketing in the Goizueta Business School at Emory University, USA. Prior to this, he was a distinguished faculty member at the University of Southern California, the University of Illinois, Columbia University and the Massachussetts Institute of Technology. Professor Sheth has published more than 200 books and research papers in different areas of marketing and business strategy. Many of these are considered classic references. He has worked for numerous industries and companies in the United States, Europe and Asia, both as an Advisor and as a Seminar Leader. His clients include ATT, BellSouth, Cox Communications, Delta, Ernst Young, Ford, GE, Lucent Technologies, Motorola, Nortel, Pillsbury, Sprint, Square D, 3M, Whirlpool, Wipro and many more. He is also on the Board of Directors of several public companies including Cryo Cell International, Wipro Limited and Shasun Chemicals Drugs Limited. Faculty Development is essential to an institutions growth. Recognizing this imperative, Alliance University provides a number of initiatives for faculty members to improve their knowledge base, acquire proficiency in new areas, interact with peer groups and learn from experts. The Office of Dean in collaboration with the Office of International Affairs organizes various Faculty Development Programs for faculty and staff of the University. These programs build pride in the School enlighten faculty about what other scholar-colleagues are investigating inform curricular planning and encourage cross-disciplinary research dialogue. A faculty development program entitled Business Research Methods was conducted by the School of Business on December, 13 2011. The resource person of the program was Dr. Prashant Palvia, Joe Rosenthal Excellence Professor at the Bryan School of Business and Economics, University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG), USA. The program included deliberations on various research topics such as approaches to conduct research in business and management. While focusing on information systems research, Dr. Palvia explained how a variety of approaches including, qualitative and quantitative, case study and design science among others, could lead to useful additions to the literature. He also described a taxonomy of research models in information systems, which could be used as a guide to research in more general business and management topics. There were meaningful interactions with the 55 faculty participants who attended in the program and Dr. Palvia fielded questions that ranged from the practical value of research to the key aspects of a manuscript that journal editors consider when reviewing a paper for publication. Research scholars in the Doctoral Program of the School of Business also had the opportunity to interact with Dr. Palvia. Dr. Prashant Palvia is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Global Information Technology Management (JGITM), and is on the editorial boards of several journals. He has authored close to 100 articles in the top Information Systems and Business journals and has presented over 170 papers at international conferences. Global Perspective in MBA Curriculum Brand and Customer Management Concentration in collaboration with J. Mack Robinson College of Business Georgia State University, USA Todays competitive global business climate with global markets becoming more integrated and international corporations growing exponentially demands the need for global business knowledge. Through international collaborations, Alliance University School of Business is committed to providing students with tools and education to thrive in a global economy. To infuse global perspectives into the MBA curriculum, students specializing in the marketing area were offered an international certificate program titled, Brand and Customer Management Concentration in collaboration with J. Mack Robinson, College of Business, Georgia State University, USA. The certificate program involved the engagement of world-class faculty, researchers and innovators who delivered cutting edge information and provided experiential learning. The Certificate Program in Brand and Customer Management focused on the creation and management of profitable long-term relationships with customers. The subjects contained in this certificate program emphasized on the use of information and communication strategies in researching, selecting, entering and competing in global markets. The concepts and skills taught in the certificate program covered strategic business models for relationship marketing the acquisition and retention of profitable customers through direct and interactive techniques and the use of appropriate multichannel communications including growth-oriented innovation strategies for creating higher profits for the firm and greater degrees of customer loyalty as well as customer satisfaction among the profitable customers.

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